Progressive web apps indiapekerjaan


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    2,000 progressive web apps india pekerjaan dijumpai
    freelance apps
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    accounting freelance apps for malaysia

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    saya nak bina software untuk final project saya di politeknik tetapi tidak untuk final project saya di politeknik tetapi tidak tahu untuk siapkan lagi 50% dari project tersebut jadi saya perlukan bantuan software developer dari malaysia yang mahir dalam biadang ini untuk menolong saya . saya menggunakan unity untuk membina dengan memasukan 3d layout yang saya export dari matterport dalam bentuk .OBJ. dan saya stuck disitu .saya nak buat dia macam ni , bila buka apps tu dia akan keluar option untuk pilih bilik belajar di politeknik yang saya dah scan 3d dan automatik keluar kamera dan ada arrow pointing yang menunjuk arah ke pengguna dan juga kalau boleh ada sedikit robot kecik di setiap belik menerangkan fungsi bilik belajar/lab di aras 0 itu. saya harap encik dapat meno...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    ...perniagaan saya. saya mencari satu sistem yang mana saya boleh mengawal selia dan memantau sales report, sales comissent, stok report, restok sistem, sedikit hr management dan sales performance. sistem agent ini lebih kepada mobile aps. dia similar kepada pos sistem tetapi tidaklah terlalu komplikated. saya mahu sistem yang sangat simple tetapi sangat efektif. saya boleh design sendiri dalam design web ui melalui design ps5 untuk lebih detailing. terus terang saya mahukan data ini hanyalah untuk permulaan dan bukannya fully perfect base on budgetting dan sebagai titik permulaan perniagaan saya. Jika ianya mendapat sambutan pada permulaan idea ini, barulah saya sanggup melabur besar dan kita boleh follow up lagi. saya perlukan freelancer daripada malaysia kerana langguage yang...

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    ada projek opensource yang bagus di github, yakni whaticket, dan saya tertarik untuk mengembangkannya menjadi sass program,

    $283 Average bid
    $283 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya ingin mencari apps designer untuk buat satu apps ringkas untuk perniagaan kereta/motor sewa

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    Saya nak ada satu sistem yang boleh kesan produk yang masih belum jual di platform shopee

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    I want to create apps to facilitate my sales journey, from sales team to operation team..

    $191 Average bid
    $191 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    Aplikasi mobile untuk melakukan donasi online ke yayasan

    $572 Average bid
    $572 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Rebuild Existing Apps

    $17 - $17 / hr
    $17 - $17 / hr
    0 bida

    Hai En Adnan. Saya bercadang utk buat mobile apps utk food delivery platform seperti food panda n grab. Apps ini integrate dgn lalamove n my speed. Android and IOS.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya mahu sebuah apps android utk server pulsa otomax saya utk di gunakan di malaysia

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya butuh Team & Personil untuk maju ke sebuah project pemerintah yang harus melengkapi beberapa persyaratan berikut a. Satu (1) orang Ahli Programmer, yang mempunyai sertifikat MikroT...Programming. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S1) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer perguruan tinggi negeri atau perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah diakriditasi atau telah lulus ujian negara yang berpengalaman pada pekerjaan sejenis dan mempunyai pengalaman kerja total minimal 3 tahun. Detail Pekerjaan : WEBSITE - Website Dashboard - Task Management - User Management - Admin - side Development MOBILE APPS - Profile User - Profile Page - Background Sending - GPS Based Location Tracking - Live GPS Based locationTracking - Chatting Feature - Photo Location Based on Location Silahkan apply untuk yan...

    $1930 Average bid
    $1930 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Kami sedang membina pasukan programmer untuk membina mobile apps

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Saya ingin membuat mobile app untuk website yang sudah saya buat. Mobile app yang dibuat menggunakan mobile hybrid apps (Android dan IOS), bebas menggunakan framework apapun. Requirement : - Mobile apps unutk android dan ios (di-utamakan android) - Web service yang digunakan pada mobile apps - Diutamakan freelancer pada daerah Surabaya Saya menyediakan : - Server - Database - Website yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi - Mockup UI (berupa gambar)

    $367 Average bid
    $367 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    Merancang Mobile Apps Untuk Sewa Tempat Disertai Booking, dan Maps Agent. Jangan Lupa Menu Sign Up dan Sign In, Sebagai Client , Agent dan Penyewa Tempat. Warna Kombinasi Biru dan Putih Seperti (Traveloka)

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Daily reporting apps yang boleh update dan lihat report secara online guna apps, ada juga function untuk hantar report dan sedikit chart

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    urgent need for develop new mobile apps min req - Menguasai pemrograman mobile android/java back end/frond end (UI Mobile) min 1 tahun - Project Jangka pendek (estimasi pengerjaan 2-3 bulan) - Terbiasa dan mengerti development Life cycle, mengerti metodologi scrum - Bersedia on site di client min 2-3 hari dalam 1 minggu(update progress ke client) - domisili daerah jakarta Note : Fee per project disesuaikan menurut kemampuan

    $790 Average bid
    $790 Avg Bida
    25 bida

    Pembuatan mobile apps berbasis iOS agar dapat digunakan oleh pengguna iPhone. Mobile apps yang dibuat berfungsi reporting dan monitoring tim lapangan (sales,kurir,dll)

    $311 Average bid
    $311 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    mobile apps development utk lembaga kemajuan ikan malaysia untuk pengguna android + ios

    $416 Average bid
    $416 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Kami ingin membuat sebuah page untuk register user account baru bagi web apps kami, yang berisikan : 1. Penjelasan singkat tentang webapp kami 2. Form pendaftaran yang terhubung pada database di server kami dengan basis postgresql Page baru ini nantinya diharapakan designnya dapat menyesuaikan terhadap design website kami sebelumnya dan benchmark design kami yaitu ( dan ) Sketch awal page sudah kami buat, diharapkan penerima project dapat melakukan graphic design, pembentukan database, dan penggabungan page dengan website kami sebelumnya (yang mana perlu dilakukan dalam framework yang sama)

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Avg Bida
    6 bida
    SEO my Website
    Tamat left

    Require top 5 google india. Keywords- singapore malaysia tour package, singapore malaysia tour, singapore tourism packages, malaysia singapore tour package, singapore and malaysia tour, singapore and malaysia tour package, malaysia and singapore tour packages, malaysia singapore tour, singapore trip package, singapore tour package with airfare, singapore malaysia honeymoon package

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    We are a company that publishes websites on global startups, phone apps and also articles on technology and gadgets. We are looking out for writers who can write about startups/apps, emerging tech and gadgets. Minimum words: 400. The ideal candidate MUST have a good command over English (US),MUST love writing about the above-mentioned subjects, SHOULD be able to deliver the report in turn around time of half-a-day (12 hours) and should be available for communication over email or chat. He/she MUST know WordPress. While initially, we shall provide the name of the startup/app, or even the assignment, after a while, the candidate must be able to search and shortlist startups that fit our websites' profile and editorial policy, and write about them. Candidates with initiativ...

    $693 Average bid
    $693 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    pembuatan website travel haji dan umroh, dan mobile apps (android) ... di website dan mobile apps customer dapat malakukan pemilihan paket dan menjadi member dan juga apabila sudah menjadi member berlaku point untuk system redeem

    $830 Average bid
    $830 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Kami mencari penulis artikel berita seputar dunia entertainment dan hiburan untuk kategori topik seputar film/drama korea terbaru, gosip artis yang sedang trend, film box office terbaru, serta berita terbaru seputar serial drama turki dan india yang tayang di ANTV seperti uttaran, veera, efsun dan bahar, serta kaali dan gauri. Penulisan artikel bisa menggunakan sumber referensi portal berita luar negeri (bhs inggris) dengan cara ditulis ulang dan dikompilasi dengan sumber lain menggunakan bahasa sendiri dan ditambahkan dengan opini dan komentar pribadi. Namun tidak boleh copas atau hanya translate. Bagi anda yang memiliki passion dalam topik tersebut dan bisa membuat sekitar 5-6 artikel per harinya (@500-600 kata) silahkan ajukan proposal anda disertai 1 contoh artikel yang o...

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Avg Bida
    8 bida

    Saya ingin membuat Aplikasi Ebook untuk Android saya berikan contoh " "

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    membuat aplikasi spt medsos dan chat. dan applikasi dpt di download d google play dan apps store

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    saya sudah punya website , dan saya ingin link web ke aplikasi mobile android & Ios. kebetulan saya sudah buat aplikasi mobile dari INSTANT APP MAKER , lumayan bagus tampilannya , tapi tidak sempurna dengan yang saya mau.. yang saya inginkan adalah 1. TAMPILAN , ada satu contoh aplikasi yang ingin saya ikuti tampilannya , namanya xxxxxxxxx bukan systemnya, nanti akan saya kirimkan aplikasinya , jadi tampilannya kombinasi aplikasi yang sudah saya buat dengan contoh yang akan saya kirimkan.. , ketika buka MOBILE APP , saya ingin kecepatannya sama seperti aplikasi xxxxxxxxxx. ,setiap saya update kontent dari web ,bisa masuk langsung ke dalam konten apps (graphic desain) masukkan gambar menarik,resolusi tinggi dan tidak melanggar hak cipta orang lain

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    To create a frequently answer question for mobile apps. The system must be intelligent enough to search the keyword in the database.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    nashik, Mahrashtra, India. 422001. Rahul Khole. 9168470285

    $152 - $456
    $152 - $456
    0 bida
    android apps
    Tamat left

    yo bro mau ikutan project kami di malaysia nggak ?

    $350 Average bid
    $350 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam kenal, Saya Adam dari Madfal Studio, ini list game Madfal Studio sebelumnya : saya ingin mengajak collab 2D Artist untuk membuat game dengan tema ramadhan yang sebentar lagi.. :) jadi kita Share revenue 50:50 untuk jenis art nya yg flat unyu2 :3 semacam ini : jika berkanan bisa langsung contact saya di : super terima kasih

    $0 - $0
    $0 - $0
    0 bida

    Selamat siang mas, perkenalkan saya pandu dari perusahaan Crocodic Studio di Semarang. Saya ada project untuk pembuatan mobile apps berbasis ios mengenai dari telkom, dikarenakan seluruh resource programmer saya sedang full maka saya berniat untuk meng-hire Anda menyelesaikan project ini. detail UI ada di lampiran.

    $342 Average bid
    $342 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Selamat siang mas, perkenalkan saya pandu dari perusahaan Crocodic Studio di Semarang. Saya ada project untuk pembuatan mobile apps berbasis ios mengenai dari telkom, dikarenakan seluruh resource programmer saya sedang full maka saya berniat untuk meng-hire Anda menyelesaikan project ini. detail UI ada di lampiran.

    $324 Average bid
    $324 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    Tamat left

    bisa translate dari bahasa english ke myanmar , thailand , cambodia , vietnam , china , malaysia , philiphina , india dengan kosakata yang baik dan benar

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida
    Tamat left

    bisa translate dari bahasa english ke myanmar , thailand , cambodia , vietnam , china , malaysia , philiphina , india dengan kosakata yang baik dan benar

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    The project requires to research the internet and identify "Architects" in Asian Countries including - India, China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, South Korea, and the Philippines. The scope requires to collect the contact details of the architects in each firm and compile those details on the attached spreadsheet. The format is CSV. The most important contact is the email address. Final files shall be screened for duplicates. The duration of the project is 5 days or sooner. Payment is due upon completion of the file and when an invoice is submitted for payment.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    Nak buat GPS Tracking apps untuk android. GPS tuu digunakan untuk tracking barang yang hilang. Saya tak boleh bagi much information kat sini tapi bagi sesiapa yang boleh buat apps ni please directly email saya.

    $1092 Average bid
    $1092 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin membuat web api dengan menggunakan java untuk sinkronisasi data antara database mysql dengan mobile apps

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya ingin membuat IOS & Android Apps untuk perusahaan kami, dicari yang dapat memenuhi kriteria ini untuk menghubungi Antony di 085697058133

    min $3250
    min $3250
    0 bida

    We are looking for a developer to assist with support for iPad or Samsung tablet. Our requirement is that when the device is powered on, our app should ALWAYS launch automatically. All other apps should be removed, so only our app is visible, and it should always start automatically upon device startup. Please let us know if you can solve this, and if there are any specific requirements regarding either iPad or Samsung.

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Avg Bida
    46 bida

    I'm in need of a straightforward web app where my small team can enter monthly data via a form. Key Features: - Data Entry: The app should have a user-friendly form for data input. - Data Access: Once the data is entered, users should be able to view, edit, delete and then share via email. 1) Master user can access the entire data from all users in one place. 2) Multiple user logins. 3) User Can create multiple locations. 4) Once data is inputted by the user for specific location then that specific data can be shared via email in table form. 5) Each location will have three tables. (Business No.1 / Vyapar No.1 / CPA (auto populate) 6) If possible, Master gets notification if each of location did not fill out monthly sales data by 15th of the month. (January Sales Data should...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    77 bida

    I'm launching a new business and I need an expert from India to help me create and run an Instagram ad campaign aimed at generating product sales. Key Requirements: - Set up an Instagram ads account from scratch, as I currently do not have one. - Identify and target specific audience segments based on their interests. - Create engaging ad content that will appeal to the target demographics, which include specific age groups and genders, hobbies and activities, and professional backgrounds. - Monitor the campaign performance and adjust strategies as necessary to optimize lead generation. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in running successful Instagram ad campaigns. - Expertise in audience targeting and ad content creation. - Strong understanding of the Instagram platform and...

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    I need a networking portal, designed for both web and mobile. The key features include: - An AI chatbot designed as Lord Krishna, offering scriptural guidance and storytelling. (Refrence ) - A messaging service connecting users with volunteers registered to answer their scriptural questions that the AI chatbot cannot answer properly. - A classified ads page for users to post products or services for sale based on their location. - A food marketplace page using geo-location for delivery or pickup options. The design aesthetic is colorful and Lord Krishna related, appealing to a diverse user base. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web and mobile app development. - AI and chatbot experience. - E-commerce platform development. -

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Avg Bida
    58 bida

    I need a freelancer to update and improve the language models of my Rasa bot, which currently interfaces with Telegram. The primary focus should be on enhancing the entity extraction capabilities of the bot. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ...currently interfaces with Telegram. The primary focus should be on enhancing the entity extraction capabilities of the bot. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Rasa framework - Experience with language model development - Familiarity with Telegram and other messaging apps - Strong understanding of entity extraction - Previous work connecting bots with multiple apps The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of improving bot functionality and can assist in preparing this bot for future connections with apps ...

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Avg Bida
    99 bida

    ...for code-signing, this is unnecessary. If you want to code-sign them that is fine, but please do not put any restrictions, such as time-limits or which version of macOS or FileMaker Pro I can use them. The plug-ins must work as flexible as Apple will allow through Xcode for at the life of the plug-ins (until such time as Claris decides to remove the plug-in feature from all future FileMaker Pro apps). Thanks, and good luck! Attached is a screenshot of the FileMaker Pro plug-ins folder showing how they are organised- plug-ins source code at bottom, FileMaker plug-in template in the middle, and general information at the top. Technically you should be able to open up a plug-in folder, find the Xcode project file, open it, and start building, but under Apple Silicon and latest Xc...

    $766 Average bid
    $766 Avg Bida
    13 bida

    ...Key Requirements: - Replace query parameters with path segments. For example, converting geo_address=Delhi+India to /delhi-India. - Replace all spaces in location or category names with hyphens. For instance, Delhi India should be converted to delhi-india. - Implement a consistent URL structure using the format /ads/[category]/[location]. Additional Aspects: - I need professional advice on whether to implement 301 redirects from old URLs to the new ones or if the old URLs can be discarded. - There are other query parameters that need to be converted to path segments, including category, price_range, date_posted, and location. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in SEO and web development. - Experience in URL structuring and server-side s...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Avg Bida
    30 bida

    I'm seeking a consultant to help navigate the legal landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on wha...obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verification requirements for online tobacco sales. - Skills in simplifying complex legal jargon into u...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Key Goals & Requirements 1. Company-Owned Devices • Secure Login • Restrict login to authorized employees only (e.g., domain-like login or equivalent through Azure AD/Intune). • Implement MFA or a similar method to reinforce secure logins. • Usage Restrictions • Block social media, streaming sites, and any inappropriate or non-business-related websites. • Allow only business-critical apps and websites (primarily Microsoft 365 suite and any other approved tools). • HIPAA Folder Protection • Some employees need HIPAA compliance for certain folders in SharePoint; ensure access is locked down and logs are recorded appropriately. 2. Personal Devices (BYOD) • Limited Company Data Access • We do not plan to enforce full MDM ...

    $75 - $150
    $75 - $150
    9 bida

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can integrate 25 different app APIs into my project. This includes the gemini natural language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification ...language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification center - A profile page Additionally, an Admin panel is required for overseeing the operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with API integrations - Proficiency in openai gpt API - Strong background in developing both mobile and web apps - Prior experience in creating admin panels - Excellent understanding of implementing ...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Avg Bida
    172 bida