Perl select text txt file printpekerjaan


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2,000 perl select text txt file print pekerjaan dijumpai

Buatkan saya file web judi togel dan saya beri upah

$10000 Average bid
$10000 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hai Bayu P., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Project untuk redesign company profile print (8-10 halaman)

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya sedang mencari orang yang bisa membantu saya untuk mengambar ulang gambar yang saya berikan untuk dijadikan file vekctor dengan resolusi yang high sehingga ketika di print hasilnya bagus dan tidak pecah dan blur

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
9 bida

Step 1: Pastikan anda lengkap dahulu 3D model untuk komponen yang anda mahu 3D Print. Step 2: Save as 3D Model tersebut dalam format .igs atau .stp

$93 Average bid
$93 Avg Bida
9 bida

Penulisan konten Penulisan artikel mengenai batik, eco print dan shibori

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
6 bida

Mencari luas, perimeter, keamatan dan jarak dlm imej ( file) utk project pengajian

$21 - $176
$21 - $176
0 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

$500 Average bid
$500 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya ada module auto select city dan one page check out. Module auto select city tersebut jalan di halam check out standard tetapi ketika saya menggunakan module one page check out tidak bisa jalan. Jadi saya perlu bantuan untuk menggabungkan kedua module tersebut.

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

...budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan...

$166 Average bid
$166 Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$735 Average bid
$735 Avg Bida
4 bida

...budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
10 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$607 Average bid
$607 Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya ingin decode/decrypt 1 file yg di encrypt/encode menggunakan ioncube. dan script harus berjalan/work seperti seharus nya

$104 Average bid
$104 Avg Bida
2 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

...(agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0 6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja ..... 7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset. 8. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 9. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset) 10. Jalankan program Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 11. Klik "MAIN", maka printer akan berproses, kemudian MP258 akan print satu halaman dengan tulisan " D=000.0 " 12. Klik " EEPROM Clear ". 13. Kemudian klik " EEPROM ", dan printer akan print hasil Resetter MP258. Salah satu barisnya tulisannya sbb: "TPAGE(TTL=00000 COPY=00000)" 14. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tom...

$8 - $29
$8 - $29
0 bida

Merubah 4 fungsi dari script, penomoran anggota yg terbalik, print out, download database, dan save and next Error.

$111 Average bid
$111 Avg Bida
2 bida

...pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freelancer perlu memasukan harga dalam web tsb dengan nilai 30+60+55 yaitu 145rb dimana harga per-kg 100rb, kurs dollar 10rb, dan mark up harga 55rb pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

mengedit tulisan yang di ketik oleh seseorang yang perlu di sutting sebelum di cetak atau di terbitkan ,,

$330 Average bid
$330 Avg Bida
7 bida
Develop Windows Program
6 hari left

I have a Python script I've written that works in comparing two files and getting statistics from it. o File #1 is the input where a user can enter their data. o File #2 is the master list where we are comparing a specific column from file #1 to another column in file #2. I need the output to print to a PDF with multiple different stats and visuals derived from the output (comparison between file #1 and file #2). In addition, we need a UI built for this simple program. I have a quick mockup build that I can share once you are selected. We'll also want to ensure that there is Legal verbiage/license agreement that is accepted. Lastly, the program should only work for 14 days as a trial and they should be guided to con...

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
19 bida

We are looking for a freelancer to create a textbook for students that covers the main sections o...analysis). The manual should contain a clear explanation of theorems, step-by-step examples, formulas and tasks for independent work. It is important that the material is accessible and understandable, with visualisation through diagrams, graphs and tables. Use Adobe InDesign or Canva for design. The language of the material should be academic, but simple for students. The manual should be ready to print and adaptable for the online course. The term of fulfilment is 4-6 weeks. The budget depends on the amount of work, approximately $500–$1000. Requirements: experience in creating educational materials, knowledge of mathematics at the level of university courses, ability to work ...

$208 Average bid
$208 Avg Bida
14 bida

...Requirements: - The captured screen images should be saved in PNG format. - The captured audio must be saved in MP3 format. - The extension should detect screen change and capture screen when changed - Ask for necessary audio permissions, list out microphones, show microphone status etc. - User will enter a project or select existing project to store screens and audio - Each start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills for this project include: - Solid experience with Chrome extension development. - Proficiency in screen and audio capture techniques. - Strong understanding of Ja...

$140 Average bid
$140 Avg Bida
59 bida

I need a skilled CAD professional to modify a DWG file by updating existing elements. The modifications primarily involve text annotations and dimensions. Specifically, the project requires updating the wording of certain text annotations. Please ensure you have experience with DWG files and CAD software, as well as a keen eye for detail to catch any potential discrepancies.

$28 Average bid
$28 Avg Bida
42 bida

I need assistance with an Archicad .pln file that needs to be split into five documents. Each document should zoom into the master plan and include a key like the master document. Requirements: - Splitting the provided Archicad file into 5 documents, each focusing on a zoomed area of the master plan - Each document needs to be A4 size output in PDF, with the orientation (landscape or portrait) determined based on what works best - Tidying and aligning street names, building names, landmarks, keys and symbols within each document to make them cleaner - Including a border for each zoomed area - Retaining existing scales - Each document should include a key and should be as close up as possible - Each file should be close up with a key that is in the corner The ideal f...

$149 Average bid
$149 Avg Bida
30 bida

...T-shirts (different designs), Hoodies, Jackets, Suits, Uniforms (Army, Sailor, Assassin, Convict, Janitor etc.), Tracksuit Files: 25-30 PNG files. 5) Head: a) Hairs Style (Different Types) b) Hats (Wizard, Pirate, Cowboy, Jester Hat, Beret, Sombrero, Witch Hat, Animal-Themed Hat, Halo, Chef’s Hat) c) Caps (Baseball, Beanie, Trucker Cap, Fisherman Cap, Visor Cap,) d) Bandana (Pirate Head Wrap, Skull-Print Bandana, Forehead, Side Tied) e) Helmets (Knight Helmet, Space Helmet, Motorcycle Helmet, Viking Helmet, Football Helmet, Samurai Helmet, Pilot Helmet) f) Crowns (Royal Crown, Tiara, Thorn Crown, Ice Crystal Crown, Halo Crown) g) Mythical (Gas Masks, Horns etc.) Files: 25-30 PNG files. 6) Eyes: Bored, Bloodshot, Angry, Lazy, Closed, Coins, Zombie, Laser eyes, Robot, Hypno...

$75 Average bid
$75 Avg Bida
9 bida

...import data from a specific TXT file on my computer and format it to match my PDF example. I currently pull the data from an IBM and it is saved on my windows computer as "AP Data." I then need to be able to open an excel workbook and run a macro that will import "AP Data" and format it so it matches the PDF example identically. All numbers in the excel worksheet after import need to be formatted as accounting so something that appears on the PDF Example as 7.50- will change to (7.50). The print area needs to match the PDF example. There are page numbers at the top right of each page and that needs to be how it prints in excel. Below is the generic instructions provided by freelancer. Requirements: - The macro should impor...

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
24 bida
Cinematic Video Editing
6 hari left

I have around 100+ small video clips from a bengali ritual that need to be professionally edited int...resonates with the intended audience. - Music selection: The video should include relevant, modern Bengali songs as background music. The ability to select appropriate songs and edit them seamlessly into the video is crucial. - Text and effects: The video should also incorporate relevant text and effects to enhance the viewing experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Professional video editing experience, preferably with a focus on cinematic style. - Strong understanding of Bengali culture and modern Bengali music. - Experience working with small video clips and editing them into a seamless final product. - Ability to select appropriate music, text a...

$14 Average bid
$14 Avg Bida
2 bida

Convert Photoshop file to stl format

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
1 bida design a high-quality, visually appealing, and professional catalogue and company profile for our export business. Project Requirements: Product Catalogue Design Design a sleek, modern, and export-standard product catalogue. Ensure a visually appealing layout with high-quality images, product descriptions, and specifications. Include engaging typography and well-structured sections. Provide print-ready and digital-friendly formats (PDF, AI, or other required formats). Company Profile Design Create a professional and engaging company profile. Highlight our company’s vision, mission, achievements, and export capabilities. Use a corporate yet creative design that aligns with our brand identity. Include relevant graphics, charts, and infographics where needed. Ideal Candi...

$116 Average bid
$116 Avg Bida
12 bida

...pickup addresses. 2. Vendor Dashboard Features: • Fetch and display real-time shipping options with pricing from Shiprocket. • Allow vendors to select a shipping option, generate and print shipping labels. • Let vendors manage the entire shipping process from the dashboard, including order status updates. 3. Order Processing & Status Sync: • Automatically push orders to Shiprocket when vendors mark them as “confirmed” or “processing”. • Sync order status updates from Shiprocket back to Pokketo via webhooks. • Ensure correct tracking details are updated on the customer’s order tracking page. 4. Additional Requirements: • Allow vendors to select a manual shipping option for local couriers (...

$281 Average bid
$281 Avg Bida
18 bida
Trophy icon Wall Art Vector Graphic Creation
3 hari left

...specific graphic into a scalable vector format (EPS). This will be used for wall art, so it needs to be precise and visually appealing. Please check the file "EXAMPLE" for the graphic. We need it exactly the same in vector file. - **Use**: The primary purpose of this vector graphic is for print media, specifically wall art. - **Existing Elements**: I have some of the elements in vector format, specifically icons. - **Style**: The overall style of the graphic is detailed, so a keen eye for intricate design is essential. Ideal candidates would have extensive experience in graphic design, particularly in creating vector graphics for print media. They should be proficient in using design software to manipulate and convert graphics into the appropri...

$50 Average bid
19 penyertaan
Trophy icon Realistic T-shirt & Hat Art Design
4 hari left

...talented graphic designer who can create a realistic style logo for my T-shirt and hat. The design should be suitable for printing on both the front and back of the items. Key requirements: - Expertise in creating realistic style designs - Experience in T-shirt and hat design - Ability to deliver a logo that is visually appealing and suitable for apparel - Proficiency in preparing designs for print Please include a portfolio of similar work in your bid. I need black and white version for hat and a color one with just white black red and brown I gave AI art as example wnt a classic western guitar with a jimi hendrix style musical noted and their name on either side the hat and front of shirt will have teh black and white and the back of tshirt will have a bugger in color guita...

$30 Average bid
17 penyertaan

... Description: We are looking for a skilled graphic designer who is fluent in both Arabic and English to help localize our Amazon product images and packaging design for the Middle Eastern market. We already have the English version, and we need a designer who can: ✅ Translate and integrate Arabic text while maintaining design aesthetics ✅ Adapt typography and layout for right-to-left (RTL) orientation ✅ Ensure compliance with Amazon’s image and packaging guidelines ✅ Provide high-quality, print-ready packaging files ✅ Optimize images for Amazon PDP (Product Detail Page), including infographics and enhanced A+ content Requirements: ? Experience with Amazon product image design and packaging design ? Fluent in Arabic & English (for accurate translation and cultur...

$279 Average bid
$279 Avg Bida
7 bida

I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a bright and colorful A5 double sided flyer for product information. The flyer should be visually striking and engaging, suitable for capturing the attention of a diverse audience. Key Requirements: - Design a vibrant and colorful flyer t...double sided flyer for product information. The flyer should be visually striking and engaging, suitable for capturing the attention of a diverse audience. Key Requirements: - Design a vibrant and colorful flyer that aligns with a product information theme. - Ensure the inclusion of contact details on the flyer. - The design should be double sided. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with a focus on print media. - Experience in creating product information flyers. - Ability to design in a 'Bright ...

$21 Average bid
$21 Avg Bida
65 bida
Poster design
6 hari left

...Decoration, Marketing, etc.] 2. Poster Size & Format Size: [A4, A3, 24x36 inches, Custom] Format: [Digital, Print, Both] 3. Target Audience [Describe the audience: Age group, demographics, interests, business type] 4. Design Style & Theme Style: [Minimalist, Bold, Vintage, Modern, Corporate, Fun, Artistic, etc.] Color Preferences: [Specific colors or brand colors] 5. Text & Content Headline: [Main message or slogan] Details: [Event date, time, location, offers, call-to-action] Should we help with wording? [Yes/No] 6. Images & Graphics Logos: [Attach if available] Photos or Illustrations: [Attach or specify stock/custom] Additional Elements: [Icons, patterns, QR codes, social media handles] 7. File Type Requirements Preferred formats: [PDF, PNG,...

$58 Average bid
$58 Avg Bida
26 bida

...Title: Design an Abstract Geometric Logo for the “AI Competence Team” Project Description: We are the AI Competence Team—a leading knowledge center for Artificial Intelligence and digital transformation. We are looking for a minimalist, purely geometric logo (no text or letters) that visually represents our focus on innovation, technology, and the synergy between humans and AI. What We’re Looking For: Abstract Geometric Symbol A strongly abstract, geometric icon that conveys the idea of AI, intelligence, and connection—without using text or letters. It should be modern, futuristic, and reflect our core values of innovation, reliability, excellence, customer-centricity, and ethics. Color Palette Primary Color: Deep Blue (#1E3A8A) Secondary ...

$88 Average bid
$88 Avg Bida
97 bida

I'm in need of a Revit professional to create a file for one of our ceiling lights. If the collaboration goes well, there will be more projects to follow. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of light fixture details and all the options in the Revit file - Ability to work from a provided specification sheet for design and material specifications Ideal Skills: - Expert level proficiency in Revit - Previous experience with lighting and/or mirror products - Ability to follow detailed specifications Please reach out if you believe you're a good fit for this project.

$23 Average bid
$23 Avg Bida
15 bida

I need an engineer to help place sidewalks on a print for a small area. The sidewalks will be made of concrete and designed in a straight line. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in civil or structural engineering - Experience with concrete sidewalk design and implementation - Proficiency with CAD or similar design software - Strong understanding of municipal sidewalk standards and regulations

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Avg Bida
42 bida

I need someone proficient in Photoshop to add new text onto a document. The new text must match the existing text in font and size. Key Requirements: - Expert level Photoshop skills. - Excellent attention to detail. - Capability to follow specific formatting instructions. I will provide the exact content to be inserted.

$83 Average bid
$83 Avg Bida
51 bida

I'm looking for an experienced WordPress/WooCommerce developer to create a brand filter for my clothing e-commerce site. The filter will be displayed as a dropdown menu and will allow customers to select multiple brands at once. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of WordPress and WooCommerce - Proven experience in creating custom features in WooCommerce - Ability to create a user-friendly, intuitive dropdown menu - Understanding of e-commerce best practices Your work will directly impact our customers' shopping experience, so attention to detail and commitment to quality are essential.

$85 Average bid
$85 Avg Bida
32 bida

am looking for a Shopify developer to build a simple, user-friendly booking system. This will not be a full website but rather a booking platform where customers can: 1. Learn About Me – A landing page that provides a brief introduction about who I am and what I offer. 2. Select a Consultation Type – Customers can browse and choose from three to four different consultation services. 3. Proceed to Payment – Once a consultation is selected, the customer should be directed to a payment gateway to complete their booking. 4. Automated Confirmation & Notification – Once payment is completed, we should receive a confirmation of the booking, and the customer should also receive a confirmation email or message. Key Features Required: • Simple, elegant l...

$192 Average bid
$192 Avg Bida
86 bida

I need a model for a consumer product that can be 3D printed using PLA. The primary purpose of this model is to serve as a prototype for testing. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in CAD software for 3D modeling - Experience in designing consumer products for 3D printing - Understanding of PLA's properties and how they affect design - Ability to create functional prototypes for testing purposes

$108 Average bid
$108 Avg Bida
52 bida

Export data into CSV file (macro)

$64 Average bid
$64 Avg Bida
1 bida

Redesign of M&C Capital Management Business Plan Objective: Complete overhaul of the existing business plan presentation to enhance clarity, investor appeal, and professionalism. Scope of Work: Content Update: Streamline text, update financials, and expand market analysis. Visual Upgrade: Improve layout, introduce infographics, and ensure consistent branding. Narrative Refinement: Develop a compelling story that highlights the unique investment strategy and competitive advantages. Technical Enhancements: Add interactive elements and optimize for digital and print formats. Compliance Review: Update regulatory and legal information to current standards. Deliverables: A polished, concise PowerPoint presentation designed for investor engagement.

$123 Average bid
$123 Avg Bida
23 bida
Logo Recreate
9 hari left

Lets recreate your same as original in all different formats for print and socia media.

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida