Perl select file uploadpekerjaan
Upload program arduino yang sudah saya sediakan menggunakan laptop di lapangan kerja dan trial program domisil jakarta barat
Hi Vincentius Grerry Dhena P., saya perlu import excel ke mysql, upload gambar dan pdf. Dengan PHP, Ajax, DataTables, Bootstrap. Kalau cocok, mungkin sekalian menyelesaikan projek database yg sedang saya kerjakan. Terimakasih. Salam, Darma
Buatkan saya file web judi togel dan saya beri upah
Korang ada artikel best nak share dengan Glamornyo? Bukan free tau! Kitorang siap bayar lagi! Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! Artikel mengenai 1. isu semasa/tranding/Viral/ 2. Lifestyle gaya Malaysia Malaysia 4. Dekorasi dan hias rumah gaya ma...perhatian ramai. 5. Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! 6. Cek ejaan betul-betul. 7. Dalam fail words. 8. Dalam Bahasa Melayu. 9. Tajuk fail: Tajuk Artikel_Nama Penuh Korang Kenapa tak boleh tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris? Sebab adalah website di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Jenis fail untuk upload? (Microsoft Words + Gambar) Berapa patah perkataan? Tiada had. Kategori penulisan? Menulis berkaitan isu semasa, viral, gaya hidup dan sebagainya yang best untuk share. Ready? Upload & kami akan nilaikan.
Real Estate CRM Part 1 - multiple users (Staff 1, Staff 2, Closer 1, Closer 2 and etc) - Manually key in leads generated by staff (user) {Leads will contain multiple screenshots upload} - Submit the leads Part 2 - Closer 1 can login - Will have column like pending, completed, follow up - The pending column item will be reviewed and update the status and action accordingly. If require further action by staff, it will reassigned to the staff> Part 3 - When staff open again, staff will fill up the data required and create necessary docs and upload it back to the system. This update data and assign people will go on repetitively for above tasks. When done, it will move to completed column. Whichever leads not relevant at the moment, will move to follow up...
Untuk membuat online library yang boleh control user access. upload download dan dashboard
Mencari luas, perimeter, keamatan dan jarak dlm imej ( file) utk project pengajian
yang saya ingin kan meng-input data baik upload ataupun download
Mencari pembuat laman web yang sudah ada tempate bercoding. Nak buat 2 website simple sahaja. Domain & hosting pakai saya punya sahaja. Few pages sahaja. Guna offline fund transfer sahaja. Cuma nak buyer upload resit, isi no phone, nama & alamat sahaja.
Saya membutuhkan jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tida...jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tidak termasuk pekerjaan hosting, uploa...
Saya mencari yang paham mengenai website streaming online. Kendala saya, saya sudah upload video ke google drive dan saat embed video nya format nya iframe, saya mau nya format nya untuk jw player html5. Dan saya juga mau nya seperti web sebelah yang jika ada yang ambil link video saya, besok nya udah gak bisa diputar lagi.
Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.
Saya penulis novel, jika ada yang berminat khusus untuk artikel atau tulisan singkat tentang produk dan sebagainya. Untuk penulisan buku, bisa di diskusikan kembali meskipun kemungkinannya kecil. Photographer, yang pengen di jepret call me. Blogger, ada produk yang harus di upload? Saya bisa terapkan pada website dan fan page saya. Dating? Ya, saya single dan bersemangat.
Antivirus bagian hal terpenting bagi kita. Kenapa bagian yang terpenting bagi kita terutama para pengguna Windows? Karena Antivirus adalah Security yang menjaga system di komputer atau notebook kita agar tidak terserang virus atau malware yang banyak sekali bertebaran di internet atau removable di...itu SSH dan bagaimana cara kerjanya. SSH itu perlu software penggerak seperti Bitvise (Software yang sering digunakan oleh para pengguna SSH) dengan menggunakan Proxifier sebagai alat pendukungnya agar semua koneksi berjalan. Kita bisa berinternet gratis JIKA ada alat pendukung (Biasa disebut INJECT Oleh para phreaker) yang bisa menyusup agar kita bisa berInternet gratis seperti Download, Upload, Browsing dan aktivitas internet lainnya termasuk Update Antivirus menggunakan SSH Prox...
Saya ada contoh untuk Logo saya, temanya adalah retro. gambar yang saya upload adalah contoh saja. saya mau gambar lelaki dibelakang merupakan gambar gentlemen dengan gaya retro klasik, tapi memiliki jambul yang bagus. karena Highpomp merupakan artinya jambul tinggi. dan juga saya ingin di dalam lingkaran ada warna merah putih dengan gaya retro sebagai simbol bendera Indonesia tetapi tidak mencolok. Temanya adalah Retro, Pomade Shop, Gentlemen accesories
Membuat RSS yang mengambil dari dari MySQL yang di isi secara manual ( CRUD ) dan atau melalui upload file CSV ke MySQL.
Saya ada module auto select city dan one page check out. Module auto select city tersebut jalan di halam check out standard tetapi ketika saya menggunakan module one page check out tidak bisa jalan. Jadi saya perlu bantuan untuk menggabungkan kedua module tersebut.
Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...
Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...
This task involves your downloading wallpapers and uploading them using our WordPress interface. You'll download the wallpaper, then upload it, and put the correct title in the name box. You will be required to also place the wallpaper in the correct category. We'll supply the websites to download the wallpapers from. You'll be required to download / upload 800 wallpapers over a 1 week period with more work guarenteed if quality is good. It's a simple task.
Requirement / Feature: - bisa memproses data satellite dan GPRS data - merubah data input tersebut ke beberapa format output antara lain: * database ( inject data ke database lokal atau remote ) * HTTP POST ( json format ) * CSV via FTP upload * Telnet
saya ingin decode/decrypt 1 file yg di encrypt/encode menggunakan ioncube. dan script harus berjalan/work seperti seharus nya
Hi, I am looking for a data entry person or team that understands retail and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freelancers h...
3 file server untuk XFileSharing Pro butuh di optimalisasi, karena resource server masih banyak tapi generating files, download dan upload lambat. Server spec pakai i3 2100, 8GB RAM, 1 Gbps network dedicated. Statistik rata-rata 3 server tersebut sebelum akhirnya melambat: Active connection 4000-5000, RAM usage 300-400MB, CPU usage 2-10%, Network usage 500-600 Mbps. Saya ingin server resource terpakai secara maksimal sebelum saya menambahkan server-server baru.
saya Ingin Membuat design seperti yang saya upload . . . Dengan design yang nyentrik . .sweeter ini dijamin bakal akaan laku keras. .dilihat dari sisi permusikan di Indonesia sekarang yang berdominasi Musik musik beraliran keras . . .jadi sangat tepat sekali kalau membuat design sweeter seperti itu . .
- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others
mengedit tulisan yang di ketik oleh seseorang yang perlu di sutting sebelum di cetak atau di terbitkan ,,
Replace ESP32 with STM32G030C8T6, adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Improvement in other analog ...adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Improvement in other analog section apart from RTD for noise and CMRR. Redesign PCB for single-side SMD assembly. Select compact, reliable, cost-eff...
Project Overview:I am looking for a Shopify developer to assist me with creating a custom video menu slider for my store. The main functionalities I require are as follows:Video Menu Slider:I would like to have a video menu slider where I can showcase specific ability to manually select which products to display in the slider is Variants Display:I want to be able to display product variants as separate should be possible to choose specific variants to show for particular products.I should have the flexibility to add these product variants to different sections of my store as needed.I can provide relevant websites for reference to help with the design and functionality if , I would like these features to be customizable so that I can easily
...recordings from both cameras are stored on a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) system. Videos are retained for up to 45 days, after which they are automatically deleted. Video Management via Application: Users can access the recordings through the application, which is installed on a local CPU in the work environment. The application provides the following functionalities: View Recordings: Select and watch videos from a specific table for any date and time within the retention period. Merged Video Playback: Seamlessly view a combined stream of the two camera recordings for a single table. Video Clipping: Extract specific segments from the recordings for review or export. Single Table Focus: The system allows users to view and manage videos from one table at a time, ens...
I'm seeking a skilled FlutterFlow and Flutter developer to make app updates from Templates and API, Firebase. Enhance the functionality of my apps with these updates. I will make milestones and release as work is completed. Help upload to app store. Need iPhone to help Testflight app updates. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in FlutterFlow and Flutter - Expertise in debugging and problem-solving - Experience with improving app functionalities - Experience with API integration and management - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles - Experience in working with Firebase for backend services
I'm looking for support in uploading product pages to Google's comparison shopping service for my WooCommerce website. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Google Comparison Shopping Centre - Java and JSON coding - IntelliJ
We are looking for a qualified chartered accountant to complete and file (submit) a set of accounts for our UK registered Limited to Companies House UK and HMRC. Must have experience of UK accounting system plus personal and corporation tax. The ideal candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English. 1. Which body/organisation are you certified with? 2. How much practical experience do you have of the UK system? Thank you
I'm seeking a reliable companion for body doubling sessions online. These sessions will last 1 hour each, spread over 5 separate days. During these sessions, I'll communicate my specific goals for the day, which primarily revolve around my pursuit of professional certifications. While I work on my personal projects, you're welcome to use this time to complete your own tasks. At platforms. - Understanding of body doubling concept and its benefits. - Reliable and punctual. - Discreet and respectful of personal project content. - Able to maintain a productive atmosphere. Note for all: I am time poor at the moment and will be going overseas at the end of the week. Sorry if I don't reply to everyone. The skills listed below are irrelevant because it is mandator...
I'm looking to build an online ordering site for food, integrated with Square for payment processing. The site should allow customers to customize their meals, specifically by choosing portion sizes. Key Requirements: - Integration with Square for secure and efficient payment processing - Ability for customers to select portion sizes for their meals - User-friendly interface that makes the ordering process easy and intuitive Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites, preferably for food services - Strong knowledge and experience with integrating Square into websites - Excellent UI/UX design skills to ensure the site is user-friendly - Experience with implementing meal customization options on ordering sites is a plus. ""...
...batch file created to streamline my Windows 11 installation process. Can you help us with the following project? Please create a batch file to automate Windows 11 installation, software installation, and configuration. Below is a working view of the project. I want to automate these tasks. The video already automates these tasks, but the version of Windows 11 is old and the apps are old, so I would like you to create a new version of Windows 11. Automated installation of Windows 11, automated installation of apps, automated configuration I have version 6.1.1 of this. Reference site Key Requirements: - The batch file should
I'm seeking a developer to create a minimalistic website where customers can upload audio files, make payments, and receive a framed QR code via post. Key Features: - Minimalistic design - Audio file upload capability - Secure payment processing (Credit/Debit Card) - QR code generation -Emailing confirmation to customers -Customers should be able to chose different sized frames, eg A3, A4, A5 Ideal Skills: - Web development (full stack) - UX/UI design (minimalistic) - Payment gateway integration - QR code generation and emailing systems setup Please note, the website should not support PayPal or Cryptocurrency. The focus is purely on Credit/Debit Card transactions.
I need a savvy web designer to help me upload and organize content on my website. The content includes photos, descriptions, and floor plans. Ideal Skills: - Web design - Content management - Photo editing - Knowledge of layout design Your task will include: - Uploading the content across separate pages for each type - Providing design suggestions based on my ideas - Ensuring all content is visually appealing and well-organized Your ability to offer guidance and creative input will be key to successfully completing this project.
I need assistance from a JotForm expert to finalize a registration form for two events. The form must include: 1. Limited Registrations per Event – Each event has a maximum capacity, and the form should enforce these limits separately. Users will select their preferred event via a checkbox. 2. Prevent Duplicate Registrations – If a user registers for one event, they should be blocked from registering for the other. 3. Automated QR Code in Confirmation Email – Upon successful registration, the system should generate a unique QR code and send it via email confirmation. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: • Extensive experience with JotForm, particularly in using conditional logic, form restrictions, and integrations. • Proficiency in QR Cod...
I have an existing logo that I need modified and saved in various file formats. Key Tasks: - Adjust Design Elements: I need certain design elements of the logo to be modified. - Resize Elements: Some elements of the logo need to be resized. - Reposition Elements: Certain elements of the logo need to be repositioned. - Add or Remove Elements: Some design elements need to be added or removed. The final logo needs to be saved in the following formats: PNG, JPEG, and SVG. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: Strong background in graphic design to ensure the modifications are aesthetically pleasing. - Logo Design: Previous experience in logo design/modification is a plus. - File Conversion: Proficient in converting files into various formats without compromising qua...
I'm having some issues with my Wordpress Divi theme. The Divi Builder seems to be conflicting with something, and I've had to rename it to get the site to load. I need an experienced Wordpress developer to: #1 Fix this conflict issue so the site can load properly without any renaming. #2 Restructure the site into a simple, standard layout blog using only the Divi theme. #3 Select a compatible plugin for me that will enable posting to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. #4 Cross reference from for two other domains I will provide. Add any blog from those sites into the main site, preserving the original dates. Mostly cut and paste skill needed for this I will provide admin access to the blog and cPanel for necessary adjustments. Comments should be disabled on all posts....
...freelancer to create a YouTube channel in the Tech category and set it up for monetization within three days. I already have pre-recorded videos that need to be uploaded. The tasks are as follows: Create a Professional YouTube Channel Set up a new YouTube channel with a custom name related to the tech niche. Design and upload a professional profile picture and channel banner. Set up channel description and optimize for tech-related keywords. Upload Pre-Recorded Videos Upload 2-3 videos (or more if needed) that I provide. Ensure the videos are optimized for search with relevant tags, titles, and descriptions. Monetization Setup Enable monetization once the channel meets the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program. Link my own AdSense account to t...
Website and App 1. Core Features for the App User Accounts & Profiles: Customers and contractors should have individual profiles, storing order history, preferences, and custom pricing. Product Catalog & Ordering: Full integration with the website’s product listings, allowing easy browsing, adding to cart, and one-click reordering. Click & Collect & Delivery Options: Users should be able to select between pickup at their nearest warehouse or delivery to their job site. 24/7 Availability & Instant Access: Orders can be placed anytime, with live stock availability updates. Custom Pricing Per User: Contractors should see different price sheets based on their agreements and bulk purchases. MLM Integration: Customers should be able to track their referral bonus...
...PHP 5.6 is no longer supported by our hosting provider, we need an experienced PHP developer to upgrade the codebase to PHP 8.1+ while ensuring all functionalities remain intact. Project Scope: Upgrade the website from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.1+ Update deprecated functions and ensure compatibility with modern PHP standards Update database connections to work with PHP 8.1+ Ensure photo upload and album management features work correctly post-upgrade Perform necessary testing to confirm full functionality Requirements: Proven experience in upgrading legacy PHP applications Strong knowledge of PHP 5.6 and PHP 8.1+ Experience with database migrations and connection updates Familiarity with debugging and troubleshooting deprecated functions Ability ...
...improve our AI model's accuracy. Key Details: Purpose: This is part of a machine learning system that tracks foot traffic in retail stores. Your counts will help refine our AI's ability to differentiate between customers and staff. Task Requirements: Watch 12 short videos (each about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) per store. Videos are available online through our validation platform (attached image). Select Store 3 and review videos from 10 AM to 9 PM. Total of 12 videos. Identify staff members by watching a few minutes of footage; they are not explicitly labeled. Counting Rules: Count each unique customer who enters the store. If a staff member leaves and re-enters, count them again, as Staff. If a c...
...Ability to work quickly and efficiently Strong attention to detail Prior experience with electrical layouts is a plus Compensation Payment is on a per-project basis, determined by the quality and timeliness of your work. Process I will send you the project files (in AutoCAD 2024 format). You will complete the edits and measurements to the required standard. You will then send back the updated file for review. If you meet these requirements and are interested in ongoing work, please reach out with your relevant experience and examples of previous projects....
*** Only a freelancer who can provide me 1 design for free can apply this project**** If you agree to offer a free design, please write "I will provide you 1 page of free design for free" in application form -Creating android app using exist web(Similar as -New design -Adding push alert feature -Push on/off feature by set time -Upload app on google play store
Estoy buscando un freelancer con experiencia en Flutter para ayudarme a subir mi aplicación a la tienda App Store. Requisitos: Experiencia previa en la publicación de apps en plataformas. Conocimiento en la configuración de App Store Connect. Manejo de claves, certificados y procesos de firma de aplicaciones. Capacidad para solucionar posibles errores de compatibilidad o revisión. Tareas a realizar: Generar y configurar los archivos necesarios para la firma de la app (keystore y certificados). Subir la app a Apple App Store, asegurando que cumpla con las políticas de la plataforma. Configurar permisos, descripciones, capturas de pantalla y cualquier otro requisito solicitado por la tienda. Implementar enlaces de política de privacidad y t&eacut...