Overview of dynamic web page in hindipekerjaan


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project ini merupakan fyp saya. saya perlu mencari error dalam sliding mode contoller dan PID controller dalam pre-sliding motion. sya perlukan sesorang yang boleh buat PID dan SMC simulink dan saya hanya perlu masukan nila transfer function nilai x untuk cari error. nilai transfer function sudah diberi.

$27 Average bid
$27 Avg Bida
2 bida

landing page skincare buat promo fb , ig , youtube

$1840 Average bid
$1840 Avg Bida
1 bida

I want a web page to present products, all the information on this website visit the site and send me a message thank you

$2229 Average bid
$2229 Avg Bida
22 bida

malayalam to tamil , kanada, telegu , hindi.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
23 bida
$28 / hr Avg Bida
27 bida

1. Mengubah tampilan design login page (tab, field) 2. Membuat fungsi login sosmed LinkedIn 3. Membuat fungsi login sosmed Google Account

$12 Average bid
$12 Avg Bida
6 bida

Kami perlu seseorang yang boleh buat yang berikut: 1) Grafik untuk banner ads 2) Design landing page beserta grafik. Sila lihat contoh yang dah attach. Design mesti ikut tema dari website (purple) Gambar logo, produk, dll sudah ada, dan akan disediakan.

$204 Average bid
$204 Avg Bida
5 bida

Windows Lain atau tidak pasti Mengunakan quantity,quality,dynamic,design dan kekuatan dalam bentuk atau pun kawasan(place)

$520 Average bid
$520 Avg Bida
1 bida

Cara Mendapatkan Gems Clash Of Clan Gratis

$100 - $100
$100 - $100
0 bida

Find geocoordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of places and villages in Brunei. For example Belait Kampong Labi Lakang Belait Kampong Laong Arut Belait Kampong Lorong Tiga Selatan Belait Kampong Mala'as Belait Kampong Malayan Belait Kampong Masjid Belait Kampong Melilas Belait Kampong Mendaram Besar Belait Kampong Mendaram Kecil

$60 Average bid
$60 Avg Bida
1 bida

Kami ingin membuat sebuah page untuk register user account baru bagi web apps kami, yang berisikan : 1. Penjelasan singkat tentang webapp kami 2. Form pendaftaran yang terhubung pada database di server kami dengan basis postgresql Page baru ini nantinya diharapakan designnya dapat menyesuaikan terhadap design website kami sebelumnya dan benchmark design kami yaitu ( dan ) Sketch awal page sudah kami buat, diharapkan penerima project dapat melakukan graphic design, pembentukan database, dan penggabungan page dengan website kami sebelumnya (yang mana perlu dilakukan dalam framework yang sama)

$119 Average bid
$119 Avg Bida
6 bida

saya ingin membuat logo disign

$38 Average bid
$38 Avg Bida
7 bida

Saat ini, kami memiliki produk berupa aplikasi website ( online store ) dengan konsep baru : SP3 ( System, Product , Packaging, Post ) artinya : 1. kami mempersiapkan sistem dari profile sampai dengan pembayaran 2. kami mempersiapkan puluhan ribu produk dari puluhan kategori yang siap untuk dijual 3. kami mempersiapkan operasional mulai dari call center, pengemasan barang, stok barang sampai dengan pelabelan barang 4. kami mempersiapkan pengiriman produk , langsung sampai tujuan customer. So, dengan potensi yang luar biasa, market yang besar dan yang paling penting sampai saat ini masih sulit menemui kompetitor, kami yakin di tangan individu yang tepat ( senior, professional, berkarakter, network yang luas ) , pasti produk ini akan bombastis.. Jika anda adalah individu tersebut, ...

$54166 Average bid
$54166 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya perlukan admin untuk uruskan FB Page saya. Min post 6 kali posting perlu berkati dengan acitivy harian dan kesihatan (berkaitan dengan perokok).

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Avg Bida
4 bida

Perusahaan kami adalah perusahaan IT startup yang saat ini membutuhkan dukungan tenaga marketing, khususnya telemarketing. Yang menjadi tugas utama dari freelancer bukanlah untuk menjual namun untuk menyampaikan informasi produk kepada potensial prospek serta melakukan follow up untuk sesi presentasi produk, selebihnya pekerjaan akan dilakukan oleh staff internal kami. Tambahan ...startup yang saat ini membutuhkan dukungan tenaga marketing, khususnya telemarketing. Yang menjadi tugas utama dari freelancer bukanlah untuk menjual namun untuk menyampaikan informasi produk kepada potensial prospek serta melakukan follow up untuk sesi presentasi produk, selebihnya pekerjaan akan dilakukan oleh staff internal kami. Tambahan bonus untuk setiap closing project. Berikut terlampir overview pr...

$6 - $65
$6 - $65
0 bida

reset page in opera mini fixing. reset page in opera mini fixing. reset page in opera mini fixing.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Assala Mo Alaikum Warah Matullah Hi Wabarakatuhu, Rashid Sahab Allah aap par or Tamaa muslimeen par apni rehmat qayam rakhe. Ab kaam ki baat krte hain... Main Indian main Rajasthan ke chhote se sheher Tonk se hu or Mujhe apne kaam ke liye facebook accounts chahiye jinse logo k pages like krke main pesa kama saku... agr aap mujhe facebook accounts provide kar sakein to mere or apke dono k liye ek behtar zariya hoga... or agr accounts provide nahi kara sakein to10K fb likes kitne main available kara denge yeh batane ki zehmat karein. Jazaak Allah Khair Mohsin Rasheed Khan +91 998 222 222 5

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bida
1 bida

Di cari jasa seo one page untuk banyak keyword yang datang dari mesin pencari ke website saya

$90 Average bid
$90 Avg Bida
5 bida

Aplikasi Web based untuk membuat mobile landing page. Tujuan aplikasi agar orang yang tidak mengerti bahasa program bisa buat sendiri Mobile landing page dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini. Konsep aplikasi bisa dilihat lampirannya. Dibawah ini keterangan konsep aplikasinya: Mobile Landing Page Generator 1. Save button akan generate URL, like 2. url will be stored at the username's account & can be edited 3. Gold membership can create up to 10 url Platinum--20 url Titanium--30 url 4. Admin can manage all usernames membership, terminate or extend. if the membership is terminated automatically the url will be deleted/offline.

$433 Average bid
$433 Avg Bida
1 bida

...Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) ...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Avg Bida
3 bida

...Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) ...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
4 bida

...Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) ...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Hubungi Kami Untuk Detail Pengerjaan

$60 Average bid
$60 Avg Bida
2 bida

Saya mahu halaman perniagaan Facebook yang dibuat untuk saya, dengan mudah menggunakan arahan. Ini adalah untuk pautan ke 2 laman web dan 1 kedai di Australia. Saya ingin melihat kerja sama anda sebelum ini sebelum saya melakukan kepada siapa pun silakan. Halaman tersebut mestilah dengan standard yang sangat tinggi dan dioptimumkan untuk menggerakkan orang ke laman web saya untuk jualan. Anda dialu-alukan untuk membuat saran pemasaran kepada saya dan melaksanakannya di halaman saya, jika itu akan meningkatkan kehadiran saya. Saya mahu halaman Facebook untuk menjadi relevan dengan Australia dan Malaysia. Matur nuwun .

$22 Average bid
$22 Avg Bida
1 bida

es - Spanish nl - Dutch pt - Portuguese cs - Czech de - German fr - French it - Italian hu - Hungarian no - Norwegian - pl - Polish - sv - Swedish - tr - Turkish - el - Greek ar - Arabic hi - Hindi vi - Vietnamese sr - Serbian iw - Hebrew ko - Korean zh - Chinese

$31 Average bid
$31 Avg Bida
15 bida

vocalist band or single singer. hanya bernyanyi music japanese. pertemuan pertama gratis.(promo) only weekend.

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

[For Malaysians ONLY] [For Malaysians ONLY] [For Malaysians ONLY] - BID ONLY IF YOU ARE TRAINER & STAYING IN MALAYSIA . Required Trainers/freelancers to deliver training courses in many fields of training. Location: in Malaysia.

$18 - $35 / hr
$18 - $35 / hr
2 bida
Tamat left

...going to do a large translation project, which will require translators in many languages. I NEED THREE TRANSLATORS PER EACH LANGUAGE (Translation will be mostly English to "language"). If you see the language that you speak on the list, please email me a short message with your rates and your name, like this: Albanian -- John Doe -- .05 per word SEND TO: Helena@quicktranslationsolutions FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, so don’’t wait: the three first translators will be evaluated first--I will be contacting you next week. There is still a selection process involved (your credential, rates, etc.), but we'll start with the first three. LANGUAGES: Albanian Amharic Arabic Burmese Farsi (Persian, Dari) French Hindi Hmong Ilocano Japa...

$437 Average bid
$437 Avg Bida
4 bida

as discussed to communicate with you on the project of translation. 12. Portuguese 13. Danish Thai 24. Czech 27.Hindi 31. Gujarati 33. Hebrew 34. Mogaliya

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Avg Bida
4 bida

as discussed to communicate with you on the project of translation. 12. Portuguese 13. Danish Thai 24. Czech 27.Hindi 31. Gujarati 33. Hebrew 34. Mogaliya

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

jadi saya ingin membuat sebuah proyek yang dapat digunakan atau dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para pelajar, akademisi tapi bukan hanya para pelajar dana akademisi tapi semua orang yang sangat mencintai dunia penulisan dan pendidikan

$134 / hr Average bid
$134 / hr Avg Bida
3 bida

jadi saya ingin membuat sebuah proyek yang dapat digunakan atau dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para pelajar, akademisi tapi bukan hanya para pelajar dana akademisi tapi semua orang yang sangat mencintai dunia penulisan dan pendidikan

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

Title: Deskt...Tracking – Monitor tasks, their progress, and deadlines efficiently. Job costing- Track and calculate costs for each job, including labor, transport, and other expenses. Financial Overview – Generate cost reports for better decision-making. Deadline Reminders – Automatic notifications to ensure timely task completion. Progress Monitoring – A clear dashboard to track task updates. Collaborative Tasks – Assign tasks to multiple team members for seamless teamwork. Ideal Candidate: ? Strong experience in desktop/laptop application development. ? Prior work on task tracking tools or similar applications. ? Skilled in user-friendly UI design to ensure smooth usability. If you have the expertise to develop this tool, place your b...

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bida
4 bida
Trophy icon Mobile Home Park Prospect Research
7 hari left

Instructions for Virtual Assistant (VA): Finding Mobile Home Parks in the Target City Overview: Your job is to find Mobile Home Parks (MHPs) for sale in a specific city area in Idaho (we’ll call it “the target city”) within a 30-minute drive from the downtown area. I’ll give you easy steps to search online, gather info, and email people selling these properties. You’ll use a Google Sheet to keep track of everything. What We’re Looking For: • Parks with 50 or more spaces (pads) for mobile homes. • Prefer parks where most homes are owned by tenants (not the park), but some park-owned homes are okay. • Should have city water/sewer (no waste treatment plants or lagoons). • Price should fit where m...

$150 Average bid
1 penyertaan

Project Overview: I need a freelancer with experience in eBay dropshipping and product research to create a CSV file with 1,000 products from CJ Dropshipping. The file must be correctly formatted for bulk import into eBay using the eBay File Exchange Tool. The products should meet the following criteria: Maintain a $50-$100 AUD profit margin. Be $15 AUD cheaper than competitors on eBay. Offer 7-day shipping options. THE TEMPLATE OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF CSV FILES IN ATTATCHMENT. Additional Requirements: 7-Day Shipping Confirmation: Products must have a 7-day shipping option available from CJ Dropshipping. Ready-to-Upload CSV: The file must be correctly formatted to upload directly to eBay without requiring additional modifications. Consistency: Ensure al...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
6 bida

...landing page content to enhance its SEO performance and drive lead generation based on new electrician SUBURB pages and existing swervices pages. - Revise meta tags and descriptions for improved visibility and click-through rates - Implement effective internal linking strategies to boost SEO and enhance user navigation - Use SEM Rush to provide a report of where we are at now and your plan to improve our rankings in the ryde epping areas with itemised quotation Ideal candidates: - Proven experience in on-page SEO, particularly for lead generation landing pages - Proficiency in content optimization, meta tags and internal linking - Strong understanding of SEO best practices and tools - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Ab...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
8 bida

Meta Ads Manager Intern (₹10k–₹15k per month | 2-month internship with potential for full-time) Project Description: We're a dynamic tech startup, 20s Developer, in search of a Meta Ads Manager Intern. Your primary responsibility will be to handle our ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, aiming to generate leads and reach industry influencers. ? Stipend: ₹10,000–₹15,000 per month ? Duration: 2 months (with the opportunity for a salary increase and an in-house position based on performance) ? Location: Remote Key Responsibilities: Plan, create, and manage Meta ad campaigns. Optimize ads to improve performance and ROI. Collaborate with our content team for ad creatives and copy. Analyze ad data and prepare performance reports. Target Audien...

$220 Average bid
$220 Avg Bida
10 bida

I'm looking for a skilled Excel expert to create a single, dynamic Excel sheet for tracking my inventory counts on a weekly basis. The sheet should update automatically based on the values I input for each week. Key Features Required: - The data should be displayed in tables - The tables should include detailed line items, not just summaries Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel, including knowledge of dynamic functions and table creation - Prior experience with inventory tracking Excel sheets would be a plus - Able to create clear and easy-to-understand tables

$11 Average bid
$11 Avg Bida
12 bida

...17 Multivendor, an open-source platform developed in PHP 7.4+ with MySQL as its database. It also uses technologies such as Smarty, AJAX, and jQuery for dynamic interface management. I want to improve the vendor experience when associating products with one or multiple categories within the marketplace. The current CS-Cart 4.17 system presents a category search box, which is not efficient for marketplaces with a large number of categories. This method can be slow and unintuitive, making it difficult for vendors to classify their products correctly. To solve this, I propose developing an installable add-on that replaces the current category selection interface with a hierarchical tree structure with checkboxes, similar to the system used in PrestaShop. This ...

$162 Average bid
$162 Avg Bida
17 bida

I am looking for a highly skilled web developer to build a professional, visually dynamic, and secure campaign website for my State Senate race. This site will be the central hub for fundraising, voter outreach, and campaign messaging. The site must include: ✅ Modern, sleek, and responsive design (desktop + mobile optimized) ✅ Secure online donation system (Stripe, ActBlue, WinRed, or other election-certified payment processors) ✅ Election compliance features (FEC/State-level campaign finance laws for online donations) ✅ Integration with social media & email capture forms ✅ Fast-loading, SEO-optimized pages for voter engagement ✅ Analytics & tracking setup (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel for ad retargeting) ✅ Security & encryption to prevent cyber threats (SSL,...

$624 Average bid
$624 Avg Bida
74 bida

Rewrite & Redo High-Quality Online Courses with video presenting. Overview: We’re looking for talented freelancers to rewrite or remake a series of online courses from a list we provide. Your job is to: * Rewrite/redo the entire course content. * Add new info if something has changed or needs updating. * Set it up in either Instructure or Open edX. The finished courses must be high-quality and professionally presented. If you choose to appear on video for the lessons, you must be a native English speaker (from England, Australia, the United States, or New Zealand). AI Use: * If you opt to create the course content using AI, that’s perfectly fine—but the final product must look polished, coherent, and well-organized. How the C...

$100 Average bid
0 penyertaan

I need a graphic designer ...need a graphic designer to update the design of a 20-page 'About Us' booklet, based on the most recent InDesign files and copy I will provide. - The task involves mostly copy updates, adding a few new pages, and reshuffling existing content. - All pages will require minor design adjustments to maintain consistency with the current style of the booklet. - The color scheme remains unchanged, so adherence to the existing design is crucial. - The project needs to be completed within 12 hours. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in Adobe InDesign - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to work under tight deadlines Please note: While there are no specific branding guidelines to follow, the design should be consiste...

$73 Average bid
$73 Avg Bida
72 bida

Project Overview: The objective of this project is to create professional, scaled drawings of an existing commercial property site, including detailed depictions of new structures such as a fence and viewing deck. The drawings must accurately represent the setbacks from each boundary and adhere to Australian standards. Scope of Work: Existing Site Plans: Review the existing site plans for the commercial property. Produce a scaled drawing (not less than 1:500) that illustrates the position of new structures (fence and viewing deck) in relation to each boundary. Entrance Wall Elevation: Utilize the provided hand sketch of the entrance wall. Create a professional drawing showing the elevations of the proposed fence and gate. Ens...

$268 Average bid
$268 Avg Bida
43 bida

...Specifications Objective of the Application: Develop an application that facilitates the connection between service providers and clients for various jobs (plumbing, electricity, cleaning, etc.), ensuring a smooth and fast user experience even with millions of active users. The application must be scalable, capable of adapting to new markets and new features without requiring a complete redesign. 1. Architecture and Scalability • The application must be able to handle millions of active users simultaneously without slowdowns or bugs. • The technical structure must allow for international expansion, especially in the Maghreb and the Arab world, with easy management of modifications without wasting time. • Cloud-based data managem...

$514 Average bid
$514 Avg Bida
53 bida

Project Brief: AI Ecosystem Integration for Automated Sales in Real Estate & Construction Company Overview: We are a company specializing in selling prefabricated houses, offices, warehouses, and general construction solutions. To scale our operations, we seek a dedicated technology partner to integrate a comprehensive AI-driven ecosystem that enhances our sales automation, customer engagement, and marketing strategies. Project Scope: We require an AI-powered system that integrates: Virtual Store & E-commerce Integration: AI-powered product recommendation system. 3D or AR-based product visualization for home and office models. Secure payment processing and financing options integration. Lead generation forms and appointment booking system. AI Chatbot & C...

$498 Average bid
$498 Avg Bida
45 bida

I'm looking for a talented video editor who can help create energetic and fast-paced tech news videos for my YouTube channel. The channel focuses on the latest in technology. Key Responsibilities: - Edit tech news videos in an engaging, fast-paced style. - Incorporate English and Hindi voiceovers or subtitles as necessary. - Ensure the content is suitable for a tech-savvy audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video editing, preferably for tech-related content. - Ability to work with both English and Hindi content. - Familiarity with YouTube content style and audience. - Creative mindset with an understanding of what makes an engaging, fast-paced video.

$11 Average bid
$11 Avg Bida
2 bida

Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced developer to help with: 1. Installation & Setup Install and configure the Mobile Native Timeline Applications for Wowonder () on my server. Customization & Feature go through documentation 2. Modify the app to include new features. Customize UI/UX to align with my branding. Plugin Recommendations 3. Identify useful plugins that can enhance the app’s functionality. Requirements: Prior experience with Wowonder script & mobile apps. Expertise in PHP, Flutter/React Native, and mobile API integration. Ability to suggest and integrate third-party plugins. Strong problem-solving skills. Deliverables: Fully functional and installed

$82 Average bid
$82 Avg Bida
35 bida