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    2,000 indesign cs3 template pekerjaan dijumpai

    temanya seperti

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Membuat dokumen list kertas A3 Membuat template dokumen laporan harian Menggunakan kertas ncr Membuat template dokumen laporan mingguan kertas legal Membuat tenplate dokumen laporan bulanan / rekap kertas legal Membuat template dokumen RAP Membuat template curva s Intinya membuat template dokumen Antara sheet dan sheet terhubung antara 1 dan lainnya menggunakan rumus atau vba dan menggunakan pivot

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    - Input karyawan, login, filtering dan pemberian hak akses login pada aplikasi, dengan menggunakan template dan Rest Api yang telah kami sediakan - Input Barang, satuan barang, kategori barang, filtering dengan menggunakan template dan Rest Api yang telah kami sediakan

    $299 Average bid
    $299 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Buat website buying agent, source dari tokopedia, bukalapak, shopee id, lazada id, mataharimall,blibli -Sekali dengan web design/clean/mudah -Result mestilah real time, jika harga berubah di toko, dalam website juga pun mesti berubah, mesti tampil dengan ongkir dari toko...-setelah item2 customer sampai mesti ada fuction/fitur tambahan seperti item inspection/refund/pemulangan -Customer boleh tick item untuk submit untuk postage/post out -Dan boleh memasukan harga ship to malaysia, harga pos berlainan, darat, laut, udara yang boleh admin monitor dan edit harga MESTI FULLY FUNCTION AS I WROTE ABOVE, TIDAK MENERIMA PEMULA/DIY LEARNER TIDAK MENERIMA SCRIPT ECOM/TEMPLATE/TIDAK MENERIMA BAYARAN BERPERINGKAT contoh buying agent website boleh tengok disini bagaimana berfungsi

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Tolong perbaiki lay out dan design dari content presentasi saya (kira-kira 9 halaman). Template background presentasi tidak boleh dirubah.

    $62 Average bid
    $62 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Kertas Rancangan Perniagaan Produk/Servis Template RP 1) Cover Hadapan 2) Isi Kandungan 3) Kertas Kerja RP (40 muka surat) 4) Surat Permohonan Pinjaman 5) Jadual Bayaran Balik 6) Unjuran kewangan 7) Template perjanjian perkongsian 8) Template profile syarikat 9) Ebook - Formula Rahsia Pre Order 10) Ebook - Rahsia Borong Tak Perlu Ke China BERMINAT?? Peluang ni utk 100 org yg terawal sahaja. Habis kuota promo habis harga promo..!!

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Avg Bida
    6 bida

    Menaik Taraf Portal Jabatan menggunakan Joomla. Menukar template sediaada kepada template yang responsive.

    $1783 Average bid
    $1783 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    template sesuai kengingan anda

    $372 Average bid
    $372 Avg Bida
    4 bida
    Design project
    Tamat left

    Kepuasan costumer adalah tujuan saya, kerja sama yang baik akan mengahasilkan karya yang baik pula. Pengalaman lah yang membentuk seorang designer yang cerdas. Skill: Hand Drawing (sketsa) Adobe Illustrator (ai) Indesign (id) Photoshop (ps) Design Process (proses desain) : - Sketsa - Acc/asistensi 1,2,3 - Finishing

    $350 Average bid
    $350 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya ingin membuat Mock Up PSD untuk Bedding Sprei dan Bedcover Jadi gambar kasur terdiri dari Seprei, Bedcover, 2 bantal dan 2 guling yang bisa diganti2 motifnya dan dipisah misal saya ingin menghilangkan bedcovernya. mirip seperti link ini saya sudah beli tapi sayang bedcovernya tidak bisa dihilangkan. Info lebih jelasnya bisa 0838 808 1500 7FAB7D21

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    template yang enak dipandang dan eye catching. tidak membosankan, dengan tema kopi dan kesederhanaan tapi memukau

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Rental Services Ye ek server company hi jo Bhopal main serve karaoke website main data dalana hain

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam. Saya ada membeli template utk diguna bg majlis sekolah. Tp bila saya nak buka file tu ada popup kata ada references yg missing dan saya kena install. Saya baru nak belajar2 ae ni. Saya rasa mungkin sebab spec laptop yg x support cs6 ni. Jd kalo nak mintak tlg tuan buatkan, berapa kos dia ye. Ada 2 template

    $15 - $15
    $15 - $15
    0 bida

    Mengubah template alterna wordpress untuk website event silahkan kunjungi dan lihat bagian footer sebelah kanan untuk berdiskusi lebih lanjut melalui (Removed by Freelancer.com admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Proyek saya adalah : ini tentang saya. dimana, saya ingin memperbagus template blog saya, memperbanyak follower di Google+, membuat youtube yang berkaitan dengan blog travelling saya, meningkatkan jumlah follower di Fanpage saya, mengurus twitter, pinterest.

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $748 Average bid
    $748 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida


    $110 Average bid
    $110 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin membuat web marketing yang bisa mempersentasikan 5 prodak yang berbeda, dengan penjelasan yang sangat detail, dan di sertai dengan animation, untuk contoh animasi persentasi nya bisa di lihat bagi saya template tersebut sudah bagus tetapi yang saya ingin kan mempersentasikan 5 prodak di 5 halaman yang berbeda, dan ada web testimonial dan ada penjelasan tentang Bisnis MLM dengan sangat detail dan di sertai animasi, dan ada galery testimonial

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida
    instal magento
    Tamat left

    saya punya template magento siap instal, adakah yang bisa menginstalkan

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    Ingin membuat website untuk travel agency. CSS template sudah ada. Roughly 5-10 Man-Days. Please contact disertai cost per Man-Days dan portfolio. Saya akan jelaskan detailnya di PM.

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Redesign template Wordpress Silahkan lihat konsep template yang sisipkan ASSIGNMENTS DUE : now - 17/08/2014

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Saya membutuhkan desainer web utk custom OJS template (Edit CSS)

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    membuat template blog komersial

    $402 Average bid
    $402 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    tutorial lengkap adobe flash cs 3 mulai awal hingga akhir dalam bentuk e-book dan akan saya kerjakan dalam waktu 3 hari.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bida

    tutorial lengkap adobe flash cs 3 mulai awal hingga akhir dalam bentuk e-book dan akan saya kerjakan dalam waktu 3 hari.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membangun sebuah aplikasi desktop Client Server Surat Pertanggung Jawaban dengan rincian pekerjaan : 1. Analisis Data Alur Akuntansi Surat pertanggung Jawaban yang terdiri dari : a. Kuitansi (Belanja Langsung, Belanja Barang dan Jasa, Belanja Modal) b. Kode Rekening c. BKU (Buku Kas Umum) d. Laporan Realisasi e. Nota Pencairan Dana (NPD) ...pertanggung Jawaban yang terdiri dari : a. Kuitansi (Belanja Langsung, Belanja Barang dan Jasa, Belanja Modal) b. Kode Rekening c. BKU (Buku Kas Umum) d. Laporan Realisasi e. Nota Pencairan Dana (NPD) f. Rincian Objek g. SPPD h. Grafik 2. Perancangan Aplikasi Desktop Terintegrasi dengan Windows 8 3. Aplikasi Menggunakan Client Server 4. Memakai Plugin Template DevExpress 5...

    $3197 Average bid
    $3197 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Hi, I am looking for a data entry person or team that understands retail and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freelancers h...

    $732 Average bid
    $732 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Harap anda boleh bantu saya bina website affiliate program yg berasaskan iklan. Website tersebut adalah website pengiklanan seperti tetapi utk beriklan di situ, seseorg perlu daftar sebagai ahli dgn membayar yuran bulanan. Kemudian mereka boleh mencari downline utk beriklan di sana dan mendapat komisyen atas...sana dan mendapat komisyen atas yuran bulanan downline tersebut. Di website mesti ada ruangan register dan log in ahli dan di ruangan ahli mesti boleh lihat senarai downline, profile peribadi, komisyen dan lain2. Setiap ahli boleh dpt referal link utk promosi kpd org lan. Then setiap bulan mereka harus renew yuran tersebut. Jika tidak iklan akan disekat. Boleh kah anda bantu saya. Boleh bg contoh template yg sesuai. Saya nk sebut harga. Hosting kena cari sendiri atau mcm man...

    $212 Average bid
    $212 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a WordPress-based personal brand website for me. Key Requirements: - The website should follow a typical personal brand template, but with my unique branding elements. - A key section of the site will be my portfolio, which will need to be presented as an image gallery. - The website must be fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes. - The website should be optimized for search engines to increase visibility. - Integrate links to my social media profiles for better connectivity. - Have a dedicated 'About Me' section that introduces my background and expertise. - Include a functional contact form that allows visitors to get in touch easily. - The website theme should be customizable to allow for future updat...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Avg Bida
    117 bida

    ...talented designer to create a modern and responsive web application that caters to both customers and providers. The application will feature the following functionalities: Pages and Features: Customer Workflow: Customer Registration Page with fields for name, phone, email, city, and course requirements. Confirmation Email: Sent to customers upon successful lead creation with a one-time link(Email template design). Lead Verification Page: Customers verify their email through a code sent to their email to view the lead details. Provider Workflow: Registration Page for Providers with the option to choose subscription plans (Basic, Premium). Email/Phone Verification for lead activity notifications (add/remove lead). View List of Lead and detail page. Subscription Management: Pr...

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Avg Bida
    88 bida

    I'm in need of a professional to edit a sales invoice for me. This task involves 200 products spread acros...across 2 invoices. The invoices must be error-free, as they are intended for eBay verification. Key Requirements: - Use my provided template for the invoices - Maintain the same font and formatting style across both invoices - Format the final invoices as PDFs - Ensure all details are included to make the invoices look legitimate Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in invoice creation and editing - A strong understanding of sales tax - Proficiency in PDF formatting In particular, the following aspects of the invoice need to be verified: - Product details - Total amount Please note that the original invoice was created using Adobe Acrobat, and a template...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    24 bida

    ...looking for a skilled Branding Artworker to create indoor signage panel templates based on an established design. You will be working with many types of internal signs and sizes Ideal candidate will have: - Experience in working with branding and signage design - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator or similar design software - Attention to detail to ensure each piece of artwork adheres to the design template - Great at typesetting English and Arabic, following guidelines - Strong skills in typography and text layout Your task will be to transform our set design into individual pieces of artwork for a range of indoor signage panels. The design style is set, corporate/professional, so a keen understanding of maintaining brand consistency is essential. This is a great opportunity fo...

    $356 Average bid
    $356 Avg Bida
    82 bida

    I'm in need of a graphic designer to create diplomas f...including three dual-coloured belts. The final deliverable should be 14 master files in Adobe Illustrator, allowing for easy text modifications. The text that will need to be changed for each student includes their name, the date of promotion, and the belt colour spelled out. I will provide a sample diploma for reference, but you will need to use your design skills to create a similar, yet unique, template. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Graphic design experience, particularly with creating certificates or diplomas - Understanding of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu belt system is a plus - Ability to work with colour accurately - Attention to detail to ensure all diplomas are consistent and profes...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Avg Bida
    87 bida

    ...broken glass ✓ Explodes on TikTok/Etsy/eBay as an “underdog brand” **Phase 1 - Foundations ($80)** ▸ “Your Cart Hacks the System” banner (sticky, every page) ▸ “Our Story” page that takes 23 seconds to bookmark (SEO: “BoldOne - Wearable Protest against Artist Stagnation”) ▸ Trust badges that look like hacker emblems (0% boredom) **Phase 2 - Detonation ($130)** ▸ TikTok store with 1 viral template (#TechUnderdogSound) ▸ Etsy/eBay integration with “guerrilla descriptors” ▸ Printful API on steroids (error rate <0.5%) **Why you?** ✓ “Powered by [Your Alias]” badge in the footer (karma points) ✓ $100/month marketing budget if successful ✓ 7% referral bonus for every recommended code rebel. **App...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Avg Bida
    49 bida

    I have a project that involves working with text data. Your task will be to create a macro that manipulates the data and copies it into a template table. Ideal skills for this job: - Macro creation/visual basic - Strong proficiency in data manipulation - Excellent attention to detail - Experience with text data - Familiarity with CSV file format - Content modification skills

    $380 Average bid
    $380 Avg Bida
    58 bida

    I require an Excel expert to streamline my weekly report process. This involves merging four distinct reports - Maintenance, Operations, Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Finance - into one comprehensive Exce...summary report should be delivered as a PDF. Some manual input will be required each week to maintain the accuracy of the consolidated report. Please use a standard layout for the dashboard. Include key performance indicators for each department in the dashboard. The weekly summary report should provide a high-level overview with key highlights and trends. The freelancer will need to create a template for the consolidated report and dashboard setup. The raw data should be provided in Excel sheets every week. Highlight key metrics such as financial spending for the relevant d...

    $424 Average bid
    $424 Avg Bida
    47 bida

    Need to cover and update the following points 1: Prevent users from copying and pasting data to the Template file from other files 2: Link the new planning template to VLOOKUP file. Need the Dropdown data validation options on this file to match the Vlookup file that we maintain separately and use for our other templates. 3: Ensure that VLOOKUP file needs to be referenced from original location instead of creating a copy to the folder. 4: Stop workbook links message when file is opened 5: Stop VLOOKUP file closing message when file is closed

    $875 Average bid
    $875 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I'm seeking a designer to create a minimalist-style label for our natural product packaging (think tea, herbs, seeds, kernels, etc.). The design must be adaptable for different products, yet...operator - Country of origin The design should be: - Minimalist in style - Utilizing our specific brand colors Your expertise in creating visually appealing, clear, and compliant packaging labels is essential. The final deliverable should be an editable document allowing for easy customization per product. You may choose any file format for the editable design (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) as per your preference. Ideal skills include: - Graphic Design - Adobe Creative Suite (or equivalent) - Branding - Packaging Design - Attention to Detail I look forward to seeing ...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Avg Bida
    95 bida
    Queens Bay Hotel
    9 hari left

    Use the provided template to change the content accordingly by looking at the client's old website and making the new one.

    $187 Average bid
    $187 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I'm looking for an experienced professional to configure my Invision Community discussion forum. The project includes adding gamification elements, setting up VIP access, and ensuring the forum is secure and optimized. The forum must be in Brazilian Portuguese. Key Tasks: - Configure pre-installed Invision Community template - Implement gamification features - Establish VIP access system - Ensure forum security and optimization - Set appropriate permissions - Install Brazilian Portuguese language pack - Customize the forum theme to match brand colors and logo - Configure email notifications for user interactions and threads - Implement a regular backup system to prevent data loss - Create user onboarding guides and FAQs The forum will primarily allow user interaction through ...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Avg Bida
    51 bida
    $50 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Compose O& M Manuals Have a template for this I will supply All data

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bida
    77 bida
    Word Comments to Excel Macro
    6 hari left

    ...within a chapter or section of the document - Page number for the highlighted main text - Subsequent comments or replies, structured in additional columns rather than additional rows Excel Output Requirements - Each comment should be recorded as a single row in the spreadsheet. - Responses to comments should appear in additional columns, not additional rows. - Data should follow a predefined template, ensuring consistency in formatting. - Column headers must not contain spaces (e.g., use Comment_Author instead of Comment Author). - The Excel output must be in tidy format, with structured and easily analyzable data. Functionality - The macro should automatically update the Excel spreadsheet whenever comments are added, modified, or resolved in the Word document. - The macro sho...

    $252 Average bid
    $252 Avg Bida
    42 bida

    La landing sarà costruita su wp per promuovere il servizio di noleggio fotovoltaico B2B. Dovrà essere curata tutta la parte di comunicazione non verbale tra cui immagini, colori aziendali e stile della pagina. Saranno previste 3 versione dello stesso modello dove si differenzieranno piccoli dettagli o colori non si prevedono cambi strutturali o i template. L'obiettivo della landing è raccogliere lead a seguito di una campagna di advertising

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Project Description: We are looking for an experienced graphic designer to create a bifold br...aligns with our brand identity ✅ Clear and engaging layout that enhances readability ✅ File formats: Web version in PDF & PNG/JPEG; Print version in PDF (CMYK, 300 DPI) ✅ Removal of the Terms & Conditions page but include a small statement at the bottom: ” *T&C applicable.” Ideal Freelancer: ? Proven experience in brochure design ?️ Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva ? Ability to deliver editable source files (AI, PSD, or InDesign) Deliverables: ✔️ 2 versions of the bifold brochure (Web & Print) ✔️ Source files for future edits ✔️ Quick revisions if needed ? Budget: Open to reasonable quotes ⏳ Deadline: 07/02/2025 Company Website:

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    Project Description: We are looking for an experienced graphic designer to create a bifold brochure based on the content provided in...aligns with our brand identity ✅ Clear and engaging layout that enhances readability ✅ File formats: Web version in PDF & PNG/JPEG; Print version in PDF (CMYK, 300 DPI) ✅ Removal of the Terms & Conditions page but include a small statement at the bottom: ” *T&C applicable.” Ideal Freelancer: ? Proven experience in brochure design ?️ Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva ? Ability to deliver editable source files (AI, PSD, or InDesign) Deliverables: ✔️ 2 versions of the bifold brochure (Web & Print) ✔️ Source files for future edits ✔️ Quick revisions if needed ? Budget: Open to reasonable quotes ⏳ D...

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Avg Bida
    8 bida

    ...title,email,phone...), which should then be placed onto a pre-existing PDF template. - Preview Functionality for customer: After entering details, customer should be able to preview the order and receive a PDF to review. - Submission to Print house: A button to submit the order to Print-House after review. Additionally, I need quote for additional future work: - A Payment Gateway: To process transactions for new calling card orders as part of selected/developed Payment. - Order Status Tracking: Enabling me to keep tabs on my orders. Skills required for this project include: - Proficiency in Wordpress development. - Experience with e-commerce and order tracking systems. - Familiarity with PDF generation and template systems. - Prior work with integrating payment gateways ...

    $494 Average bid
    $494 Avg Bida
    194 bida
    Text Data Mining from Website
    6 hari left

    I'm in need of a professional data miner to extract textual content (specifically information ) from a single website. The data should be formatted in a specific way in MS Excel, as per the template provided in the attachment. Key Requirements: - Timely delivery of the project - Adherence to the provided data format - Expertise in data mining and Excel Please ensure to review the attached format before bidding. The project must be completed within 1 week.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bida
    57 bida

    ...Proposal Templates – Customizable templates for client pitches. ✅ Client Onboarding Kit – A branded, professional onboarding document for new clients. ✅ Brand Consistency – Ensure the design follows our corporate colour guidelines, fonts, and overall visual identity. Ideal Candidate Should Have: ? Proven experience in corporate presentation design ? Expertise in PowerPoint, Canva, Visme, or Adobe InDesign. ? Understanding of digital marketing (preferred but not mandatory). ? Ability to design modern, engaging, and sales-focused presentations. ? Strong communication skills and ability to understand our brand identity. Deliverables & Timeline: ? Final editable files in PPT, PDF, and Canva ? Revisions included: (typically 2-3 rounds). How to Apply: If y...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Avg Bida
    5 bida