Esp32 upload file to serverpekerjaan
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Upload program arduino yang sudah saya sediakan menggunakan laptop di lapangan kerja dan trial program domisil jakarta barat
Hi Vincentius Grerry Dhena P., saya perlu import excel ke mysql, upload gambar dan pdf. Dengan PHP, Ajax, DataTables, Bootstrap. Kalau cocok, mungkin sekalian menyelesaikan projek database yg sedang saya kerjakan. Terimakasih. Salam, Darma
Buatkan saya file web judi togel dan saya beri upah
Saya mahu sebuah apps android utk server pulsa otomax saya utk di gunakan di malaysia
Korang ada artikel best nak share dengan Glamornyo? Bukan free tau! Kitorang siap bayar lagi! Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! Artikel mengenai 1. isu semasa/tranding/Viral/ 2. Lifestyle gaya Malaysia Malaysia 4. Dekorasi dan hias rumah gaya ma...perhatian ramai. 5. Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! 6. Cek ejaan betul-betul. 7. Dalam fail words. 8. Dalam Bahasa Melayu. 9. Tajuk fail: Tajuk Artikel_Nama Penuh Korang Kenapa tak boleh tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris? Sebab adalah website di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Jenis fail untuk upload? (Microsoft Words + Gambar) Berapa patah perkataan? Tiada had. Kategori penulisan? Menulis berkaitan isu semasa, viral, gaya hidup dan sebagainya yang best untuk share. Ready? Upload & kami akan nilaikan.
project singkat untuk setup apache web server sesuai dengan keterangan PDF yang diberikan. Termasuk performance testing dan juga mengimplementasikan load balancer
...generated by staff (user) {Leads will contain multiple screenshots upload} - Submit the leads Part 2 - Closer 1 can login - Will have column like pending, completed, follow up - The pending column item will be reviewed and update the status and action accordingly. If require further action by staff, it will reassigned to the staff> Part 3 - When staff open again, staff will fill up the data required and create necessary docs and upload it back to the system. This update data and assign people will go on repetitively for above tasks. When done, it will move to completed column. Whichever leads not relevant at the moment, will move to follow up column. A reminder will sent in the system and via email too to notify the ...
Untuk membuat online library yang boleh control user access. upload download dan dashboard
Mencari luas, perimeter, keamatan dan jarak dlm imej ( file) utk project pengajian
yang saya ingin kan meng-input data baik upload ataupun download
Mencari pembuat laman web yang sudah ada tempate bercoding. Nak buat 2 website simple sahaja. Domain & hosting pakai saya punya sahaja. Few pages sahaja. Guna offline fund transfer sahaja. Cuma nak buyer upload resit, isi no phone, nama & alamat sahaja.
Saya membutuhkan jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tida...jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tidak termasuk pekerjaan hosting, uploa...
Membutuhkan anggota tim lepas (jadi tidak mengerjakan sendiri) untuk membuat aplikasi perhitungan efisiensi untuk sebuah perusahaaan manufacture. Aplikasi sebelumnya sudah ada, tinggal remake ulang menggunakan PHP Codeigniter
Saya mencari yang paham mengenai website streaming online. Kendala saya, saya sudah upload video ke google drive dan saat embed video nya format nya iframe, saya mau nya format nya untuk jw player html5. Dan saya juga mau nya seperti web sebelah yang jika ada yang ambil link video saya, besok nya udah gak bisa diputar lagi.
- Implementasi Sistem Absensi Otomatis Di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del dengan Menggunakan Teknologi RFID. - Implementasi Nagios dan Cacti sebagai Network Management System. - Implementasi Active Directory di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del menggunakan Windows Server 2012. - Implementasi Fortigate Sebagai router. - Implementasi Auto Laptop Installation Using Mumi.
Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.
menyediakan Server elektrik dan mini server elektrik di area indonesia
Saya penulis novel, jika ada yang berminat khusus untuk artikel atau tulisan singkat tentang produk dan sebagainya. Untuk penulisan buku, bisa di diskusikan kembali meskipun kemungkinannya kecil. Photographer, yang pengen di jepret call me. Blogger, ada produk yang harus di upload? Saya bisa terapkan pada website dan fan page saya. Dating? Ya, saya single dan bersemangat.
...internet atau removable disk yang pernah kita gunakan. Sebagian besar kita adalah pengguna internet gratis? benarkan? ya kenapa kita lebih memilih internet gratis dibandingkan internet yang berbayar? ya pastinya kita tau jawabannya tentang hal itu. Internet gratis itu memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Benar bukan? seperti contoh yang saya berikan yaitu Trik internet gratis melalui Simple server, ISPCE, dan Ultrasurf. Pasti kalian sudah tidak asing lagi dengan software-software yang saya sebutkan diatas. Apa kekurangannya? Kekurangannya adalah kalian tidak bisa mengupdate antivirus dengan software tersebut (kecuali kalian menggunakan antivirus yang updatenya via offline atau kalian menggunakan proxifier) Sekarang masuk ke topik pembahasan, Bagaimana caranya Update antivi...
Saya ada contoh untuk Logo saya, temanya adalah retro. gambar yang saya upload adalah contoh saja. saya mau gambar lelaki dibelakang merupakan gambar gentlemen dengan gaya retro klasik, tapi memiliki jambul yang bagus. karena Highpomp merupakan artinya jambul tinggi. dan juga saya ingin di dalam lingkaran ada warna merah putih dengan gaya retro sebagai simbol bendera Indonesia tetapi tidak mencolok. Temanya adalah Retro, Pomade Shop, Gentlemen accesories
Membuat RSS yang mengambil dari dari MySQL yang di isi secara manual ( CRUD ) dan atau melalui upload file CSV ke MySQL.
Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...
Saya membutuhkan yg paham dan pengalaman utk melakukan setting/configurasi asterisk saat ini sdh terpasang akan tetapi masih mengkonsumsi cpu server boros sekali rencanaakan dipakai utk call center dg jumlah agent 100 orang.
Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...
This task involves your downloading wallpapers and uploading them using our WordPress interface. You'll download the wallpaper, then upload it, and put the correct title in the name box. You will be required to also place the wallpaper in the correct category. We'll supply the websites to download the wallpapers from. You'll be required to download / upload 800 wallpapers over a 1 week period with more work guarenteed if quality is good. It's a simple task.
Requirement / Feature: - bisa memproses data satellite dan GPRS data - merubah data input tersebut ke beberapa format output antara lain: * database ( inject data ke database lokal atau remote ) * HTTP POST ( json format ) * CSV via FTP upload * Telnet
saya ingin decode/decrypt 1 file yg di encrypt/encode menggunakan ioncube. dan script harus berjalan/work seperti seharus nya
...and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freelancers has not been the...
3 file server untuk XFileSharing Pro butuh di optimalisasi, karena resource server masih banyak tapi generating files, download dan upload lambat. Server spec pakai i3 2100, 8GB RAM, 1 Gbps network dedicated. Statistik rata-rata 3 server tersebut sebelum akhirnya melambat: Active connection 4000-5000, RAM usage 300-400MB, CPU usage 2-10%, Network usage 500-600 Mbps. Saya ingin server resource terpakai secara maksimal sebelum saya menambahkan server-server baru.
saya Ingin Membuat design seperti yang saya upload . . . Dengan design yang nyentrik . .sweeter ini dijamin bakal akaan laku keras. .dilihat dari sisi permusikan di Indonesia sekarang yang berdominasi Musik musik beraliran keras . . .jadi sangat tepat sekali kalau membuat design sweeter seperti itu . .
- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others
mengedit tulisan yang di ketik oleh seseorang yang perlu di sutting sebelum di cetak atau di terbitkan ,, development company who can create a social networking app focused on video sharing. It should be compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Key Features: - Primary Function: The app's main focus will be on video sharing. Users should be able to upload videos, interact with others, and share their content. - Private Albums: There should be a feature that allows users to create private albums. This will enable them to share their videos with select individuals. - Video Uploading: The app should have capabilities for users to upload their videos. Ideal companies for this project should have prior experience in developing social networking apps and a strong understanding of video sharing functionalities. Good skills in cross-platfo...
...then be shared with relevant departments such as design, accounts, production, and dispatch. Key Requirements: - Each department will have specific tasks to process the order (e.g., the design department uploads the design and marks it as complete). - The dispatch team will mark their task as done and upload the dispatch proof. I also want this system to be linked with WhatsApp so I can receive daily reports. These reports should cover task completion status and order progress updates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in Google Sheets. - Previous experience in setting up MIS for businesses. - Ability to integrate Google Sheets with WhatsApp for daily reports. - Understanding of inter-departmental workflows in order processi...
I need assistance uploading a large video file from SharePoint to YouTube. The video is stored as a single MP4 file on SharePoint. Ideal freelancer should: - Have experience with SharePoint and YouTube - Be able to handle large file uploads - Understand MP4 file specifications and YouTube upload requirements. Please ensure your bid reflects your expertise and ability to complete this task efficiently.
...seleção de médico, horário e especialidade. 1.3. Prescrição Médica Digital Emissão e armazenamento de receitas médicas digitais. Integração com farmácias e validação de autenticidade. Assinatura digital para conformidade com regulamentações. Histórico de prescrições para médicos e pacientes. 1.4. Módulo de Diagnósticos e Exames Cadastro de exames e diagnósticos vinculados aos pacientes. Upload de laudos e imagens (RX, tomografia, ressonância etc.). Integração com laboratórios para envio e recebimento de resultados. Interface para médicos adicionarem observações e... as it is moved forward. I need to connect this sensor to Arduino or Raspberry PI, or ESP32 and be able to control it from a mobile phone wirelessly. I need to use MIT App Inventor (see quick sample video: ) to create a simple mobile app that connects to the sensor, allows to start/stop scanning, save scan data on the device and delete. Here ( ) you can see my progress with Arduino Mega 2560 board. This project will be suitable for someone who is more into learning new stuff rather than looking for monetary gains. The end goal of this project is a map of the environment that is saved to the mobile device after walking around
I mistakenly uninstalled RSAT features for Windows Server 2022. No matter what I do, I can't seem to reinstall it. It keeps asking for a "source". I mounted the .wim file from a server 2022 .iso, and tired to find an (can't get a hold of it), so I need some assistance. The biggest things are and
...Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Phone Number Real Estate Requirement (e.g., “Looking for a 2BHK in New York”) Lead Status (Not Contacted, In Progress, Completed) All leads are stored in the dashboard, categorized by call status: Not Called Yet Call In Progress Call Completed (Cold, Warm, Hot Lead) 2. AI-Powered Automated Calling AI initiates calls to leads stored in...
...Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Phone Number Real Estate Requirement (e.g., “Looking for a 2BHK in New York”) Lead Status (Not Contacted, In Progress, Completed) All leads are stored in the dashboard, categorized by call status: Not Called Yet Call In Progress Call Completed (Cold, Warm, Hot Lead) 2. AI-Powered Automated Calling AI initiates calls to leads stored in...
Flutter UI from figma file. Working with me means leveraging a decade of experience in mobile app development and deep proficiency in your desired technologies. As an entrepreneur, I appreciate the value of turning ideas into successful digital solutions, which aligns perfectly with your need to translate Figma designs into a cross-platform Flutter app for both iOS and Android.
This project involves designing and developing a responsive HTML5 website using the Polo HTML5 theme. The website will feature an admin panel to manage content dynamically, allowing the addition, editing, and deletion of: • Solutions • Products • Brands • Clients The admin panel will also allow users to set SEO meta titles and descriptions for each page to improve search engine rankings. Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap (Polo HTML5 theme) ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ ...
I need assistance with moving my WordPress site to a different server using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. I have access to the control panel of the new server. Please note, there are no design or content changes needed during the move. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in WordPress and its plugins, particularly All-in-One WP Migration - Experience in server management and website migrations - Knowledge of control panel operations
I'm seeking an expert in IoT and ESP32 boards for a project involving bringing up the board and implementing a communication protocol. The primary use of this project will be for IoT devices.
I'm seeking a seasoned PCB designer to conceptualize and create a PCB for a laboratory syringe pump. The project encompasses: - Completing 10 pre-defined tasks - Providing post-design support for testing and functionality. Project Overview: 1. PCB Specifications: A 2-layer or 4-layer FR4 board, with a thickness of 1.6mm and copper weight of 1oz or 2oz, depending on current handling requirements. 2. Motor Control: DRV8825 stepper motor drivers will be used, capable of handling up to 2.5A peak current, offering better microstepping performance than the A4988. The board will control four independent stepper motors for the syringe pump, allowing flexible operation with one, two, or all channels simultaneously at different or identical flow rates. 3. Power Supply: A 12V,...
I'm seeking a seasoned PCB designer to conceptualize and create a PCB for a laboratory syringe pump. The project encompasses: - Completing 10 pre-defined tasks - Providing post-design support for testing and functionality. Project Overview: 1. PCB Specifications: A 2-layer or 4-layer FR4 board, with a thickness of 1.6mm and copper weight of 1oz or 2oz, depending on current handling requirements. 2. Motor Control: DRV8825 stepper motor drivers will be used, capable of handling up to 2.5A peak current, offering better microstepping performance than the A4988. The board will control four independent stepper motors for the syringe pump, allowing flexible operation with one, two, or all channels simultaneously at different or identical flow rates. 3. Power Supply: A 12V,...
VPS Server Setup and Telegram Bot Development & Adjustments
I'm seeking a skilled Figma expert to enhance my existing design file. The project involves standardizing the design elements and creating components from various UI elements. Key Tasks: - Create components from existing design elements including buttons, forms, navigation bars, etc. - Fix spacing issues across the file. - Implement global padding/margin adjustments. - Ensure consistent spacing between elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma. - Strong eye for design consistency. - Experience in UI/UX design. - Ability to work with complex design files.
I have an excel file with detailed procedures - would like this taken and turned into a word document that would be used to train new hires as well as a reference for existing employees