Dot net nuke menu modulespekerjaan


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    2,000 dot net nuke menu modules pekerjaan dijumpai

    Kamus data web, memudahkan customer, memilih product yang biasa dibeli. sehingga memudahkan pemesanan kepada supplier yang dituju

    $810 Average bid
    $810 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    saya nak anda buat interface login dan linkkan ke interface menu(interface nih biar ada pilihan makanan dan minuman). Selepas itu interface pengiraan order makanan dan minuman yang skali interface viewuser(iaitu nama,alamat,masa(jam) user buat pembelian).Dan yang viewuser ini,saya ingin anda linkkan ia ke database phymyAdmin..

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bida

    buat blog dengan isi kontent kurang lebih 4 halaman meliputi menu : contact, blog, rekomdansi,free ebook

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    membuat menu utama desktop dengan menggunakan java

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Merubah dari inputan2 di excel ke sistem (aplikasi desktop windows) Menggunakan C# .NET dan MySQL

    $317 Average bid
    $317 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Merancang Mobile Apps Untuk Sewa Tempat Disertai Booking, dan Maps Agent. Jangan Lupa Menu Sign Up dan Sign In, Sebagai Client , Agent dan Penyewa Tempat. Warna Kombinasi Biru dan Putih Seperti (Traveloka)

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Tolong editin menu / link pada halaman di cshtml porject saya

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bida
    18 bida

    اريد تصميم وبرمجة موقع قارئ اخباري يعمل بنفس الطريقة التي تعمل بها المواقع المذكورة بالاسفل وان يكون باللغة العربية والا يكون شبية بهذا الموقع او مثل هذا

    $2109 Average bid
    $2109 Avg Bida
    20 bida

    Memerlukan satu format Excel untuk industry katering dimana recepies & senarai harga barang barang telah di daftar & boleh di tukar. Pengguna hanya perlu mengisi jumlah pelangan & menu pilihan termasuk inventory semasa untuk mengetahui banyak mana barang mentah perlu diorder. Hanya untuk Malaysian

    $342 Average bid
    $342 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    membuatkan macam daftar minuman non alkohol

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Membuat Website hotel dari PSD ke Wordpress Theme dan bisa melakukan reservasi database dan email ke admin.. dan semua halaman dan gambar harus dinamis bisa diganti melalui wp-admin tidak boleh hardcode.. dan ada menu di wp-admin dashboard tiap halaman tidak boleh masuk ke halaman pages.. langsung ada shortcut dan bagian wp-admin dashboard..

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    ...editorial policy, and write about them. Candidates with initiative will get priority. Please do not apply if your command over English is not good or you cannot adhere to a 12-hour deadline. Freshers are welcome to apply but MUST be able to submit articles which require little editing. An initial paid trial will be conducted before we pick our final candidates. While candidates are free to research the Net, their articles must be original writing, and must be able to pass Copyscape. Payment will be based on number of words finally published and NOT on number of words submitted. Payment includes Upwork fees. We will pay US $2 per 400 published words, and then in multiples, for additional words. If a candidate misses the deadline on 2 occasions, or if we find cases of the slightest...

    $693 Average bid
    $693 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Memasukkan content dari web lama ke web baru dan troubleshooting plugin wordpress (sticky menu,dll)

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Saya ingin mengerjakan apa saja yang berbau dengaan Graphic Design. Mulai dari design poster, menu makanan, brosur, banner, dan sebagainya.

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

    $1600 Average bid
    $1600 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

    $500 - $500
    $500 - $500
    0 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    menambah salinan, menu tamplate pada cms joomla

    $8 Average bid
    $8 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    $150 - $150
    0 bida

    minang resto prestashop adalah website e-commerce yang menjual masakan padang atau minang. resto ini menyediakan layanana delivery, sehingga konsumen bisa lebih nyaman dan puas untuk memilih menu-menu yang disediakan oleh minang resto ini.

    $440 Average bid
    $440 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    ki mod aa kam karan da?? jay mary kol kam hoya tay m dassan ga, tairy kol away tay menu dassi, ral k koi jugaar laa lawan gay

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bida

    ki mod aa kam karan da?? jay mary kol kam hoya tay m dassan ga, tairy kol away tay menu dassi, ral k koi jugaar laa lawan gay

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ...Setelah itu Ok. Maka akan muncul tampilahn dokumen baru Agar lebih mudah, alangkah baiknya kita menggunakan walpaper2 yang sudah ada, jadi nanti kita gabung beberapa wallpaper terus dimainkan blending options nya. Mainkan efek shadownya……… Kalau teman-teman sudah mendapatkan beberapa wallpaper yang ingin digabung, caranya mudah….. Pilih layer, pada menu kanan, trus pilih wallpaper yang ingin kita gabungkan, Setelah itu klik kanan pada menu yang ada di kanan, lihat gambar di atas, yang kelihatan tebal, itu karena terpilih. Setelah klik kanan, maka akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini Terus Kurangi Opacity nya sesuai dengan yang teman-teman inginkan. Saya kasih contoh,ada dua wallpaper yang akan saya gabungkan Kita akan menggabungkan dua ...

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    Kami memerlukan developer untuk mengerjakan backend website dengan .net Design dan HTML/CSS sudah siap untuk di implementasikan. Deadline project adalah end of this month (Nov 2014) Jenis wesbite adalah company profile, backend/CMS yang di perlukan hanya untuk update content website berupa gambar dan text.

    $847 Average bid
    $847 Avg Bida
    6 bida
    Edit Something
    Tamat left

    ...zind jaan heeran de Aven Jhuthi Muthi att Niyo Krde/Aven Jhuthi Jehi Att niyo Krde Sherni Choo k Sonde Marn Mron wali glan krde fokke fair jattan nu krne ni onde Yaaran Nall Mera Sansaar preya "TAALIBAAN" group sadda nall khrreya Sadke javan yaaran to/Main Sadke Javan Avde Yaaran To Jehde sara din rehande chit prchonde Marn Mron wali glan krde fokke fair jattan nu krne ni onde Jehni Menu Rabb Jehe Yaaran Di Spot Ohni hai ni Vairiyan de pind di vote ik phone 100 hunde kathe/Ik Phone Te Ho Jande 100 Kathe ohi yaar modde nall modda londe Marn Mron wali glan krde fokke fair jattan nu krne ni onde Landhi puchi kolon drna ni sikheya jdo da kolle 32 bore rakheya Jashan Brar ohna te gounda geet/Deep Ohna Te Likhe Geet jehde akhan mure baar baar onde M...

    $7 - $18
    $7 - $18
    0 bida

    Pengembangan ERP yang mencakup : Contract Management - Purchase Receipt - Purchase Invoice - Purchase Payment,Stock Adjusment, Sales Order - Sales Invoice - Sales Receipt Target to finish: 3 weeks after contract sign-off

    $1561 Average bid
    $1561 Avg Bida
    19 bida

    Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

    $515 Average bid
    $515 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membuat website untuk input data perolehan POIN perhari dan berdasarkan tanggal, perolehan POIN akan di sajikan / di rekap perminggu,perbulan dan pertahun dan di sajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan bisa di download nantinya menjadi file pdf/xls. di website nantinya juga ada menu untuk tambah pegawai,edit nama pegawai,hapus pegawai.

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ...gigi alami dan pemutih gigi. Buah dan sayuran renyah ini bisa mengangkat noda dan membersihkan gigi secara maksimal tanpa merusak enemel gigi. So tunggu apalagi buruan beli dan makan apel, pir, serta wortel, setelah anda makan besar. Keju Keju dan produk susu seperti yoghurt dan susu mengandung kalsium yang dapat memutihkan dan menguatkan gigi. Anda bisa makan keju setelah anda makan menu utama atau setelah makan besar. Stroberi Kandungan asam malat dalam stroberi, bermanfaat untuk mengubah warna gigi menjadi lebih putih. Caranya cukup mudah, ambil 1 buah stroberi matang hancurkan dan gosokkan pada gigi. Lalu diamkan kurang lebih 5sampai 10 menit. Kemudian sikat gigi sampai bersih dengan pasta gigi yang biasa anda gunakan. Baking Soda Baking soda...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ERP, Bikin auction online, dll Jika tertarik sms/telp 08119403563 (Hendrik) Sertakan gaji yang dikehendaki !

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

    $515 Average bid
    $515 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya ingin Anda membuat aplikasi dengan .NET C# yang dimana aplikasi tersebut dapat mengukur suhu komputer yang saya pakai.. Dan Saya menginginkan dalam bentuk Source code... Sangat mendesak.. dan low budget..

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya membutuhkan Aplikasi Desktop untuk transaksi Pulsa / payment melalui server saya yg berbasis web, metode transaksi menggunakan XML dan koneksi menggunakan OpenVPN Gambarannya seperti ini : Ketika aplik...transaksi Pulsa / payment melalui server saya yg berbasis web, metode transaksi menggunakan XML dan koneksi menggunakan OpenVPN Gambarannya seperti ini : Ketika aplikasi di mulai, maka aplikasi akan melakukan sambungan VPN ( openvpn ) ke server saya, setelah itu muncul form login, ketika user melakukan login, aplikasi akan melakukan verifikasi data ke server. Setelah login, akan muncul menu transaksi seperti pembelian Pulsa, VoucherGames Online, PLN Prabayar dan juga payment seperti pembayaran tagihan pasca PLN, TELKOM, LEASING dll Berikut saya lampirkan Dokum...

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Fungsi untuk mencari nama file / motif di katalog tidak sempurna, saya mengingkan ketika mencari motif akan langsung di tampilkan

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    I need a seasoned web developer to enhance our WordPress healthcare website's design for responsiveness. This project encompasses 8-10 pages including the Home, Contact, and Services pages. Key Responsibilities: - Adjust specific site functionalities for responsiveness such as Forms, the Navigation menu, and Image galleries. - Ensure a seamless user experience across all devices. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and web development. - Prior experience with responsive design. - Familiarity with healthcare website standards is a plus. Your expertise will help us provide a better service to our users. Please share your previous work examples in your proposal.

    $567 Average bid
    $567 Avg Bida
    178 bida

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to migrate my Shopify website, , to WordPress. This project will also require the creation of a custom WordPress module for shipment tracking. The module will query our vendor's APIs and display the tracking code in a specified format. Key Require...tracking code in a specified format. Key Requirements: - Carry over the design and layout of the existing Shopify site - Develop a simple tracking code field with results displayed below - Use the REST API from our vendor for the shipment tracking module Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress development - Experience with Shopify to WordPress migration - Knowledge of creating custom WordPress modules - Familiarity with REST APIs - Strong skills in UI design to match the existing site layout

    $762 Average bid
    $762 Avg Bida
    161 bida

    ...driven weekly profit include custom payment entries. - Incoming Payments: Monitoring all revenues. - Truck List: Cataloging all company vehicles. - Truck Maintenance: Tracking all maintenance needs, both through manual entry and automated reminders. - Agent Contact: Storing all relevant contact information. - Load Tracking: Monitoring the status of all shipments color code dates truck drop down menu for easy assignment. - Load Management: This encompasses all aspects, including load scheduling, tracking, and assignment. Ideally, the freelancer for this job will be proficient in Google Sheets and have a solid understanding of trucking logistics. Experience in building similar systems will be a significant advantage. Please propose how you would structure this system and any addit...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Avg Bida
    39 bida

    ...Self-motivated, goal-oriented, and able to work independently - Familiarity with the **US market** and its sales methods - Experience with **cold calling**, email marketing, and social selling - Creative approach to **lead generation** and customer engagement ### What We Offer: - **Attractive, performance-based compensation** with a generous revenue share: - For net sales up to **USD 50,000**, a **3% commission** will be paid - For net sales **above USD 50,000**, a **2% commission** will apply - Flexible working hours and the ability to work **remotely** - The opportunity to be part of an **innovative team** with proven products - **High earning potential**: Realistic monthly revenue per sales agent is **USD 50,000 to 150,000** - Support from an experienced team and a...

    $2000 Average bid
    $2000 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    ...mirrors the app’s features and supports Arabic. C- Admin Panel (backend) Enhancements:** 1 - Add new fields in the control panel for existing menu / Tracks, Artists, Albums, and Playlists, and link some function of them in the application screen. 2 - Create a new button named Catagories and integrate it into the screen in the application the same function of App menu in the image listed below/ Described in the previous paragraph (A -2) **Timeline:** The time for these project is 10 Days with mandatory daily updates to the hosting so we can preview it and experience the functionality of the tasks. - Explain the additions tasks in existing Trucks menu. *Add a delete image button with the existing add image button. *Single song. (CheckBox) If you choose si...

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Avg Bida
    57 bida
    Odoo 17 Comprehensive Setup
    6 hari left

    I'm looking for an expert to set up Odoo 17 for me with all possible modules, focusing specifically on Sales, Accounting, and HR. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Odoo 17 setup and configuration - Extensive knowledge of Sales, Accounting, and HR modules - Experience with e-commerce and inventory management integration - Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills - Ability to provide ongoing support and training as needed

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Avg Bida
    21 bida

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in .NET development and POS systems to integrate Linkly into my traditional POS terminal. You must know how to integrate Linkly and know how to pass the accreditation test. The .NET is built and initial Linkly setup has done, You will continue the work and complete it. Please do not bid if you can not finish within the timeframe which is 8 days Key requirements: - Integrate Linkly with my .NET project - Ensure seamless POS integration with a traditional - Pass the necessary Linkly accreditation Ideal candidates should have: - Proven .NET development skills - Prior experience with Linkly integration - Capability to meet accreditation requirements

    $362 Average bid
    $362 Avg Bida
    44 bida

    I'm looking to integrate a video player on my WordPress site. The necessary code for implementation is already prepared. Key Requirements: - its dash html player server setup. So when 8k video is playing on website the job is done. - radiant media player dot com need to be intergrate . i hope you read their website - The project involves replacing the current web player with a new video player. - The new video player should work seamlessly across all modern browsers. Ideally, I would like to work with a freelancer who has: - Proven experience in WordPress development and video player integration. - Strong understanding of cross-browser compatibility. - Ability to implement ready-made code without issues. - have a great network of colleagues in coding. t

    $2194 Average bid
    $2194 Avg Bida
    170 bida

    ...(Personnel): Oversee staff management and HR processes. Key Modules: - Inventory Management: Comprehensive tracking and management of inventory. - Financial Management: Robust financial oversight and planning tools. - Personnel Management: HR and staff management functionalities. - Üretim (Production): Full management of production processes. - Muhasebe (Accounting): Complete accounting module. Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in developing ERP systems, in-depth knowledge of ASP.NET Core WebAPI and SQL, as well as a strong understanding of the key functionalities and modules of an ERP system. Prior experience in creating an ERP system with these specific functionalities and modules will be a big plus....

    $1465 Average bid
    $1465 Avg Bida
    67 bida

    ...tick data from Angel One via their Websocket Smart API for all active segments and symbols symbols - Build a database for all active symbols for each expiry for future query and historical data - Build a plugin / bridge to feed the data in Amibroker for charting - Build a small user friendly UI to select symbols to be added to Amibroker from the database created with following features o Drop down menu to select underlying o Symbol search box o Connect / Disconnect button ( to relay live feed from database to Amibroker) o Reconnect button in case of disconnection o Backfill button - Exchanges and Symbols o NSE  Equity Cash  Equity FNO  All underlying Indices and their Options o BSE  All underlying Indices and their Options - The data once fed into Amibroker must match wit...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    I'm looking for a professional to develop a 2-3 slide PowerPoint deck for internal stakeholders. The slides should detail our customer success performance metrics, comparing them to our set goals and outlining steps to improve these figures. Key aspects to include: - Specific Metrics: The focus should be on contraction, net pricing increases, Net Revenue Retention (NRR) and Gross Revenue Retention (GRR). - Visualization: Metrics need to be represented through clear and engaging graphs and charts. The ideal freelancer for this project would have experience in data visualization, PowerPoint design, and an understanding of customer success metrics.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Avg Bida
    43 bida

    I'm in need of a skilled .NET website developer for my site, specifically to implement feature updates. The primary focus will be on enhancing the data management aspect of the site. Ideal skills and experience for the job includes: - CHANGE OF HOSTING SERVER - Proficient in .NET development and maintenance - Experience with data management systems - Knowledge in implementing and updating website features - Familiarity with database integration processes The main task will be to improve and update the data management features of the site, particularly with integrating databases. If you're a .NET expert with a knack for data management, I would love to hear from you.

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Avg Bida
    20 bida

    ...other casinos. Fill in Data: Populate a provided Excel sheet with key metrics (depending on the following size & niche), including but not limited to: Influencer Cost Per Story ($) Influencer Cost Per Post ($) Followers Conversion Rate (%) Expected New Players Average Player Loss ($) Total NGR (Net Gaming Revenue) ($) My Earnings (30% of NGR) Influencer Proposals: Provide a proposal on how to approach influencers, including: Compensation Models: Explore possibilities such as a % of NGR (Net Gaming Revenue) from their referred players, direct payments in wager, or a combination of both. Content Packages: Offer recommendations on influencer packages (e.g., story promotions, posts, or reels) and what would be the most effective for my campaign goals. Qualification...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bida
    18 bida

    I'm seeking a professional with 10+ years of experience in .net core to assist with customer data processing and analysis in Excel/CSV files. We are looking for a seasoned Accounting Software Developer with a strong understanding of Accounting principles and expertise in SQL. The ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of experience with C#/.NET and a preference for experience with SAGE Intacct, especially the AR module. This is a long-term opportunity with a focus on major projects, offering substantial growth and impact. If you are ready for a challenging and rewarding role, we invite you to apply.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Avg Bida
    10 bida