Central user management linuxpekerjaan


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    2,000 central user management linux pekerjaan dijumpai

    This project is only intended for Indonesians who can speak a specific dialect called Central Malay. This is an opportunity to use your linguistic abilities to ensure accurate translations resonate with the intended audience. Here's a brief on my expectations: - Translate English content to Central Malay accurately while maintaining the original message’s intent, tone, and context. No software or automated translation tools permitted. - Deliver completed project within a month. - Provide regular updates on project progress. - The final translated content should be free from grammatical errors and misinterpretations. Ideal candidate: - Proficiency in English and Central Malay is a must. - Previous translation experience, specifically in website content, i...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Avg Bida
    18 bida

    hi saya owner busines f&b dari sabah malaysia dan sudah menjalankan perniagaan selama 13tahun. projek terbaru saya adalah ingin meluaskan rangkaian perniagaan dan melahirkan agent2 di bawah naungan perniagaan saya. saya mencari satu sistem yang mana saya boleh mengawal selia dan memantau sales report, sales comissent, stok report, restok sistem, sedikit hr management dan sales performance. sistem agent ini lebih kepada mobile aps. dia similar kepada pos sistem tetapi tidaklah terlalu komplikated. saya mahu sistem yang sangat simple tetapi sangat efektif. saya boleh design sendiri dalam design web ui melalui design ps5 untuk lebih detailing. terus terang saya mahukan data ini hanyalah untuk permulaan dan bukannya fully perfect base on budgetting dan sebagai titik permulaan per...

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Saya mahu bina inventori management system menggunakan Microsoft excel

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Moodle learning management system

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Hi Liza, Boleh hubungi sy di talian 017 44 22 88 9 (Ms Za) berhubung dgn tawaran job social media management dan budget.

    $10 - $10
    $10 - $10
    0 bida

    Saya butuh Team & Personil untuk maju ke sebuah project pemerintah yang harus melengkapi beberapa persyaratan berikut a. Satu (1) orang Ahli Programmer, y...Framework CodeIgniter, Backend Programming. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S1) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer perguruan tinggi negeri atau perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah diakriditasi atau telah lulus ujian negara yang berpengalaman pada pekerjaan sejenis dan mempunyai pengalaman kerja total minimal 3 tahun. Detail Pekerjaan : WEBSITE - Website Dashboard - Task Management - User Management - Admin - side Development MOBILE APPS - Profile User - Profile Page - Background Sending - GPS Based Location Tracking - Live GPS Based locationTracking - Chatting Feature - Photo Location Based on Location Sil...

    $1930 Average bid
    $1930 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    1. Buat artikel sesuai content plan yg sdh dbuat 2. Jumlah 12 artikel per bulan. minimal 500kata. 3. Artikel source juga sudah disediakan 4. Tidak perlu mencari content visualnya (foto), cukup berikan textual dalam bentuk office word 5. Ada tiga kategori blog, masing2 buat 4 artikel tiap bulan (total 13/bln), yaitu : Leadership, Staff Development & management, self Development

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    setup goautodial 4 on linux server

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Linux PHP Mencari pengalaman lebih

    $777 Average bid
    $777 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Linux Java Ingin buat website

    $540 Average bid
    $540 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    $132 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Untuk membuat online library yang boleh control user access. upload download dan dashboard

    $404 Average bid
    $404 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    Aplikasi android untuk kegunaan kakitangan Perkhidmatan Logistik dan Movers bagi urusan pengendalian pesanan (order) pesanan masuk dan keluar. Aplikasi haruslah mempunyai maklumat seperti: * Info lengkap pelanggan, * Lokasi kerja pindah * Harga pakej * Tarikh dan masa kerja pemindahan * Jenis kenderaan Diperlukan * No pendaftaran lori * Preview order (dalam bentuk Kalender) * P...pesanan masuk dan keluar. Aplikasi haruslah mempunyai maklumat seperti: * Info lengkap pelanggan, * Lokasi kerja pindah * Harga pakej * Tarikh dan masa kerja pemindahan * Jenis kenderaan Diperlukan * No pendaftaran lori * Preview order (dalam bentuk Kalender) * Pengesahan kakitangan yang memasukkan data * Quotation dan Invoice dlm PDF * ID access kakitangan dan password level mana...

    $357 Average bid
    $357 Avg Bida
    9 bida
    Tamat left


    $477 Average bid
    $477 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    Proyek terdiri dari 2 konsep dasar 1. Mobile App 2. Database Sistem yang terlibat: 1. HRIS (Human Resource Inform. Syst) - Off the Shelf App (Sudah jadi) 2. Asset Management (Kapal Laut) 3. Database Area Pelabuhan (GIS Based) 4. Planner (GIS Based - mirip Applikasi Gojek) 3 Sistem ini harus saling terkait untuk dapat menghasilkan usulan yang menghasilkan informasi sebagai berikut: 1. Personel yang available (sesuai dengan tingkatan dan keahlian) yang akan bertugas 2. Asset yang available (Sesuai dengan properties asset) 3. Area pelabuhan yang available Informasi di atas ini harus muncul di layar mobile dari personil yang mendapat tugas Mohon periksa lampiran file yang berisi business process untuk gambaran lebih lanjut

    $10833 Average bid
    $10833 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin belajar dari sebuah jaringan cisco apa saja pengalaman saya masih belum ada tapi saya masih pemula dan saya pernah membuat sebuah jaringan vlan berbasis linux menggunakan perangkat cisco

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin belajar dari sebuah jaringan cisco apa saja pengalaman saya masih belum ada tapi saya masih pemula dan saya pernah membuat sebuah jaringan vlan berbasis linux menggunakan perangkat cisco

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat merubah macro dari microsoft office pada word, ke libre office pada linux. Fungsi macro yang sudah di buat di microsoft office adalah menambahkan garis horisontal pada tempat kosong di sebelah kanan tulisan, dan penambahan garis vertikal pada sebelah kiri tulisan. Macro pada microsoft office sudah berfungsi 100% dan kita ingin agar bisa berjalan juga di libre office pada linux.

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Bagi yang jagoan di front-end dan termasuk koder kekinian, ada kesempatan kerja nih: Speksifikasi Umum Git Test-Driven Development Server stack bersistem-operasi Linux/*BSD RESTful API Bisa bekerja secara remote ----------- Spesifikasi Khusus Javascript per ES5 HTML5 dan API terkaitnya CSS3 AngularJS >= 1.4 (is a MUST) jQuery ------------ Juga bisa Freelance untuk jangka waktu kontrak selama 3 BULAN.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    [Client requirement Onsite And Malaysian Citizenship] Projek ini adalah untuk melaksanakan penyelenggaraan pelayan Linux (tidak lebih daripada 10 buah). Patch keselamatan dan kemas kini perlu dilakukan . Pemeriksaan kesihatan server dan cadangan prestasi perlu dihasilkan. Senarai Semak yang disediakan perlu disi dan laporan keperluan perlu dikemukakan untuk setiap pelayan. Projek ini perlu dilakukan di lokasi dan hanya Warganegara Malaysia kerana keperluan keselamatan.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Kami mencari developer dengan skill sbb: - Menguasai Apache SOLR dan plugin management - Menguasai MariaDB dan MySql - Menguasai program PHP, HTML dan Ajax

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    Projek ini adalah untuk melaksanakan penyelenggaraan pelayan Linux (tidak lebih daripada 10 buah). Patch keselamatan dan kemas kini perlu dilakukan . Pemeriksaan kesihatan server dan cadangan prestasi perlu dihasilkan. Senarai Semak yang disediakan perlu disi dan laporan keperluan perlu dikemukakan untuk setiap pelayan. Projek ini perlu dilakukan di lokasi dan hanya Warganegara Malaysia kerana keperluan keselamatan.

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    - Implementasi Sistem Absensi Otomatis Di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del dengan Menggunakan Teknologi RFID. - Implementasi Nagios dan Cacti sebagai Network Management System. - Implementasi Active Directory di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del menggunakan Windows Server 2012. - Implementasi Fortigate Sebagai router. - Implementasi Auto Laptop Installation Using Mumi.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Saya mempunyai pengalaman di Web programmer, Inventory management, Menguasai Microsoft Office dan pakar analisis data.

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

    $2550 Average bid
    $2550 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Pengembangan ERP yang mencakup : Contract Management - Purchase Receipt - Purchase Invoice - Purchase Payment,Stock Adjusment, Sales Order - Sales Invoice - Sales Receipt Target to finish: 3 weeks after contract sign-off

    $1561 Average bid
    $1561 Avg Bida
    19 bida

    Melayani Internet marketing pembuatan blog editing Blog,track musik Music Arransemen,balancing mixing dan mastering Metatrader - Investasi 10%/bulan - pelajaran forex, signal forex,dll

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bida

    Jasa Pembuatan Business Plans (Proposal Usaha) Jasa Pembuatan Kontrak Jasa Pembuatan Project Management Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Usaha (UD, CV, PT dan lainnya) Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Kontruksi Reklame/ Billboard Jasa Pengurusan Pajak Reklame ke PEMDA Jasa Pengurusan PPN, PPH dan SPT Tahunan Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Banjar/ Ijin Lingkungan Jasa Penyewaan Konstruksi Reklame Jasa Pengurusan Saluran Listrik Reklame Jasa Hukum Pengurusan Sengketa Reklame Jasa Pengurusan Asuransi Konstruksi Reklame Jasa Pengelasan Kontruksi Reklame Jasa Research Pasar Jasa Taxi & Bus Advertising Jasa Tourism Billboard Jasa Bustopads & Sidewalkads Jasa Frontshopads & Parkads Jasa Photography untuk Product Jasa Editing Photo Product Jasa Video Advertising

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    Kami bermaksud melakukan migrasi data dari server existing menuju ke server baru. OS Server yg kami gunakan Linux Centoz dan database nya adalah PostrgreSQL. Dalam pekerjaan ini pekerjaan yg dilakukan adalah migrasi database, copy data, dump data dan mencreate replikasi antara server baru dengan database server lama. Demikian

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Plant Inventory Management System and SCADA System Scope Plant Inventory : 1. Mampu membuat Bussiness Process Model 2. Mengaplikasikan BPM ke Java/XML dan mengintegrasikan ke SAP system 3. Menguasai Database Server, SQL/Oracle 4. Menguasai Network LAN/WAN, Client+Server, Hardware Scope SCADA System : 1. Menguasai SCADA Programming, Prefered is Siemens SCADA Software 2. Mampu mengintegrasikan SCADA dengan Plant Inventory Management Syste

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Avg Bida
    4 bida

    ini belum menjadi project, tapi kemungkinan besar akan menjadi projek,saya memerlukan konsultan lepasan yang bersedia membantu penyusunan KPI dan penyusunan Balanced Scorecard,dimana syarat minimalnya adalah pernah menjadi Manager di Divisi HRD/Strategic Plan atau apapun yang dimana sehari harinya bergelut dengan KPI,Balanced Scorecard dan Performance Management Terimakasih TA

    $975 - $1950
    $975 - $1950
    0 bida

    I'm seeking a professional to manage the booking system of my hotel platform. The focus will primarily be on handling reservations while ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing and managing hotel reservations - Ensuring the booking system is user-friendly - change price - for better bulky booked Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with hotel booking systems such as , airbnb, Expedia - Proficient in third-party reservation software - Excellent organizational and communication skills Please note, the booking system is powered by third-party software, so familiarity with such platforms is crucial for success in this role. I look forward to hearing from qualified candidates. Pay by per month , only 2 properties

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Avg Bida
    4 bida

    ...Responsive and user-friendly design. Category Page: Displays coupons categorized by type (e.g., electronics, fashion). Includes dynamic filtering and sorting options. Review Page: Allows users to leave reviews for stores and coupons. Displays average ratings and user feedback. News/Blog Pages: Showcases the latest updates, deals, and tips related to couponing. SEO-optimized structure. Static Pages: About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. Admin Panel Features Rewards Program: Admin can configure cashback offers for users. Track and manage cashback transactions. Coupon Management: Create, update, and delete coupons. Bulk upload coupons via CSV. User Management: View, edit, and manage registered users. Track use...

    $406 Average bid
    $406 Avg Bida
    24 bida

    I'm looking for an experienced freelancer to help clean up my Ubuntu server. The project involves optimizing disk space, so it's crucial to have a good understanding of Ubuntu system management. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu server management - Strong skills in identifying and removing unnecessary files - Ability to organize files and directories efficiently - Familiarity with disk management tools Please note, while I haven't specified crucial data or applications, some files and applications will need to be preserved during the cleanup. I have no automatic disk management tools currently in place.

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Avg Bida
    17 bida

    I'm looking for an expert to create a database that holds detailed information about my customers and their vehicles. This database will not only store customer contact information but also help in managing invoicing and conflict che...and preferences. - Vehicle Information: For each vehicle, we need to store details like the vehicle make and model, license plate number, and service history. - Invoicing: The database should have a section for managing invoices. - Conflict Checks: It should also help in tracking potential conflicts. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in database creation and management. - Familiarity with customer service tracking and invoicing systems. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all necessary information is accur...

    $2742 Average bid
    $2742 Avg Bida
    13 bida

    ...comprehensive Admin Portal with production workflow management and other essential features. This is a high-priority development with an immediate need for someone who can work efficiently and deliver quickly. Key Responsibilities: Backend Development: Build and maintain the backend architecture for a secure and scalable e-commerce platform tailored to the banking industry. Admin Portal Development: Design and implement an admin portal with essential features, including user management, product tracking, production workflow, and order management. Database Management: Develop and manage a secure and efficient database system for tracking products, orders, users, and production workflow. Integration: Integrate payment gateways, inventory management...

    $708 Average bid
    $708 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    I'm looking for a talented video producer to create a professional advertisement for our custom software, INGRESS PAY. This payroll management program integrates seamlessly with FINGERTEC biometric devices and is designed to simplify tasks for HR departments. Key Requirements: - The video must be in French, as we are targeting French-speaking audiences. - The tone of the advertisement should be professional, reflecting the high quality of our software. - The main message to convey is 'Time-saving automation'. We want to highlight how our software can save time for HR departments. - The final product should be suitable for posting on Facebook, our top priority for this advertisement. I will provide the benefits of the program, and I expect the freelancer to handle al...

    $150 Average bid
    1 penyertaan

    description of a logo designer: *Job Title:* Logo Designer *Job Summary:* We're seeking a highly skilled and creative Logo Designer to join our team. As a Logo Designer, you will be responsible for creating...Creative Suite, specifically Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. 3. *Creativity and Originality:* Ability to think creatively and develop unique logo design concepts. 4. *Attention to Detail:* Strong attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality designs. 5. *Communication Skills:* Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with clients and team members. 6. *Time Management:* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines. 7. *Adaptability:* Willingness to adapt to changing design trends, technologies, and clie...

    $220 Average bid
    $220 Avg Bida
    26 bida

    I'm looking for a lead generation specialist to compile a database of 20,000–100,000 qualified leads for ship, boat, and oil tanker equipment sellers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation - Familiarity with the maritime equipment industry - Proficiency in database management and data mining - Excellent understanding of email verification processes Specific Requirements: - Target leads from ship equipment sellers, boat equipment sellers and oil tanker equipment sellers - All company sizes and years in business are acceptable - Revenue range: $100k+ - Verification of leads should be done via email

    $972 Average bid
    $972 Avg Bida
    45 bida

    I'm seeking a professional with extensive Mikrotik experience to assist with traffic management through a WG tunnel. The primary goal is to manage all traffic from a specific bridge, excluding the range. Summary: all traffic from a specific interface bridge destined towards internet should be sent through the WG tunnel, while traffic destined to should have default behavior (not get routed through that specific WG tunnel) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Mikrotik configuration and management. - Familiar with WG (WireGuard) tunnels. - Experience in traffic management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Thank you.

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Avg Bida
    8 bida

    ...with me. You'll drive the production while we share screens. The objective is to keep costs low, utilizing as many free plugins as possible. Key Features: - The site will cater to paid members, allowing them to access specific topic categories for scheduling or joining video meetings. - Members' dashboard will incorporate: Upcoming video meetings, Notification center, Video host, - Profile management will also be part of the dashboard, but less prominently. Ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in WordPress site development. - Proficiency in using free plugins. - Familiarity with setting up video meeting functionalities. - Capability to create a modern and clean design. - Please be prepared to share your screen so we can build this site together. - Requ...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Avg Bida
    59 bida

    I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Avg Bida
    42 bida

    ...Strategies: Create and execute comprehensive digital marketing plans specifically tailored for Shopify stores to drive traffic, optimize conversion rates, and increase sales. Shopify Store Optimization: Focus on conversion rate optimization (CRO), improving user experience (UX), enhancing product pages, optimizing checkout, and ensuring site performance. Paid Media Campaigns: Manage and optimize paid advertising campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, TikTok, and other relevant platforms to drive targeted traffic. SEO & SEM Management: Implement SEO best practices to improve organic search rankings. Manage and optimize paid search campaigns (Google Ads, Bing Ads) to drive conversions. Email Marketing Campaigns: Design and execute email marketing strategie...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Avg Bida
    26 bida

    ...focus on enhancing and managing network security. The primary goal of this project is to improve security across my network, with particular emphasis on: - Firewall configuration and management - Intrusion detection and prevention - Data encryption and protection Additionally, this project will require seamless integration with existing cloud services. Therefore, experience with cloud services and their integration into network security is crucial. Skills and experience required: - Extensive background in network management with a focus on security - Proven experience with firewall configuration and management - Expertise in intrusion detection and prevention systems - Proficient in data encryption and protection techniques - Familiarity with cloud services and...

    $57 / hr Average bid
    $57 / hr Avg Bida
    7 bida

    I'm looking for an expert in social media management, specifically Instagram, to help foster a vibrant community around my brand. This project primarily focuses on community building through engaging content and interactions. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies to grow our Instagram community - Create and curate compelling content (images, videos, stories, and live sessions) - Engage with followers and respond to queries - Monitor and report on community metrics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing Instagram accounts - Excellent content creation skills, particularly in visual media - Strong communication skills for engaging with the community - Ability to analyze community metrics and adjust strategies accordingly - Must speak good...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Avg Bida
    43 bida

    ...`AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor` to write frames to a file in memory. - **Data Object**: Retrieve the video data as a `Data` object once writing is finished. 6. **Buffering Finished Video Data with DispatchQueue** - **DispatchQueue**: Use a serial `DispatchQueue` to manage the upload buffer, ensuring that video data is enqueued and dequeued in a thread-safe and FIFO manner. - **Concurrency Management**: Use a separate thread or operation queue to handle uploads, ensuring that the main processing pipeline remains responsive. 7. **Handling Network Latency** - **Asynchronous Upload**: Use the AWS SDK for Swift to upload each file from the buffer to S3. Implement retry logic to handle transient network errors. - **Network Buffer**: The upload buffer helps smoot...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Avg Bida
    24 bida

    I'm in need of an AWS professional who can assist me with configuring the AWS Management Console for an AI-powered real estate platform I'm developing. The main tasks include setting up the necessary AWS services, ensuring secure access for ChatGPT Copilot, and establishing suitable IAM roles and permissions. Your role will be key in optimizing deployment settings for a secure and efficient integration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with AWS services - Proficiency in setting up EC2, S3, and Lambda - Expertise in configuring IAM roles and permissions - Knowledge of network security measures - Experience with data encryption Experience with deploying AI platforms on AWS will be a significant advantage. Please note, specifics about the AWS services to be configured, ...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Avg Bida
    25 bida