Ajax search suggestions php mysqlpekerjaan


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    2,000 ajax search suggestions php mysql pekerjaan dijumpai
    $12 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hi Vincentius Grerry Dhena P., saya perlu import excel ke mysql, upload gambar dan pdf. Dengan PHP, Ajax, DataTables, Bootstrap. Kalau cocok, mungkin sekalian menyelesaikan projek database yg sedang saya kerjakan. Terimakasih. Salam, Darma

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Website Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) untuk sekolah

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    Link Twitter profiles to linkedin profiles

    $175 / hr Average bid
    $175 / hr Avg Bida
    3 bida
    Website PHP
    Tamat left

    Membuat website menggunakan PHP dan MySql 1 halaman

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    saya nak mintak tolong siapa siapa yang reti untuk bangunkan website simple yang menggunakan MySql untuk connect data dari lamanweb tersebut

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Dibutuhkan Full Stack Developer untuk mengerjakan sebuah projek yang mungkin akan berlangsung selama 2-3 bulan dengan requirement: - Ahli dalam mengimplementasikan PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, JS, Jquery, Ajax, SQL, git - Menyukai Problem Solving, dapat belajar dengan cepat, cepat dalam membaca dokumen, dapat bekerja secara tim, good attitude. - Lokasi di Yogyakarta

    $2416 Average bid
    $2416 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    saya mempunyai sebuah projek api yang tertaut ke alamat tapi hanya dalam bentuk PHP, yang saya inginkan adalah dalam bentuk java.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Merubah dari inputan2 di excel ke sistem (aplikasi desktop windows) Menggunakan C# .NET dan MySQL

    $317 Average bid
    $317 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    ...MUST have a good command over English (US),MUST love writing about the above-mentioned subjects, SHOULD be able to deliver the report in turn around time of half-a-day (12 hours) and should be available for communication over email or chat. He/she MUST know WordPress. While initially, we shall provide the name of the startup/app, or even the assignment, after a while, the candidate must be able to search and shortlist startups that fit our websites' profile and editorial policy, and write about them. Candidates with initiative will get priority. Please do not apply if your command over English is not good or you cannot adhere to a 12-hour deadline. Freshers are welcome to apply but MUST be able to submit articles which require little editing. An initial paid trial will be co...

    $693 Average bid
    $693 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Membutuhkan anggota tim lepas (jadi tidak mengerjakan sendiri) untuk membuat aplikasi perhitungan efisiensi untuk sebuah perusahaaan manufacture. Aplikasi sebelumnya sudah ada, tinggal remake ulang menggunakan PHP Codeigniter

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Apakah ada freelancer yang menguasai pengembangan aplikasi Visual Studio C++ untuk Windows CE - Windows Embedded? Saya mengoperasikan sebuah gudang di mana setiap bulannya saya melakukan proses stock opname secara manual (menghitung stock di lapangan dan mencocokannya di database MySQL). Saya ingin sedikit mengautomasi proses ini menggunakan perangkat mobile yang sudah dilengkapi dengan barcode scanner. Perangkat mobile berbasis Windows CE sudah saya beli (bisa saya tunjukkan jikalau kita bertemu). Aplikasi bawaan dari barcode scanner juga sudah ada (bisa saya tunjukkan juga demo scan seperti apa). Aplikasi ini akan distart di gudang saya untuk memulai proses scanner. Yang saya perlukan adalah untuk mengkonek aplikasi ini dengan database saya.

    $564 Average bid
    $564 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya ingin membuat aplikasi Scraping google Search, Scraping yang tidak menggunakan googleApis Scraping yang saya maksud hasilnya akan sama dengan apa yang diketikan pada browser Dan saya menginginkan data dari google untuk mengetahui "keyword" yang saya pasang pada URL website saya berada pada posisi berapa. dan itu bersifat dinamis misal saya mengeset lebih dari 1 keyword. sehingga setatusnya seperti tabel yang terlampir pada dokumen.

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Kami mencari developer dengan skill sbb: - Menguasai Apache SOLR dan plugin management - Menguasai MariaDB dan MySql - Menguasai program PHP, HTML dan Ajax

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    Hello partsgr12. My skills: Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL PHP, JScript Pentaho (PDI, PSW, PRD, CDE) Saiku Analytics

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    1. Saya tidak menguasai bahasa Inggris, tetapi Saya menguasai bahasa C#, JAVA, MySQL dan beberapa lainnya. 2. Saya bukanlah seorang Pro dalam kehidupan, tetapi Saya adalah seorang Pro dalam bidang yang saya geluti. 3. Yang saya buat bukanlah permainan berkelas tinggi, melainkan permainan yang dapat dimainkan berbagai kelas. 4. Setiap orang mungkinakan berpikir kedepan untuk masalah merkea, tetapi Saya hanya berpikir bagaimana cara kerja dunia. Jadi, Apakah itu Anda? Saya bertanya, apakah Anda meragukan Saya? Jika ya, kenapa kita tidak melakukan sedikit peregangan?

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya ingin membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Saya perlu orang yang sudah terbiasa membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Yang menjadi tujuan utama saya adalah kecepatan untuk menghasilkan laporan2 dan fleksibili...Financial Accounting. Saya perlu orang yang sudah terbiasa membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Yang menjadi tujuan utama saya adalah kecepatan untuk menghasilkan laporan2 dan fleksibilitas untuk Master Data Chart of Account dalam arti panjang dari Chart of Account bisa dinamis tanpa perlu merubah coding program. Yang saya perlukan adalah : 1. Desain database untuk Financial Accounting (mySQL based) 2. Query untuk menghasilkan laporan yang diinginkan : - Laporan Jurnal - Laporan General Ledger - Laporan Trial Balance - Laporan Balance Sheet - Laporan Pro...

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Halo gan, saya lagi butuh freelancer untuk bantu project Drupal Commerce, Thanks!

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Halo gan, saya lagi butuh freelancer untuk bantu project Drupal Commerce, bias call saya di 0822 3183 7637 Thanks!

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    Manual RSS
    Tamat left

    Membuat RSS yang mengambil dari dari MySQL yang di isi secara manual ( CRUD ) dan atau melalui upload file CSV ke MySQL.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bida

    Job Desk : Membuat Chart yg terdapat dalam Lampiran dengan Pemprograman PHP dan database Mysql. Call / SMS : 089618801993

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    ...Rodriquez asal Meksiko, namun FIFA memastikan akan menggelar pengusutan. "Kami menunggu laporan resmi pertandingan dan mengumpulkan semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi masalah ini," ujar seorang juru bicara FIFA kepada Press Association Sport. Suarez tercatat pernah dua kali menerima sanksi disiplin akibat menggigit lawannya. Pertama terjadi empat tahun silam ketika masih bermain untuk Ajax Amsterdam. Pemain yang menjadi korban adalah gelandang PSV Eindhoven saat itu, Otman Bakkal, dan Suarez dijatuhi sanksi skorsing tujuh pertandingan. Peristiwa kedua terjadi pada 2013 ketika Suarez menggigit bek Chelsea Branislav Ivanovic. Akibatnya, Suarez diskorsing sepuluh pertandingan. Belakangan Suarez meminta maaf kepada Ivanovic dan menyatakan penyesalannya....

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    information after chat...Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

    $6 - $12 / hr
    $6 - $12 / hr
    0 bida

    Assalamualaikum, saya bernama Deni Gunawan sekolah di SMKN 24 Jakarta Kelas 2 Jurusan RPL, saya ingin mencari pekerjaan freelancer yang tentunya dapat menghasilkan uang dan tidak terlalu rumit untuk seorang pelajar. Saya dapat melakukan entry data baik Word, Excel, Access, MySql, Powepoint. Saya juga dapat membuat program program sederhana. Bagi yang berminat silahkan sms/tlp ke 089652237413

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

    $32 - $1300
    $32 - $1300
    0 bida

    membuat design berbagaqi bentuk baik 2D dan 3D menggunakan PHP, GRAPHIC DESIN, LOGO, MySQL, COREL DRAW, arena, robocell, autocad, DLL. diperuntukan juga bagi perusahaan bersekala kecil menengah yang membutuhkan design produk atau berkenaan dengan design lainnya.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    95% finished website () membutuhkan beberapa penyelesaian point revisi mudah. Download detailnya di : Jika menyanggupi dan penawaran di approve, saya akan memberikan link untuk mendowload website keseluruhan. Terimakasih Salam sejahtera

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya mencari pakar php untuk membantu/lead/mengajar beberapa fungsi php contoh : cara nak bangunkan sistem affiliate. saya akan develop sepenuhnya dan jika ada masalah... saya akan terus rujuk kepada anda dan mengajar cara nak selesaikan semua masalah php sila PM saya untuk pertanyaan dan kepada sesiapa yang betul-betul berminat

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Ingin membuat website yang mempunyai search seperti ataupun sebagainya yag mampu mencari ketersediaan dan harga tiket. Selain itu custumer dapat memesan secara langsung dan apabila sudah melakukan pembayaran maka dapat mengissuednya sendiri.

    $783 Average bid
    $783 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    beli paket ini untuk keperluan website anda

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin membuat web api dengan menggunakan java untuk sinkronisasi data antara database mysql dengan mobile apps

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya ingin mempunyai website seperti punya orang ini seperti di link ini Turbo Paypal Namun saya minta untuk dibuatkan ada member areanya.

    $841 Average bid
    $841 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Merubah 4 fungsi dari script, penomoran anggota yg terbalik, print out, download database, dan save and next Error.

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    ...while clients can view profiles. Review System: Clients submit reviews with ratings & feedback; admin can moderate. Admin Panel: Manage users, approve/suspend accounts, and remove fake reviews. Security & Data Integrity: Password hashing, role-based access, and review verification. Tech Stack (Preferred Options, Open to Suggestions): Frontend: Basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Bootstrap or React). Backend: Node.js (Express) / PHP (Laravel) / Python (Flask/Django). Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL / Firebase Firestore (for real-time updates). Development Requirements: Simple & Clean UI – A basic yet user-friendly interface. Scalability – Easy to expand features in the future. Security Considerations – Secure authentication and proper role-based a...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    I'm in search of an exceptional Commission Only Sales Rep/Person model ensures that expenses directly correlate with Sales Success, with a keen focus on the Personal Development industry, to focus on mindset to boost profit margins. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, source and sell our Course on Personal Development. So we pay you your commission once you Close the sale for £100 if you think this is you, please reach out. Must have excellent control over the English language, would prefer for the freelancer to be in the States or Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Contact and convert cold leads into course purchases - Employ persuasive sales techniques tailored for the personal development niche - Track sales progress and report back on lead conversion rates...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    am in search of a native spanish speaker who possesses a profound comprehension of informal language and is capable of reviewing the bullet points in my marketing material. The language must be both accessible and alluring to a broad spectrum of potential consumers, as the target audience is the general public. Primary Requirements: - Proficient in the Spanish language and grammar - Experience in marketing language - Capacity to communicate in an informal manner - Comprehension of the general public's requirements and preferences This endeavor is an ideal opportunity for freelancers who have a strong understanding of informal Spanish and have a background in marketing. Your responsibility will be to guarantee that the bullet points are not only grammatically accurate but also e...

    $1197 Average bid
    $1197 Avg Bida
    24 bida
    Logo & Banner Designer Needed
    6 hari left

    ...featuring bold visuals and dynamic composition. - **Banner 2:** A visually engaging banner optimized for another page, maintaining brand consistency while offering a fresh look. **Design Preferences:** - Modern, minimalistic, and eye-catching. - Sleek typography with clean lines. - Versatile logo icons that can be used independently. - Professional color palette (open to creative suggestions). - High-resolution designs suitable for digital use. **Deliverables:** - High-resolution logo files (PNG, JPEG, SVG, PDF) with light and dark variations. - High-quality banners optimized for social media platforms. - Source files for both logos and banners (AI, PSD, or equivalent). **Skills Required:** - Strong portfolio showcasing logo and banner designs. -...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Avg Bida
    32 bida

    I'm in the process of setting up a WordPress-based encyclopedia and require assistance in configuring the theme. Key Features: - The website will include search functionality, category navigation, and support for multimedia content (like images and videos). - It's essential that the site is designed with a modern and clean aesthetic and SEO optimized - existing site using Wikilogy 1.10 theme (WP Bakery) - New wp site setup in /beta/ folder, updated Wikilogy theme 2.0 (Elementor) installed Configure theme for alphabetical index Category navigation, ajax instant search, place adsense, tags, social icons Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with WordPress theme configuration is a must. - Familiarity with setting up features for an encyclopedia website would be a...

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Avg Bida
    39 bida

    I'm looking for a skilled Web Developer who can code some functionalities into my site. The site is likely going to be hosted on WordPress, but I'm open to suggestions if there's a more effective platform. Here's what I need: - An AI Contact and Info pop-up powered by Chat GPT - Integration with HubSpot CRM - Connection to the scheduling app, Motion - A merchandise purchasing section via Square I'm expecting to finalize the design in the next few days, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know your availability for the upcoming week. Thank you and I look forward to your prompt response. Best, Jon The Design Source

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Avg Bida
    95 bida

    Best Suitable for new freelancers expecting less budget. I'm looking for a developer who can help me create a lead generation application using React and Laravel / MySQL. Important, should deploy this Hostinger shared hosting, not VPS I know this is small project ,Dont apply if you want enterprise level pricing Mobile Otp verification api can use Email otp verification api can use

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    I'm seeking a web-based AI Resume Builder. Us...consistently, taking the hassle out of manual editing. - Skill Recommendation: The AI should analyze the user's experience and suggest relevant skills to include, enhancing the resume's effectiveness. - Pre-Built Templates: A variety of stylish, modern templates should be available for users to choose from, catering to different industries and roles. Google Gemini APIs preferred but open for suggestions. The user interface is crucial to the project's success. I envision a modern and trendy design, appealing to a wide range of users, from recent graduates to seasoned professionals. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in AI, web development, and UX/UI design, with a portfolio th...

    $787 Average bid
    $787 Avg Bida
    68 bida

    I'm in search of a skilled Odoo developer who can efficiently set up the Inventory Management, POS, and CRM apps tailored for my company. Key Responsibilities: - Create a robust system for tracking our physical goods in the inventory - Establish a Point of Sale system - Set up a Customer Relationship Management application Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with Odoo implementation and customization - Strong understanding of Inventory Management, POS, and CRM systems - Ability to tailor these systems to meet specific company needs Please note, while I primarily need an inventory tracking system, the specifics of the functionalities may be discussed later. Your expertise will be crucial in advising on the best setup and features to include, especially for the ...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Avg Bida
    3 bida

    I am looking for a seasoned Meta & google Ads manager to help run and set up my ads on Facebook and Instagram. The primary goal of this campaign is to generate leads. I have a specific target audience in mind, but I am open to suggestions and insights from your experience. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of Meta's and Google's ad policies - Proven track record in lead generation - Experience with Facebook and Instagram ads.. also managing goodle ads - Ability to provide detailed user Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) improvement reports - Strong communication skills to discuss past work and strategies in chat - Will need to explain in details how ad setup works, we will do the setup on our own Please share your previous work and user CAC improvement rep...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Avg Bida
    17 bida

    I'm in search of a seasoned digital marketer with a high level of expertise and proven experience to create and implement a series of dynamic and engaging digital marketing campaigns aimed primarily at driving sales. Key Responsibilities: - Design and execute multi-platform communication campaigns across Social Media, Email, LinkedIn TikTok, and Instagram. - Prioritize TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn for social media campaigns. - Focus on converting interactions into sales, rather than just brand awareness or lead generation. The ideal candidate should possess: - Experience using Hi-Level - Demonstrable experience in digital marketing, particularly in the aforementioned platforms. - Strong sales orientation with a track record of successful sales-driven campaigns. - Creative...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bida
    27 bida
    duplicar mi php
    6 hari left

    duplicar mi php, cambiando el contenido de texto e imagnes fa fa-flag y colores, yo les pasare el codigo de esta pagina para que la dupliquen los php

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    ...aesthetic. Key requirements: - All design elements must be an ADD-ON to the existing house. - The use of Jarrah aluminium look and white ONLY. These are the only feasible colours as they match with our existing products. - The carport must be integrated into the new facade for a cohesive look. - The carport will need an integrated charging port for electric vehicles. I am open to creative suggestions, but please note that I have a clear stylistic vision for this project: contemporary, minimalist with a touch of industrial. Key skills and experience ideal for this job would include: - Extensive background in contemporary architecture. - Proven experience in designing carport extensions. - Exceptional skills in facade design. - Deep understanding of aluminium and IPS sheet appl...

    $62 Average bid
    Dijamin Peraduan Teratas
    0 penyertaan

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist in gathering the details of company directors from a list of data centres. The project involves finding information for 100 plus data centres. Key Requirements: - Full Name, Title, Email Address, and Pho...directors are required. - Experience with data gathering and research is crucial. - Prior experience in sourcing business contacts is a plus. - Directors' LinkedIn Profiles are required for validation. - Please include the directors’ specific company roles in your search. Your bid should reflect your ability to provide this information accurately and efficiently. Looking forward to your proposals. The gathered information should be organized in an Excel spreadsheet format. Please include the directors’ specific c...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Avg Bida
    37 bida

    ...Features: - Outfit Organization: The website should have a feature for users to categorize and organize their outfits within their virtual wardrobe. - Outfit Suggestions: Based on the user's wardrobe, the website should be able to suggest outfits. This requires a good understanding of AI and machine learning to ensure the suggestions are personalized and relevant. - Seasonal Wardrobe Planning: The website should be able to help users plan their wardrobe according to different seasons. - تنسيق الازياء: This is an Arabic term that translates to "styling" in English. The website should incorporate this aspect, providing users with styling suggestions and tips. Timeline: I would like this project completed within three months. Ideal Skills and Experien...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Avg Bida
    35 bida

    ...destructible by bombs, explosions, tank firing or artillery firing. The vehicles can be blown up Part 01 Develop a fully functional Military and Police shooting simulator. System is basically composed by a Projection screen (up to 5 screens), a video projector (numbered according to the number of screens selected), an accelerometer or an inertial tracking device or any other kind of device (suggestions are welcome) to be attached onto a replica or REAL Gun. This device shave a calibration routine and send each gun position coordinates in 3d space to the computer (where the gun barrel is pointing at in relation to the screen). The gun shot should be interpreted by the "Game simulator" as a mouse click, allowing the shooter holding the gun to point and shoot at the c...

    $10600 Average bid
    $10600 Avg Bida
    10 bida