Adobe air socket examplepekerjaan


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2,000 adobe air socket example pekerjaan dijumpai

Tajuk Projek : Jalankan sebuah kajian berkenaan cadangan pembangunan komoditi air di kawasan yang sesuai dan berupaya membawa keuntungan kepada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat di Malaysia. Format penulisan laporan projek wajib mengandungi: 1. Pengenalan. 2. Latar belakang kawasan kajian. 3. Kajian literature. 4. Metodologi. 5. Hasil Kajian. 6. Kesimpulan/Rumusan 7. Rujukan. Arahan : a) Projek perlu disertai dengan peta lakar kawasan kajian atau lain-lain peta serta gambar-gambar yang berkaitan untuk memantapkan lagi kajian. b) Projek mestilah berasaskan kepada penyelidikan dan bacaan sendiri dan mengandungi nota kaki yang sesuai serta bibliografi yang lengkap. c) Setiap nota, jadual, atau gambar rajah yang disertakan dalam esei haruslah mempunyai rujukan dari mana dipetik. d) 18-20 m...

$58 Average bid
$58 Avg Bida
11 bida

Saya ingin membuat satu projek berkenaan satu produk. Storyline ringkas, satu bacground, 4 moving objects & sounds effects sikit

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
2 bida

Bsa memberitahu tanaman kena penyakit apa dan cara menanganinya, cara merawat tanaman, apa yang harus dilakukan, pemberitshuan tangki air sudah habis, pemberitshuan lampu harus di nyalakan

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bida


$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
0 bida

I need editor who edit a video, video ini saya buat dalam rangka perpisahan,menggunakan adobe premiere dan menggunakan effect transisi pada setiap perpindahan gambar, ddengan durasi 1 menit

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bida
17 bida

website dibangunkan untuk memudahkan pengguna yang lain , sama ada mencipta tentang diri sendiri atau perniagaan , website ini nampak seperti biasa tapi sangat memudahkan pengguna. Menulis tentang diri sendiri mungkin akan membuat Anda malu, tetapi ada beberapa trik tertentu dalam hal gaya dan konten untuk menulis surat lamaran, esai pers...yang lain , sama ada mencipta tentang diri sendiri atau perniagaan , website ini nampak seperti biasa tapi sangat memudahkan pengguna. Menulis tentang diri sendiri mungkin akan membuat Anda malu, tetapi ada beberapa trik tertentu dalam hal gaya dan konten untuk menulis surat lamaran, esai personal, dan biodata diri sehingga tidak terlalu menyulitkan. Website dibangunkan dengan menggunakan software Adobe Dreamweaver Segala pertanya boleh comment ...

$81 Average bid
$81 Avg Bida
6 bida

Riset Penulisan daerah rawan air

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida
Design project
Tamat left

Mengubah sejumlah gambar Mahir menggunakan adobe photoshop dan corel draw

$162 Average bid
$162 Avg Bida
5 bida

Bekerja Membuat sebuah game multiplayer dengan node js (web socket) dan integrasi dengan hp frontend. Anda akan di gaji perbulan untuk menyelesaikan projek game.

$812 Average bid
$812 Avg Bida
6 bida

CA memo menggunakan penerbit aset liferay 6.2. Untuk memudahkan webmaster mengemaskini CA memo ke aset publisher fungsi-fungsi dan kemaskini ckeditor diperlukan

$1758 Average bid
$1758 Avg Bida
1 bida
Data Entry
Tamat left

Melakukan sejumlah pekerjaan Excel Mampu mengoperasikan Ms Excel Mampu mengoperasikan Ms Word Mampu mengoperasikan Adobe Photoshop ++Design Grafis,membuat logo pada Adobe Photoshop dan Corel Draw ++mengoperasikan Ms Excel dan menguasai VBA project dan formula pada excel.

$101 Average bid
$101 Avg Bida
2 bida
Design project
Tamat left

Kepuasan costumer adalah tujuan saya, kerja sama yang baik akan mengahasilkan karya yang baik pula. Pengalaman lah yang membentuk seorang designer yang cerdas. Skill: Hand Drawing (sketsa) Adobe Illustrator (ai) Indesign (id) Photoshop (ps) Design Process (proses desain) : - Sketsa - Acc/asistensi 1,2,3 - Finishing

$350 Average bid
$350 Avg Bida
2 bida

...INFORMAL2008 Two Days Workshop, Making Effective Corporate Media (SPP Jakarta)2007 Two Days Workshop, Writing Skill for Managers & Executives Sekolah Penulis Pembelajar (SPP Jakarta)2006 Diklat Jurnalisme Sadar Konflik Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI Jakarta)1997 Diklat Jurnalistik Tingkat Dasar Fak. Sastra Indonesia Unair - Jawa PosKUALIFIKASIMampu mengoperasikan sejumlah software seperti: Adobe Photoshop, Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Frontpage, Macromedia Dream Weaver, Windows Movie Maker, Ulead Video Studio dan Internet....

$1500 Average bid
$1500 Avg Bida
1 bida VJ
Tamat left

...Cina Kini untuk pasaran melayu, kami akan launch (media content) dan # Basic payment utk part timer ialah rm400 sebulan. Anda boleh on air di mana2 sahaja asalkan anda menggunakan laptop dan internet sendiri. Equipment utk on air seperti kamera & microphone akan disediakan oleh pihak syarikat. Income anda berdasarkan point room setiap bulan. 70% company 30% untuk VJ. mface Vj biasanya dapat 2-3k permonth Jika terpilih menjadi VJ CmyLive, anda dikehendaki untuk on air 3 kali dalam seminggu (anda boleh pilih apa2 hari pun asalkan 3 hari dlm seminggu), 2 jam setiap kali on air (anda boleh pilih utk on air bila2 yg anda mahu dari jam 3ptg ke 12 tgh malam asalkan selama 2 jam). Flexible bukan? Dhiya Dann my fb (PM) Tajuk : CV application...

$7 - $21
$7 - $21
0 bida

Menguasai Autocad 2D, 3D Sketchup,dan Adobe Photoshop

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

Saya melakukan pekerjan gambar Civil structure baja dan building, mechanikal spare part gear coupling shaft etc, dan P&ID , oil pipe. air pipe, water, and steam pipe

$216 Average bid
$216 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya ingin membuat web seperti contoh dengan pencarian tiket dan kereta api maskapai : airasia citilink express air garuda kalstar lion sky aviation sriwijaya trigana

$95 Average bid
$95 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya ingin membuat web seperti contoh dengan pencarian tiket dan kereta api maskapai : airasia citilink express air garuda kalstar lion sky aviation sriwijaya trigana

$19 Average bid
$19 Avg Bida
1 bida

tutorial lengkap adobe flash cs 3 mulai awal hingga akhir dalam bentuk e-book dan akan saya kerjakan dalam waktu 3 hari.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

tutorial lengkap adobe flash cs 3 mulai awal hingga akhir dalam bentuk e-book dan akan saya kerjakan dalam waktu 3 hari.

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Menjelaskan secara rinci, tentang manfaat limbah air kelapa sebagai pupuk organik air kelapa yang bermanfaat untuk tanaman dan ekonomis, serta ramah lingkungan, yang ditulis dalam sebuah "Karya Tulis Ilmiah".

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

Samsung Galaxy s4 superking V4 latest model with 8.86gb internal phone storage ram2gb 15.90gb brighter ...out and hold events dimana2 place! SPED 4g internet! visit my fanpage - >> if u cans sale my items in 2 day. i will pay you bugget my ass! FREE SCREEN PROTECTOR DIAMOND, FREE FLIP CASE ORI, 2600MH POWERBANK FREE, FREE Postage IN MALAYSIA ONLY!! RM870 FULL SET. Read maximize: √ Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) √ Air Gesture √ Air Browser √ Air Launcher-accept √ Air call-accept √ Motion settings √ S-Voice √ HD SUPER AMOLED Screen Size √ Speed ​​Internet 4G (HSPA +) √ Video Call √ & Personal Wifi Hotspot √ Bluetooth √ Quad Core Processor √ O...

$21 - $176
$21 - $176
0 bida

PT. PHOENIX JAYA MANDIRI Jakarta, bergerak di bidang Jasa Pengurusan barang Export dan Import di Pelabuhan Tg Priok Maupun Di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Juga kami melayani jasa Domestics Pendistribusian barang ke seluruh Indonesia Khususnya ke Seluruh wilayah Sumatera, Aceh NAD, Jawa dan Bali Lintas Darat, Laut dan Udara . Melayani International Sea & Air Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearance, Project Specialist, Inland Transportation, Export -Import, melalui Pelabuhan Laut dan Udara baik Resmi maupun Borongan [ All In ] di seluruh wilayah Indonesia Kami sudah lebih dari sepuluh tahun menghandle macam-macam Shipment dari Mancanegara. Dan yang kami utamakan adalah kecepatan dalam pengirimanbarang Import dan Domestics, marketing handal dengan service yang baik menghandle konsume...

$361 Average bid
$361 Avg Bida
1 bida

If you're interested, add me and message me on instagram: @itsalexsljivic. This username is the same for my YouTube channel. I'm seeking a talented designer to create bold and vibrant thumbnails for my YouTube channel. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator - Experience with YouTube Thumbnail Design - Strong understanding of Minimalistic, Bold, and Vibrant design principles Key Elements to Incorporate: - Images of people: These will be provided, but the designer should be able to blend them seamlessly into the overall design. - Text overlays: Catchy and engaging text will need to be strategically placed within the thumbnail. - Icons or graphics: These can either be provided or created by the designer, depending on the specific need...

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
7 bida

I have a 24x36 poster print image that needs to be enhanced for a high-quality print. The image is currently at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher and is in a JPEG format. Minor edits to enhance the image quality are acceptable. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Expertise in image editing software (like Adobe Photoshop or similar). - Experience with preparing images for high-quality prints. - Ability to enhance image quality without compromising the original aesthetics.

$26 Average bid
$26 Avg Bida
72 bida
Trophy icon Photograph to Stamp Conversion
3 hari left

I'm looking for a freelancer who can interpret a photograph and convert it into a clean...involves transforming a photograph into a stamp design. - Line Style: The lines in the design should be medium and balanced - not too thin or overly detailed, but also not too thick or bold. - Detail Preservation: The design should preserve minimal detail from the original photograph. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating line-based designs. - Adobe Illustrator or Similar Software: Proficient in using design software to manipulate images and create clean, scalable designs. Experience: - Previous work creating designs for stamps or similar projects. - Portfolio demonstrating ability to create medium and balanced line interpretations ...

$10 Average bid
8 penyertaan

I'm looking for an animator who can transform sports footage into 2D animations. The animator will need to animate the full scene, not just character movements or b...animator who can transform sports footage into 2D animations. The animator will need to animate the full scene, not just character movements or background elements. The level of detail required is moderately detailed, so the animations should be clear and easy to follow, but not overly complex. We need 4 x 10 sec scenes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 2D animation software (e.g., Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony) - Strong understanding of sports sequences and the ability to capture the dynamics of the movements - Previous experience with scene-level animation - Able to create clean, moderately detai...

$622 Average bid
$622 Avg Bida
24 bida

I need a graphic designer to help me with a quick edit on an AI file. Specific Requirements: - Increase the spacing between certain logo letters - Thicken the letter 'S' Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator - Have keen attention to detail - Previous experience with logo editing This is a small and simple task for a skilled designer. Prompt completion is appreciated.

$26 Average bid
$26 Avg Bida
105 bida

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer who can create a vector design for the phrase "Friends Don't Let". This design will be used for T-shirt printing, so it needs to be suitable and scalable for that purpose. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in vector graphic software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator) - Prior experience in T-shirt design - Strong understanding of typography and visual balance - Creativity in conceptualizing designs - Ability to deliver high-quality, print-ready files

$75 Average bid
$75 Avg Bida
156 bida

...someone who loves building strong relationships with clients while staying hands-on in video production. ROLE OVERVIEW: The ideal candidate will excel in: • Building and maintaining strong client relationships • Executing various aspects of video production (all skillsets welcome) REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 5 years of experience in your video production skillset • Proficiency in Apple ecosystem and Adobe Creative Cloud • Knowledge of AI video tools with a passion for continuous learning • Impressive video portfolio showcasing your expertise • Adaptability to wear multiple hats (salesperson, creative director, production specialist) • Entrepreneurial spirit with a desire to grow with our company long term • Colorado-based QUALIFICAT...

$300 - $5000
$300 - $5000
0 bida

...wall. (00:03 – 00:06) Show water drops in air around the desiccant bag. Then have them absorb into the bag with a radiant effect coming from the bag to show it absorbing the water droplets. Repeat the droplets appearing and being absorbed three times. (00:06 – 00:12) Show water animated inside the desiccant bag that then solidifies into a brown soil-like solid. After it solidifies highlight around the desiccant bag to show there’s no leaks. Dunnage Bags – Animation 2: 13s Timeline (00:00 – 00:05) Show back of cargo van with pallets and boxes inside (supplied .ai) . Three dunnage bags then appear (use supplied .ai) and slots in between pallets and between the pallets and the walls to show proper placement. (00:05 – 00:08) Truck with cargo and...

$209 Average bid
17 penyertaan

...home uses and loses energy. Through a series of tests and inspections, we identify areas where energy is wasted and provide actionable solutions to make your home more efficient. Tailored Recommendations for Savings Once we complete your energy audit, we deliver a customized report with clear recommendations for improving your home’s energy efficiency. Whether it's enhancing insulation, sealing air leaks, or upgrading heating and cooling systems, our solutions are designed to help you save on energy bills. Educating the Community We are committed to educating the community about energy efficiency, ensuring everyone has access to vital information and feels empowered to take action. By sharing knowledge, we aim to make energy-related decisions more accessible and hel...

$137 Average bid
$137 Avg Bida
176 bida

...engagement. Design responsive and mobile-friendly interfaces. Collaborate with developers and product managers to implement UX/UI best practices. Ensure accessibility and usability standards are met. Conduct A/B testing and iterate designs based on user feedback. Requirements: 2-3 years of experience in UX/UI design. Strong portfolio with sports-related website projects. Proficiency in Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or similar tools. Understanding of user behavior, information architecture, and wireframing. Experience with responsive design and mobile-first approach. Familiarity with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS) is a plus. Strong problem-solving and communication skills. Preferred Skills: Knowledge of sports industry trends and fan engagement strategies. Experience working on s...

$268 Average bid
$268 Avg Bida
31 bida

I'm seeking a talented video editor to help me polish my fitness videos for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. The goal is to give them a cinematic flair, making them engaging and visually appealing for my followers. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with creating content for social media - Understanding of cinematic editing techniques Key Requirements: - Fast turn-around time - Ability to incorporate feedback and make revisions - A portfolio of previous work, particularly fitness and/or influencer content, will be highly beneficial.

$96 Average bid
$96 Avg Bida
61 bida

...elements to help create a consistent brand identity. - A branding suite that communicates trust and reliability, innovation and creativity, and exclusivity. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in logo design and brand development. - An impressive portfolio of modern and minimalist designs. - A deep understanding of conveying complex messages through visual design. Supported File Types - AI (Adobe Illustrator) or EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) for the original vector file. - SVG for scalable vector web use. - PNG (transparent background) at a high resolution (300 DPI). - JPG for non-transparent needs. - PDF for high-quality print. We are looking for a design that communicates trust, innovation, and forward-thinking. Please ensure that the logo is scalable, meaning it looks gre...

$24 Average bid
157 penyertaan

I'm in need of a skilled video maker and designer to create videos featuring my clients. These videos will primarily serve as customer testimonials. Key Responsibilities: - Filming and editing client testimonials - Ensuring the videos are engaging and professionally produced Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience in filming and producing customer testimonial videos - Strong understanding of audiovisual design Your creative input and ability to enhance the storytelling of these testimonials will be key in making this project a success.

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bida

I'm looking for a playful, whimsical logo featuring a dabbing unicorn for Valentine's Day. The logo should embody the spirit of love and romance with a...positivity. Leopard Print: A fashionable and bold design choice. Brand Identity & Purpose: This design is perfect for Valentine’s Day-themed apparel and accessories, including: ✔ T-Shirts, Hoodies & Sweatshirts ✔ Tote Bags, Phone Cases & Mugs ✔ Stickers, Greeting Cards & Digital Prints ✔ Gift Items for Kids, Women & Couples Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience in creating playful, whimsical designs - Ability to design for both digital and print - Understanding of brand consistency across different mediums - Stron...

$20 Average bid
126 penyertaan
Trophy icon Logo Design for Koid Buys Houses
6 hari left

Hello Please read... Please read all of it. Please understand. I need a vector logo for Koid Buys Houses. No circle style. I like blue see attached, black, white, and charcoal grey. Logo style horizontal. Not Canva no ai generated, photoshop and adobe illustrator only,. final files must be vector. Thank you

$30 Average bid
401 penyertaan

I'm seeking a proficient Adobe user to develop an interactive PDF for me. The primary aim of this document is data collection, and it should incorporate dynamic fields and features. Specifically, I need the PDF to include: - Text input and Checkbox questions - Simple if-then conditional logic (e.g., if a user answers 'yes', a follow-up question appears) Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in creating dynamic PDFs, with a keen understanding of conditional logic implementation. Experience with Adobe is crucial.

$146 Average bid
$146 Avg Bida
64 bida

I'm looking for a modern logo for my cleaning business "Pristine Sparkle Solutions". The logo should incorporate the colors orange and pink, and include imagery of a spray bottle and sponge, as these are representative of my brand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development - Adobe Illustrator or similar software - Understanding of color theory and modern design aesthetics Specific Requirements: - The business name 'Pristine Sparkle Solutions' should be displayed in the logo with capitalized first letters. - The overall style of the logo should be modern, not classic or playful.

$15 Average bid
228 penyertaan

Looking for Experienced Flutter Developer We are seeking an experienced Flutter Developer to upgrade our existing Flutter application to the latest version and implement new features based on our UI/UX designs available in Adobe XD. Requirements: Proven experience in Flutter app development. Strong knowledge of Dart, Flutter framework, and mobile app architecture. Experience in upgrading Flutter apps to newer versions. Ability to work with Adobe XD designs and convert them into responsive UI. Proficiency in integrating APIs and third-party libraries. Good debugging and performance optimization skills. Responsibilities: Upgrade the existing Flutter app to the latest stable version. Implement new features and screens as per the XD design files. Ensure the app is res...

$410 Average bid
$410 Avg Bida
33 bida

I need a graphic designer to replicate the design from a JPG into CDR ( 17 ver ) or AI format. The final design needs to match the original in terms of: - Layout and structure - Color scheme and typography - Icons and images Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with graphic design, particularly in replicating designs across platforms. Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator is a must. Please ensure that your bid includes samples of similar work you've completed in the past.

$12 Average bid
$12 Avg Bida
7 bida

...flight search function, which will be the primary focus, i also want to add airport parking, hotels (if stopping overnight), car rental, tours/excursions . All this part of the website would be affiliate links, which i believe is easy enough to do. The hardest part is to customise a flight search facility and how to include all flights from all the low cost carriers (Ryainair, Easyjet, wizz Air etc.... The overall look / design to the site wants to be simple and sleek looking (similar to Skyscanner)...

$726 Average bid
$726 Avg Bida
148 bida

I'm looking for a professional illustrator to create a drawing of a padawan in a realistic style. I will provide the face and body, but the illustrator will need to draw the body from the waist up. Key Requirem...professional illustrator to create a drawing of a padawan in a realistic style. I will provide the face and body, but the illustrator will need to draw the body from the waist up. Key Requirements: - The padawan should be depicted walking slowly - The background should be a simple solid color - The illustration should be completed in Adobe Illustrator Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in creating realistic style illustrations - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Strong understanding of character design and movement - Ability to work from pro...

$123 Average bid
$123 Avg Bida
65 bida
Trophy icon Kindergarten Logo Design
2 hari left

I'm seeking a creative designer to help develop a unique logo for the "First Day of Kindergarten – Level Unlocked" project. The logo should capture the essence of the transition into kindergarten in a visually appealing way. Design Name: ? "First Day of Kindergarten – Level Unlocked" Industry &, engaging, and energetic. Combination of uppercase and dynamic positioning to emphasize excitement and achievement. Color Palette & Symbolism: ? Bright yellow (joy, creativity, and playfulness) ❤️ Red accents (energy, passion, and fun) ⚫ Black contrasts (bold and striking impact) ? Gold and light yellow tones (success and milestone achievement) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator or similar software Pl...

$20 Average bid
275 penyertaan

I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a new promotional brochure for my company, based on an existing brochure and our website. Key Requirements: - The brochure needs to have a professional tone, reflecting the nature of our b... Key Requirements: - The brochure needs to have a professional tone, reflecting the nature of our business. - It should include relevant images/photos and text. - The designer should have an eye for aesthetics and be able to select appropriate visuals and layout. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in creating promotional materials is essential. - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, InDesign). - Excellent understanding of visual communication principles. - Ability to adhere to brand guidelines and maintain bra...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Avg Bida
89 bida

I'm looking for a skilled animator with extensive experience in Adobe After Effects. The project involves creating compelling motion graphics for promotional ads. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe After Effects - Strong background in motion graphics animation - Experience in designing animations for promotional content Your portfolio should reflect your ability to create engaging and effective promotional animations. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.

$12 Average bid
$12 Avg Bida
5 bida

I'm looking for a graphic arist to manually trace and recreate a design I've done using AI. You will need proficiency in software like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW. I need a high resolution scalable file that matches the original image perfectly (there is some cleaning and refining of the wording needed in the design). I need the fonts converted to outlines in illustrator or similar software to prevent fort issues when printing. For T-shirts and Merchandise the format must be PNG with transparency. It needs to be in TIFF or EPS for example high res and lossless for print shops and have the image that I need exactly reporduced. I need it delivered to me in formats I can send to the printers for items such as tote bags, t shirts, cooking aprons and mugs. Please ...

$84 Average bid
$84 Avg Bida
32 bida

I need some simple Photoshop. The tasks include removing a logo, outlining building, and labelling a buildimg on 1-5 photos/aerial map Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Prior experience with photo editing - Attention to detail

$12 Average bid
67 penyertaan

I'm looking for an experienced video editor who can handle long YouTube content (15-50 minutes) professionally. The editing style should be clean and professional, without unnecessary embellishments. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and DaVinci Resolve - Over 2 years of relevant experience - Ability to deliver high-quality edits that are suitable for a corporate-style YouTube channel Payment will be made via Vodafone Cash or Telda. Please DM me for more details.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Avg Bida
25 bida