Access order managementpekerjaan
Order 1 hari 5 produk 1 checkout 1 barang = total 10 barang Produk akan dipilih client Berikan ulasan bintang 5 jika sudah sampai beserta video Foto dan video akan dikirim oleh client
hi saya owner busines f&b dari sabah malaysia dan sudah menjalankan perniagaan selama 13tahun. projek terbaru saya adalah ingin meluaskan rangkaian perniagaan dan melahirkan agent2 di bawah naungan perniagaan saya. saya mencari satu sistem yang mana saya boleh mengawal selia dan memantau sales report, sales comissent, stok report, restok sistem, sedikit hr management dan sales performance. sistem agent ini lebih kepada mobile aps. dia similar kepada pos sistem tetapi tidaklah terlalu komplikated. saya mahu sistem yang sangat simple tetapi sangat efektif. saya boleh design sendiri dalam design web ui melalui design ps5 untuk lebih detailing. terus terang saya mahukan data ini hanyalah untuk permulaan dan bukannya fully perfect base on budgetting dan sebagai titik permulaan per...
Membangunakan sistem pengiraan productivity dan juga geraf yang bersesuaian yang dapat digunakan oleh public secara percuma. Dalam masa yang sama pihak kami dapat access kepada database tersebut.
Saya mahu bina inventori management system menggunakan Microsoft excel
...blibli -Sekali dengan web design/clean/mudah -Result mestilah real time, jika harga berubah di toko, dalam website juga pun mesti berubah, mesti tampil dengan ongkir dari toko , supaya customer jelas semasa buat order. -Mata wang bisa di set convert rate manual oleh admin (ke MYR) -mesti ada fuction mark up harga untuk admin(percent lumsump) contoh 10% -mesti intergrate dgn API paymentgateway malaysia -order yang di buat dari customer mesti ada info, seperti "pembelian pending "pembelian berjaya" yang boleh admin update manual (process beli admin yang buat, customer cuma place order sahaja) -mesti auto grab info resi/awb/tracking -setelah item2 customer sampai mesti ada fuction/fitur tambahan seperti item inspection/refund/pemulangan -Customer boleh...
saya nak anda buat interface login dan linkkan ke interface menu(interface nih biar ada pilihan makanan dan minuman). Selepas itu interface pengiraan order makanan dan minuman yang skali interface viewuser(iaitu nama,alamat,masa(jam) user buat pembelian).Dan yang viewuser ini,saya ingin anda linkkan ia ke database phymyAdmin..
Membantu untuk memasarkan secara online, dibeberapa marketplace dan juga dimedsos. menangani order dan merekap orderan untuk diteruskan ke EDP
Hi Liza, Boleh hubungi sy di talian 017 44 22 88 9 (Ms Za) berhubung dgn tawaran job social media management dan budget.
Saya butuh Team & Personil untuk maju ke sebuah project pemerintah yang harus melengkapi beberapa persyaratan berikut a. Satu (1) orang...sertifikat PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter, Backend Programming. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S1) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer perguruan tinggi negeri atau perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah diakriditasi atau telah lulus ujian negara yang berpengalaman pada pekerjaan sejenis dan mempunyai pengalaman kerja total minimal 3 tahun. Detail Pekerjaan : WEBSITE - Website Dashboard - Task Management - User Management - Admin - side Development MOBILE APPS - Profile User - Profile Page - Background Sending - GPS Based Location Tracking - Live GPS Based locationTracking - Chatting Feature - Photo Location Based on Location Silahkan apply un...
1. Buat artikel sesuai content plan yg sdh dbuat 2. Jumlah 12 artikel per bulan. minimal 500kata. 3. Artikel source juga sudah disediakan 4. Tidak perlu mencari content visualnya (foto), cukup berikan textual dalam bentuk office word 5. Ada tiga kategori blog, masing2 buat 4 artikel tiap bulan (total 13/bln), yaitu : Leadership, Staff Development & management, self Development
Menulis sejumlah artikel Menerima order pembuatan artikel dan berita
Kertas Rancangan Perniagaan Produk/Servis Template RP 1) Cover Hadapan 2) Isi Kandungan 3) Kertas Kerja RP (40 muka surat) 4) Surat Permohonan Pinjaman 5) Jadual Bayaran Balik 6) Unjuran kewangan 7) Template perjanjian perkongsian 8) Template profile syarikat 9) Ebook - Formula Rahsia Pre Order 10) Ebook - Rahsia Borong Tak Perlu Ke China BERMINAT?? Peluang ni utk 100 org yg terawal sahaja. Habis kuota promo habis harga promo..!!
Untuk membuat online library yang boleh control user access. upload download dan dashboard
Mencari order jahitan baju wanita Dan seragam sekolah wanita
membuat form pencatatan order, merekap order yg perlu di kerjakan, mencatat pengeluaran dan pemasukan, membuat nota
Aplikasi android untuk kegunaan kakitangan Perkhidmatan Logistik dan Movers bagi urusan pengendalian pesanan (order) pesanan masuk dan keluar. Aplikasi haruslah mempunyai maklumat seperti: * Info lengkap pelanggan, * Lokasi kerja pindah * Harga pakej * Tarikh dan masa kerja pemindahan * Jenis kenderaan Diperlukan * No pendaftaran lori * Preview order (dalam bentuk Kalender) * Pengesahan kakitangan yang memasukkan data * Quotation dan Invoice dlm PDF * ID access kakitangan dan password level management
proyek yang saya terima ialah mendesain logo/pakaian/spanduk dll dengan menggunakan aplikasi photoshop sesuai order berikut contoh-contoh yang saya pernah kerjakan dengan photoshop
Proyek terdiri dari 2 konsep dasar 1. Mobile App 2. Database Sistem yang terlibat: 1. HRIS (Human Resource Inform. Syst) - Off the Shelf App (Sudah jadi) 2. Asset Management (Kapal Laut) 3. Database Area Pelabuhan (GIS Based) 4. Planner (GIS Based - mirip Applikasi Gojek) 3 Sistem ini harus saling terkait untuk dapat menghasilkan usulan yang menghasilkan informasi sebagai berikut: 1. Personel yang available (sesuai dengan tingkatan dan keahlian) yang akan bertugas 2. Asset yang available (Sesuai dengan properties asset) 3. Area pelabuhan yang available Informasi di atas ini harus muncul di layar mobile dari personil yang mendapat tugas Mohon periksa lampiran file yang berisi business process untuk gambaran lebih lanjut
Kami mencari developer dengan skill sbb: - Menguasai Apache SOLR dan plugin management - Menguasai MariaDB dan MySql - Menguasai program PHP, HTML dan Ajax
Hello, Saya sedang membutuhkan artikel mengenai "Drone" untuk blog. Artikel bahasa inggris dengan jumlah kata minimal 550, dan berikut detailnya: - Minimum 550 kata -Artikel dalam bahasa inggris -Artikel tidak copy paste -Proof reading -Tidak duplikasi artikel Apabila pekerjaan anda bagus, maka saya akan terus order kepada anda.
Membuat newsletter tentang produk kami dan mempromosikan via online. pre order produk yang kami buat dulu dalam jangka waktu tertentu
- Implementasi Sistem Absensi Otomatis Di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del dengan Menggunakan Teknologi RFID. - Implementasi Nagios dan Cacti sebagai Network Management System. - Implementasi Active Directory di Kampus Institut Teknologi Del menggunakan Windows Server 2012. - Implementasi Fortigate Sebagai router. - Implementasi Auto Laptop Installation Using Mumi.
Saya mempunyai pengalaman di Web programmer, Inventory management, Menguasai Microsoft Office dan pakar analisis data.
saya membutuhkan asisten virtual pribadi yang siap mengurusi -sebuah blog portofolio kecil, berbasis wordpress -pengurusan pesanan (order) dari blog tersebut - kebutuhan personal saya sendiri seperti : pembelian online mencari informasi di internet pemesanan barang/taxi/hotel/transport dll. Saya mencari asisten yang mengerti dasar2 Wordpress, excel, word, dan terbiasa mengurusi bagian asistensi klien terima kasih
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................
bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................
Pengembangan ERP yang mencakup : Contract Management - Purchase Receipt - Purchase Invoice - Purchase Payment,Stock Adjusment, Sales Order - Sales Invoice - Sales Receipt Target to finish: 3 weeks after contract sign-off
Melayani Internet marketing pembuatan blog editing Blog,track musik Music Arransemen,balancing mixing dan mastering Metatrader - Investasi 10%/bulan - pelajaran forex, signal forex,dll
Assalamualaikum, saya bernama Deni Gunawan sekolah di SMKN 24 Jakarta Kelas 2 Jurusan RPL, saya ingin mencari pekerjaan freelancer yang tentunya dapat menghasilkan uang dan tidak terlalu rumit untuk seorang pelajar. Saya dapat melakukan entry data baik Word, Excel, Access, MySql, Powepoint. Saya juga dapat membuat program program sederhana. Bagi yang berminat silahkan sms/tlp ke 089652237413
Jasa Pembuatan Business Plans (Proposal Usaha) Jasa Pembuatan Kontrak Jasa Pembuatan Project Management Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Usaha (UD, CV, PT dan lainnya) Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Kontruksi Reklame/ Billboard Jasa Pengurusan Pajak Reklame ke PEMDA Jasa Pengurusan PPN, PPH dan SPT Tahunan Jasa Pengurusan Ijin Banjar/ Ijin Lingkungan Jasa Penyewaan Konstruksi Reklame Jasa Pengurusan Saluran Listrik Reklame Jasa Hukum Pengurusan Sengketa Reklame Jasa Pengurusan Asuransi Konstruksi Reklame Jasa Pengelasan Kontruksi Reklame Jasa Research Pasar Jasa Taxi & Bus Advertising Jasa Tourism Billboard Jasa Bustopads & Sidewalkads Jasa Frontshopads & Parkads Jasa Photography untuk Product Jasa Editing Photo Product Jasa Video Advertising
woi cuk balikin duit ku klo emg ga jadi order barang...masa main kabur wae. aku butuh duit bneran cuk... regards. Hage Kizu
Plant Inventory Management System and SCADA System Scope Plant Inventory : 1. Mampu membuat Bussiness Process Model 2. Mengaplikasikan BPM ke Java/XML dan mengintegrasikan ke SAP system 3. Menguasai Database Server, SQL/Oracle 4. Menguasai Network LAN/WAN, Client+Server, Hardware Scope SCADA System : 1. Menguasai SCADA Programming, Prefered is Siemens SCADA Software 2. Mampu mengintegrasikan SCADA dengan Plant Inventory Management Syste
ini belum menjadi project, tapi kemungkinan besar akan menjadi projek,saya memerlukan konsultan lepasan yang bersedia membantu penyusunan KPI dan penyusunan Balanced Scorecard,dimana syarat minimalnya adalah pernah menjadi Manager di Divisi HRD/Strategic Plan atau apapun yang dimana sehari harinya bergelut dengan KPI,Balanced Scorecard dan Performance Management Terimakasih TA
...of the requirements, architecture, and functionality for the app: Key Features for Call Nurture 1. Multiple Business Management: • Each business has its own Twilio number for calls and texts. • Separate dashboards for managing communications for each business. 2. Call Handling: • Ability to receive calls. • Automatic call routing to the correct business. • Option to record calls for quality purposes. • Forward calls to another number or handle them in-app. 3. Text Messaging: • Send and receive SMS and MMS through Twilio. • Automate responses with predefined templates or AI-driven responses. • Chat-style interface for texting with clients. 4. Client Management: • Integrated CRM to store client details and comm... of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Allama Iqbal Road Rashid Park Garhi Shahu, Lahore Pakistan • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time...
...and Opencart for new import and imported courses. --> Cron job setup for auto-fetch of regular data like new courses that are added at Chamilo must be auto-fetch to Opencart import list for publishing as product. --> A course import list at Opencart before creating them as product on Opencart --> Module can be activated and deactivated globally. --> Setting at admin that on which order status the user can access the course(and considered as subscribed). Deliverable: --> Connector Module of Opencart(Compatibe with latest version of OC) with whitelabeled source code(and branding as given by us). --> You will provide a user doc for the connector's Installation, setup at server end(if needed, connecting with Chamilo(API key generation at Chamilo e...
I am seeking a female interior designer with exceptional skills to fill a Junior Sales Freelance position. This individual will primarily focus on furniture selection for our projects. Key Skills Required: - Customer Service: Must be able to connect with clients and understa...techniques to promote our design services and products. - Product Knowledge: Extensive knowledge of furniture and design products is crucial. - Communication Skills: Clear and effective communication skills are a must. - Negotiation Skills: Ability to negotiate deals with suppliers and clients. - Problem-Solving: Should be able to find solutions to design challenges and client concerns. - Time Management: Must efficiently manage project timelines. - Attention to Details: Keen eye for detail to ensure design p... to create four tracking sheets for my real estate business. These sheets will be used to monitor expenses, client data, and project management. - For expenses, I will provide detailed written descriptions of the specific data types and operational costs to track. - Client data tracking will encompass various aspects of prospective and current client interactions. - Project management sheet will help in keeping tabs on ongoing projects, their statuses, deadlines, and more. I can provide detailed written descriptions as well as examples of what I am looking for. Ideal candidates should have significant experience with Google Sheets and project management tools, preferably in the real estate industry. Data tracking, organization, and understanding of real est...
I need a freelancer to help declutter my WordPress fashion site. The goal is to delete all non-popular products from the last page, as well as their associated photos. This is necessary to free up space on the server, which is currently taking up too much GB. Ideal skills for the job: - WordPress management - Data handling - E-commerce product management Please note: - The criteria for determining non-popular products hasn't been specified yet. I am open to suggestions, whether it be based on sales, views or user ratings. - I am unsure if there is a backup of the site and database. It would be advisable for the freelancer to check this. - I need a recommendation on whether to keep a backup of the product data before deletion. If you have experience with similar tasks, ...
...all aspects of the setup, including research, planning, and implementation. Key Tasks: Research and Planning: Research tools and systems for inventory tracking and order management (e.g., software, processes). Recommend courier services (e.g., Royal Mail or alternatives) and set up shipping workflows. Develop a pricing structure for storage and fulfilment (e.g., per cubic metre and per item fees). Workflow and Logistics Setup: Design an efficient workflow for receiving, storing, picking, packing, and shipping items. Provide advice on organising and optimising the available space. Implementation: Set up inventory management tools or software. Assist with integrating courier services for label generation and tracking numbers. Advice and Support: Share best practi...
I have an existing Shopify store and need a skilled expert to integrate several features of API. Currently, I am using only one third-party app that needs to be integrated with the API. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Shopify and API integrations - Familiarity with various Shopify features such as payment gateways, inventory management, and shipping integration - Proficiency in integrating third-party apps with Shopify - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Please note, the specific features to be integrated have not been finalized. Your expertise and recommendations will be highly valued in determining the best approach for this project. I need only Shopify expert If you're expert, please write down ..Shopify.. on the first of your bid proposa...
...checkout, we will give a dummy checkout page (Need customization) 2) To access all of our paid course, we will create a hidden private sign up link/ If someone sign up with thos link they will get access all of our courses for free 3) Easily create 100's of review by myself 4) Other people if put review then it will not publish until admin approved 5) Next thing you need to embed video as well in the course section with my video hosting platform and add title as well using my udemy account to access the courses. 6) I need everything from scratch, i will give access tutor lms plugin with license key, logo, course thumbnail, udemy login (for put the same video title on course) and also give access access to copy embed link to the course...
...profiles (ICPs), and buyer personas. • Manage and execute campaigns across multiple platforms, such as LinkedIn, email, and cold outreach. • Lead Qualification and Management: • Qualify leads through defined criteria and segmentation to ensure high conversion potential. • Collaborate with the sales team to define sales-readiness criteria for SQLs. • Prospecting and List Building: • Source and build accurate and targeted prospect lists using tools such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator, , ZoomInfo, or similar platforms. • Perform lead enrichment and verification to ensure data accuracy and relevance. • Tool and Platform Management: • Set up and manage tools for email outreach, CRM, and analytics (e.g., HubSpot, Lemlist, or Mai...
...Google Pay, Credit/Debit cards. Secure payment gateway for entry fees and prize payouts. Live Match Updates: Integration with cricket score API to update users in real-time. Prize Distribution System: Automatic distribution of winnings to top users after the league ends. 3. Design Preferences: A clean, user-friendly interface with an IPL-style theme. Mobile-friendly design since most users will access via phone. 4. Budget & Timeline: "I have a limited budget, so I want to start with a basic version first and add more features later. Let me know how much it will cost and how long it will take to build." 5. Tech Suggestions (Optional): If the freelancer asks about the tech stack, you can say: "I'm open to suggestions, but I heard that WordPress, , or cust...