Looking for a part time jobpekerjaan
Kerja malam sila hubungi saya ok
1- Load akan dapat supply dari Grid pada pkul 10malam - 8pagi. Dalam masa sama, Grid Source akan charge battery sampai penuh. 2- Pada 8pagi - 10malam pula, load akan dapat supply daripada Bateri. 3- In case, Grid ada masalah antara pkul 8pagi - 10malam (waktu gris supply ke load), bateri akan automatic backup sehingga Grid ok, kemudian dia turn back pada Grid semula. *Battery tu mempunyai kapasiti tuk support selama 14jam (8pagi - 10malam). *nak bagi beza dngan video tu, klu boleh Grid dan Bateri buat series connection compare video tu buat paralel
- saya perlukan file part bagi setiap komponen speaker - saya juga perlukan animation bagi setiap part daripada awal pemasangan hingga lengkap menjadi speaker - speaker tersebut mempunyai detail basic seperti button (play, pause, stop), simbol (bluetooth), audio jack, dan jack - design seringkas dan semurah yang boleh
Membuat machining dalam Catia V5 dengan part yang disedia kan. Perlukan machining proses dari facing hingga ke finishing.
Salam name is Salehan Ahmad from Singapore. I am leading a Muslim charity group and we are having a project this forthcoming Ramadan. We intend to deliver dry goods to the poor in Singapore before Ramadan. I need a poster for our FB for that purpose and the contents read like this : (this is the main title) Projek Barangan Dapur Ramadan 2021 oleh Sahabat Masjid Singapura dengan kerjasama Kifayah Riders Singapura ~ untuk golongan keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan di Singapura ~ (2nd part) Set barangan dapur yang kami perlukan : - Beras 5kg - Gula 5kg - Minyak Masak 2 liter - Susu Pekat - Sardin - Mee Hoon - Korma - Milo - Kopi - Teh - Sirap Ros - Tepung Cucur - Biskut - Buah Dalam Tin. (3rd part) Mohon hantar barangan anda pada tarikh ber...
Salam Sejahtera, Appen sedang menjalankan projek pengecaman tuturan berskala besar dalam Bahasa Malaysia untuk membantu klien kami dalam merealisasikan tindakbalas suara interaktif ataupun interactive voice response (IVR) dengan kecerdasan bantuan untuk generasi seterusnya dalam sektor servis khidmat pelanggan. Matlamatnya adalah untuk mesin berinteraksi dan bertindakbalas kepada pertanyaan pelanggan dalam segala senario harian, seperti perbankan, hospitaliti, dan lain-lain lagi, tanpa input ataupun input yang minima. Anda boleh baca mengenai sistem IVR dengan lebih lanjut di sini. Demi mencapai objektif ini, kami sedang mengumpul sampel pertuturan untuk perbualan umum orang ramai melalui perbualan telefon bagi tujuan penyelidikan dan latihan mesin. Pihak kami akan menyediakan segala ya...
Hai ! Saya sedang mencari seorang Part Timer untuk membantu saya dalam bidang "Social Media Marketing" . Satu post saya bayar RM15. Hanya perlu menghasilkan strategi pemasaran yang hebat dan berkesan. Pemohon mesti lah mempunyai 2 - 3 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang berkaitan. Sila hubungi saya (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)
...Estate CRM Part 1 - multiple users (Staff 1, Staff 2, Closer 1, Closer 2 and etc) - Manually key in leads generated by staff (user) {Leads will contain multiple screenshots upload} - Submit the leads Part 2 - Closer 1 can login - Will have column like pending, completed, follow up - The pending column item will be reviewed and update the status and action accordingly. If require further action by staff, it will reassigned to the staff> Part 3 - When staff open again, staff will fill up the data required and create necessary docs and upload it back to the system. This update data and assign people will go on repetitively for above tasks. When done, it will move to completed column. Whichever leads not relevant at the moment, will move ...
Mencari freelencer atau part time untuk penjualan produk alat perawatan wajah made in Korea. Komisi untuk penjualan 1 barang adalah 50000~150000.
May 19-20, 2017 Location: Malaysia
server barang lewat media sosial barang atau rakit komputerkomputer tidak terlalu berat
Suplai spare part engine dan transmisi di industri dan perkapalan
Menjual Spare part filter alat berat (produk lokal)
Kerja ini di perlukan untuk terjemahkan dari Bahasa English kepada Bahasa Malaysia
Indian time zone config in
...online TV dan memerlukan VJ yg berpesonaliti dan mempunyai rupa paras yg menarik, petah berkata-kata serta mempunyai bakat tersendiri seperti menyanyi dll. Sebelum ini syarikat On Connection telah mewujudkan sebuah online TV MfaceLive/ , tetapi hanya dalam versi bahasa Cina Kini untuk pasaran melayu, kami akan launch (media content) dan # Basic payment utk part timer ialah rm400 sebulan. Anda boleh on air di mana2 sahaja asalkan anda menggunakan laptop dan internet sendiri. Equipment utk on air seperti kamera & microphone akan disediakan oleh pihak syarikat. Income anda berdasarkan point room setiap bulan. 70% company 30% untuk VJ. mface Vj biasanya dapat 2-3k permonth Jika terpilih menjadi VJ CmyLive, anda dikehendaki untuk on air 3 kali dalam seminggu
saya membutuhkan pekerjaan yang sangat mudah, barangkali bapa sedia membantu saya. saja jaanji akan bekerja dengan sangat baik
data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data miningdata mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining data mining
Saya melakukan pekerjan gambar Civil structure baja dan building, mechanikal spare part gear coupling shaft etc, dan P&ID , oil pipe. air pipe, water, and steam pipe
misalkan mensortir data lalu memasukkan data secara online. part-time dan dilakukan di rumah secara online
Mungkin saya bukan yang terbaik, tapi saya mungkin adalah yang anda butuhkan. Ini bukan soal tinggi besarnya gaji, tapi ini adalah intuisi.
Mungkin saya bukan yang terbaik, tapi saya mungkin adalah yang anda butuhkan. Ini bukan soal tinggi besarnya gaji, tapi ini adalah intuisi.
Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
sir, Mai Anirudh Kumar Jharkhand Se Bol Raha hu Kaya Aap Hame Data Entry ke kam de sakte hai sir Mera Contact No 08582029172 & Email Id anirudhk541@
sir, Mai Anirudh Kumar Jharkhand Se Bol Raha hu Kaya Aap Hame Data Entry ke kam de sakte hai sir Mera Contact No 08582029172 & Email Id anirudhk541@
Penjualan dan service handphone and komputer, accesories, part handphone and komputer
saya ingin menulis artikel tentang apapun , dan saya akan melakukan dengan seluruh kemampuan dan pengetahuan saya, tujuan saya hanya ingin mencari pekerjaan di freelance ini dan mendapat penghasilan berapapun itu, untuk membantu membayar kuliah saya di sini
...event company that is looking for people to work for us full time and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to peo...
saya akan bekerja membuat semua yang ada menjadi lebih menarik bekerja dengan baik . dan semangat selalu.
Kami mencari 3D designer yang boleh membuat lakaran botol minuman secara 3D bagi tujuan penyediaan mould secara part time.
Hello,nnI want my site has the following position in Google.co.idnn- jual tanah -> position 1 or 2n- tanah dijual -> position 1 or 2n- pasang iklan jual tanah -> www.jualsewatanah.com/pasang-iklan/ position 1 or 2nnThanks.
PROGRAM BENGKEL, untuk bengkel yang memrlukan program untuk pengadaan spare part dan lain-lain dan juga dapat mendata baran apa yang kurang dan lebih
I'm seeking a skilled CAD designer to create an efficient and appealing layout for a commercial gym. The design should incorporate various essential areas and features to cater to fitness enthusiasts. Key Aspects of the Project: 1. Gym Areas: An integral part of this project is the inclusion of a wellness area. This space should be conducive for relaxation and stress relief. 2. Wellness Features: The gym layout should incorporate a sauna and a relaxation lounge. The design for these features should be practical and space-efficient, maintaining a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in CAD software with a strong portfolio of similar projects. - Experience i...
We are seeking a highly experienced and self-driven individual to take charge of our online store and propel it to the next level. This role offers the opportunity to lead the growth and optimization of our online presence, with a strong focus on revenue generation, marketing, and profitability. About Us: We are a music and pop-culture store celebrating our 20th anniversary this year with a successful brick-and-mortar location. While our physical store has thrived, our online store has not yet been prioritized. We are now committed to changing that and need an experienced professional to help grow our online business. Our store is built on Shopify, so experience with this platform is crucial. Key Responsibilities: • Take full ownership of the online stor...
Job Opportunity: Part-Time Accountant (Remote – Malta Residents Only) Are you an experienced accountant looking for a flexible, long-term side job? We are a small consulting business seeking a part-time accountant to support us with essential financial tasks and ensure compliance. Your Responsibilities: - Handling accounting tasks for our business - Preparing and submitting VAT reports - Keeping financial records up to date and closing books quarterly - Ensuring compliance and assisting with recurring audits What We’re Looking For: - Residence in Malta (This is mandatory) - Proven experience in accounting and VAT submissions - Ability to work independently and manage financial r...
I am looking for a full-time remote video editor for long term basis. The candidate must read all roles and responsibilities before applying:
We are seeking a highly experienced and self-driven individual to take charge of our online store and propel it to the next level. This role offers the opportunity to lead the growth and optimization of our online presence, with a strong focus on revenue generation, marketing, and profitability. About Us: We are a music and pop-culture store celebrating our 20th anniversary this year with a successful brick-and-mortar location. While our physical store has thrived, our online store has not yet been prioritized. We are now committed to changing that and need an experienced professional to help grow our online business. Our store is built on Shopify, so experience with this platform is crucial. Key Responsibilities: • Take full ownership of the online store...
Join Our Team at Eviva Tour Vietnam Requirements - Fluent in Indian languages with excellent communication skills. - Residing in New Delhi or Mumbai. - University students are welcome to apply. Job Details - Part-time, 2 hours/day, 10 hours/week. - Sales calls and client engagement. If you’re passionate about travel and connecting with people, we’d love to hear from you! #EvivaTourVietnam #SalesRecruitment #PartTimeSales #IndianSalesRepresentative
Join Our Team at Eviva Tour Vietnam Requirements - Fluent in Italian with excellent communication skills. - Residing in Milan or Rome. - University students are welcome to apply. Job Details - Part-time, 2 hours/day, 10 hours/week. - Sales calls and client engagement. If you’re passionate about travel and connecting with people, we’d love to hear from you! #EvivaTourVietnam #SalesRecruitment #PartTimeSales #ItalianSalesRepresentative
Need someone part time to help me with some data entry
I am looking for a freelancer to create over 500 manual local citations for my business in Canada. The primary focus will be on healthcare-specific directories, but general local directories can also be included when appropriate. It is essential that the citations are created manually, without the use of any tools or AI. **Key Requirements: ** - Research and identify suitable Canadian healthcare-specific directories. - Create accurate and consistent citations across all platforms. - Prioritize quality over quantity to ensure citations come from reputable sources. - Vet directories for relevance and domain authority. - Ensure directories are free of spam and have good site health. - Ensure directories have relevant categories for a healthca...
Design a ZGI to travel to the Moon on Artemis II Will you design the zero gravity indicator (ZGI) that accompanies the Artemis II mission around the Moon? If your design is one of the most compelling and resonates with the global community and the Artemis II astronauts, your design might fly into space aboard the Orion spacecraft and you could win US$1225. Zero gravity indicators are small items carried aboard spacecraft that provide a visual indicator for when a spacecraft has reached the weightlessness of microgravity. A plush Snoopy doll was the ZGI for the Artemis I mission. For that uncrewed mission, Snoopy floated around, tethered inside the vehicle to indicate when the Orion spacecraft had reached space. ...
I'm currently a busy DevOps Engineer and need someone to help me apply for full-time DevOps Engineer positions. Key Responsibilities: - Submit applications on LinkedIn, Indeed, and various company websites. - Tailor applications to match job requirements and highlight my skills and experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Understanding of DevOps and related skills. - Proficient in job application platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. - Excellent communication and writing skills to create appealing application materials.
Hi, I’m looking for someone with strong Identity and Access Management (IAM) experience to assist me with my project. This role involves working on an Enterprise IAM Platform, focusing on feature development, access certifications, provisioning, RBAC implementation, workflows, and automation. Responsibilities: ✅ Participate in daily meetings to discuss and solve the tasks. ✅ Provide guidance on best practices and approaches. ✅ Take responsibility for task management and delivery Ideal candidates should have hands-on experience with: ✅ SailPoint IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, or similar IAM tools ✅ IAM best practices and governance ✅ Development skills – Git, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, SQL ✅ Agile project management methodologies ✅ Deploying and integrating ...
...PCB & Firmware (EasyEDA) I am looking for an experienced electronics engineer to review, finalize, and improve an existing calculator project that was previously developed but has some unresolved issues. Project Scope & Requirements: ✅ Verify & Correct BOM (Bill of Materials) The current freelancer could not provide the correct part numbers needed to manufacture the board via PCBWay. Ensure all components match the design and are available for order. ✅ Review & Fix Firmware (EasyEDA) The firmware/code was provided, but I am uncertain if it works correctly. Need a firmware expert to review and adjust any necessary fixes. Ensure all button functions are correctly mapped. ✅ PCB Adjustments & Optimizations The project was converted ...