100 pages ebookspekerjaan
Buku semasa saya ialah kira-kira 30,000 perkataan, dengan belanjawan antara $2-$3 setiap 100 perkataan. Jika kita mendapati kerja bersama saling menguntungkan, belanjawan untuk projek masa depan akan meningkat dengan ketara. Saya akan memberikan anda garis besar buku terperinci, dan sumber yang boleh anda gunakan untuk penyelidikan tambahan, jika perlu. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan berkebun hidroponik adalah satu kelebihan. Saya sedang mencari seorang penulis yang berminat untuk menanam buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran tanpa tanah, dan yang boleh mengambil maklumat teknikal "cara" dan menyampaikannya dengan cara yang menarik dan menarik. Keperluan asas: ---Semestinya tiada plagiarisme ---Mestilah penutur asli Sepanyol dan mempunyai penguasaan tatabahasa Sepanyol dan...
Membuat artikel tentang tema kampus sebanyak 100 artikel 1000 kata
I have designs for 3 web pages in html form. Can any one make them functional ? I shall provide the logo .
Dibutuhkan penulis artikel SEO dengan niche social media. Minimal 1 Artikel terdapat 500 kata. Artikel boleh tentang apa saja yang menyangkut sosial media. Baik itu tips, trik, tutorial, artikel viral, dll. (Dilengkapi gambar) Sosial media : Fb, IG, Twitter, YT
Menjualkan sesuatu untuk saya Jualkan tanah 100 hektar
1. Saya akan beri contoh komen yang akan digunakan. 2. Anda copy dan paste di ruangan komen2 post yang juga saya berikan dan anda cadangkan (yang relevan) 3. Copy link post yang telah dikomen tadi dan masukkan ke dalam Ms Excel 4. Email kepada kami laporan tersebut 5. Kami bayar RM30 untuk setiap 100 komen yg siap terus ke akaun anda!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
Membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat merubah macro dari microsoft office pada word, ke libre office pada linux. Fungsi macro yang sudah di buat di microsoft office adalah menambahkan garis horisontal pada tempat kosong di sebelah kanan tulisan, dan penambahan garis vertikal pada sebelah kiri tulisan. Macro pada microsoft office sudah berfungsi 100% dan kita ingin agar bisa berjalan juga di libre office pada linux.
OI abadi tore abr hire kortam kita...hala faoul kunaor . Beng amr kita lektham tukaia pariam na .100 characters furaite oiboto
I got about 150 web pages that needs to have some cosmetics , there are only 15 variations of the page, so most are just the same page/layout/design with different content. Included some sample files, you must be good in Bahasa Malaysia
mentalah 100$ wegasdhgfjhgjkojhogbds'g'dugdhjs;guydiojhgnajgdbo;jaogpijdgl;khg;djfgpdugpidjg'pdsihgn'p;djgpd[s]iuhjgdpsk;gjn'dshg'[dsuhgpdskg[adjshgaidshg[jadg[pihdpgikapgju[aijg[djgh[fhgsdgkadg]ohdghj[dogjhpdngdngl'dngagadgd
mentalah 100$ wegasdhgfjhgjkojhogbds'g'dugdhjs;guydiojhgnajgdbo;jaogpijdgl;khg;djfgpdugpidjg'pdsihgn'p;djgpd[s]iuhjgdpsk;gjn'dshg'[dsuhgpdskg[adjshgaidshg[jadg[pihdpgikapgju[aijg[djgh[fhgsdgkadg]ohdghj[dogjhpdngdngl'dngagadgd
...job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kri...
nak ea pending oder buy stop dan sell stop serentak yang boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell...boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell stop, kemudian boleh set take away profit jika pending oder terbuka boleh set profit contoh 100 ea akan close semua ...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
"MESIN PENCACAH KOMPOS Fungsi : - Mesin ini berfungsi untuk mencacah berbagai bahan (non food) untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos, dll. Spesifikasi : - Kapasitas : 500kg/jam - Dimensi (pxlxt) : 1000 x 600 x 1000 mm - Material Rangka : Mild Steel UNP 100 - Material Body : Plate SPHD 3 mm - Penggerak : Diesel 16 PK Dong Feng - Bahan Bakar : Solar - Finishing : Cat"
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
5 Hours Work for Landing Pages and their on page SEO
**PROYECTO: Desarrollo de Software de Facturación Electrónica para El Salvador** **1. Introducción** Se propone el desarrollo de un software de facturación electrónica conforme a la normativa vigente en El Salvador. Este sistema será 100% dedicado a la gestión de facturación electrónica, sin control de inventario, y garantizará el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales mediante el manejo eficiente de los catálogos y procesos necesarios. **2. Alcance del Proyecto** El sistema estará diseñado para facilitar la generación, validación y almacenamiento de facturas electrónicas, permitiendo a las empresas cumplir con las regulaciones gubernamentales. Se proporcionarán...
...Looking for an Expert in Transforming eBooks into Best Sellers! If you are a professional with expertise in editing, design, and eBook publishing, with a focus on digital marketing and sales, this opportunity is for you. We are seeking a highly skilled freelancer to take our eBook on managing chronic pain through lifestyle changes to the next level and turn it into a Best Seller on Amazon Kindle and other digital platforms. Our eBook already has a solid foundation: structured and scientifically backed content. Now, we need a creative and strategic mind to enhance its impact through impeccable editing, an attractive design, and an effective digital positioning strategy. What Are We Looking For? A freelancer with proven experience in optimizing and marketing eBooks, capable ...
I'm seeking a proficient Chinese freelancer with a deep understanding of the Chinese language. The task involves arranging a series of English sentences into Chinese for business and educational purposes. The content primarily focuses on forex trading strategies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or near-native proficiency in Chinese and English - Prior experience in translating busines...and context of the material - Proficiency with Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools Audience: The translated materials are aimed primarily at students. Tone: The preferred tone for the translated materials is 'trading strategies', implying a need for clarity, precision, and a focus on the technical aspects of trading. Content: The translation work will be based on materials fro...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer familiar with the Avada theme to help me modify two pages on my site. I need to add a few sections formatted in a specific way. I'll provide a screenshot as an example of the formatted area. Key Requirements: - Add a few sections to two pages of my Avada WordPress site - Modify the pages according to a provided screenshot - Replicate the layout structure and text content from the screenshot - Ensure the visual style matches the existing site Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Avada theme - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to replicate complex layouts and content Please note, the modifications are quite simple and straightforward. The modifications need to be completed within 1-2 days.
I'm working on a manual/report in Microsoft Word that's over 100 pages long. I need a freelancer who can create a Table of Contents (TOC) with automatic page numbering for it. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience with creating TOCs - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines
We are looking for a Freelance Sales Telecaller who can call potential clients from a given database and assist them in opening Demat & Trading accounts with SMIFS Limited. Your role will involve explaining the benefits of stock market investments, handling customer queries, and guiding them through the account opening process. Sales target: 100 Account per Month Key Responsibilities: ✅ Call potential leads from the provided database to pitch Demat & Trading account opening. ✅ Explain the features, benefits, and process of opening a Demat Account. ✅ Address customer queries and objections effectively. ✅ Follow up with in terested leads and ensure successful account activation. ✅ Maintain call records and update the status of leads regularly. ✅ Work towards achieving daily/...
We're not just building a Shopify store; we'r...(SEO: “BoldOne - Wearable Protest against Artist Stagnation”) â–¸ Trust badges that look like hacker emblems (0% boredom) **Phase 2 - Detonation ($130)** â–¸ TikTok store with 1 viral template (#TechUnderdogSound) â–¸ Etsy/eBay integration with “guerrilla descriptors” â–¸ Printful API on steroids (error rate <0.5%) **Why you?** ✓ “Powered by [Your Alias]” badge in the footer (karma points) ✓ $100/month marketing budget if successful ✓ 7% referral bonus for every recommended code rebel. **Application blitzkrieg:** [ ] 1 Shopify link that proves: You can do branding and 3s load times [ ] Your security hack for guest checkouts (max. 7 words) [ ] Ready to launch in __ days? (The smaller t...
Hi, it's a simple project. I use Microsoft copilot in word. Provide word document and type "give me another RFP document based on this file". And it generates new content well. But the style(pls include "CAT" in bid first :) ) i mean the style font, color, size, table, like that did not match the same document. I manually format the d...based on this file". And it generates new content well. But the style(pls include "CAT" in bid first :) ) i mean the style font, color, size, table, like that did not match the same document. I manually format the doc again. This is time consuming. Find some way to do this, assuming just a simple chrome extenstion that insert pre promts to copilot or sth like that. Thanks a lot budget would be 100$ ca...
Budget: 100,- € We need help setting up Pushengage on our WordPress site. We would like to use the API (or otherwise) to categorize users into different segments on Pushengage based on their user role on the WordPress site. This means we have multiple custom user roles such as: Subscriber 1 Subscriber 2 Subscriber 3 And when we categorize the user into the user role "Subscriber 1", we want the user to be categorized into the segment "Subscriber 1". If the user is now switched to the “Subscriber 2” user role, we want them to leave the “Subscriber 1” segment and be classified in the “Subscriber 2” segment. It is important for us that we can extend these levels as required. This means that we can also create the user ...
...touch ups Key Tasks: - Content Editing: Ensure the narrative flows smoothly and engages the reader. - Grammar and Spelling Check: Identify and correct any errors to ensure the eBook is polished and professional. - Interior Layout Design: Help design and format the eBook's interior layout to be visually appealing and easy to read. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in editing fiction eBooks. - Excellent command of grammar and spelling. - Strong design skills, particularly in eBook formatting and layout. - Prior work with interior layout design is a plus....
I need two layouts converted from a .dwg file to PDF format. The PDFs should scale correctly at 1:100 on A3 paper. Requirements: - Use of AutoCAD software for conversion - All layers from the .dwg file should be included in the PDF - All annotations, including dimensions and text, should be included in the PDF Just need the two layouts as PDF's that scale correctly.
I'm looking for a professional with a technical background to create a detailed summary of 78 pages in Agile Project Management. This summary will be used to create a PowerPoint presentation for educational and training purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Summarizing key concepts and definitions from the book into the slides - Incorporating relevant graphs and charts from the book into the slides Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong understanding of Agile Project Management - Excellent summarization and technical writing skills - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Ability to create visually engaging presentations Please note that the target audience's familiarity with Agile Project Management has not been defined, and specific aspects of Agile Project Manage...
**Project Description:** Looking for a talented UI/UX designer to reimagine and redesign two essential pages of our website (Homepage + Listing page). This is an initial project that could lead to a larger collaboration for our complete website redesign. **Scope of work:** - Full creative freedom to propose new visual directions - Design modern and engaging user experiences - Create high-fidelity mockups in Figma - Limited scope: 2 pages only for this first phase **Required Deliverables:** - Mood boards with visual inspiration - 2-3 design direction proposals - Final Figma mockups for both pages - Basic design guidelines **Required Skills:** - Strong UI/UX design portfolio - Figma expertise - Creative mindset - Good communication skills **Great opportunity for:** -...
...you many references to the project, current status and above all to examples of LandingPage (a lot all very similar, with 3 menus and PresentationSpace that presents our GREEN themes or patents); ..."JOBPOST" ask availability to work for our GREEN project; ...our team browse/check only by default chat (speak only Italian, read/write any) and on , ...more 100 LandingPages need; ===...
I need an HTML developer with experiences with integration of Stripe () form payments. No .Net, no C#, no PHP, no Python, no third party controls, no compiled objects. Inside a static HTML page I need to implement a form to allow user to complete a payment. The form will be integrated with existing styles (.css). I not need to collect VISA/AMEX/MASTERCARD data. Here the official development documentation of Stripe Here official example of integration No upfront. No payment before successful completion of all tests. Source-code required for test Unnecessary images, files, libraries, ... must be removed. The source code is required to have a good level of comments, to allow bug-fixing, code maintenance and possibly future evolution. For your test, use your account or create (for...
Hi thank you so much !! Accept this quote and Send me wp login that's it And Let me start work.
I need an expert in AI to generate a series of V-neck T-shirt images for my online store. - Images should feature: - A front view with a chest print - A back view - Both side views - The T-shirts should be depicted on a model, rather than a flat lay or hanger view. The intent of these images is to populate an e-commerce website, so high-quality, realistic and appealing visuals...depicted on a model, rather than a flat lay or hanger view. The intent of these images is to populate an e-commerce website, so high-quality, realistic and appealing visuals are crucial. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in AI image generation and a keen eye for e-commerce needs. We will give Only Chest Print Design and T-shirt color and we want outcome like attached 100...
Ubicación: 100% Remoto Jornada: Tiempo completo / Media jornada (según disponibilidad) Sobre el puesto Buscamos un Asistente Ejecutivo de Operaciones y Marketing que actúe como una extensión del equipo directivo, gestionando tareas administrativas, operativas y de marketing. Necesitamos a alguien con mentalidad estratégica, que pueda investigar, resolver problemas y optimizar procesos sin necesidad de supervisión constante. Este puesto es completamente remoto, ideal para una persona organizada, proactiva y con ganas de involucrarse en distintas áreas del negocio. Responsabilidades principales Apoyo directo a la dirección en la gestión del día a día. Coordinación de tareas operativas y administrati...
I'm looking for a professional with a technical background to create a PowerPoint presentation with 50 slides from a book with 78 Pages that you need to summarize well. The primary purpose of this presentation is for educational and training purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Summarizing key concepts and definitions from the book into the slides - Designing the slides with appropriate shapes, transitions, and movements to engage the audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint - Technical background with experience in shape design - Ability to create visually appealing slides with charts, graphs, images and illustrations, and tables - Prior experience in creating educational/training PowerPoint presentations
...professional. Open to sans-serif (minimalist & modern) or serif (trustworthy & timeless). Color Palette (Preferred Colors): Green – Wealth, growth, financial stability Blue – Trust, reliability, accountability White – Honesty, cleanliness, beginning Logo Use Cases & Versatility Must work in both color and monochrome for use on various platforms. Should be scalable & clean, looking sharp on social media, ebooks, websites, and printed materials. Avoid overly complex designs that lose detail when resized. Designer Requirements Experience in financial, coaching, or self-improvement branding is a plus. Ability to provide multiple logo variations (primary, icon-only, black/white versions). Open to feedback and willing to refine the design based on bra...
I already create a fiction eBook with a religious theme and need some help with formatting it for Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). no writing...well-structured and easy to read on a Kindle Ideal candidates for this project will have: - Previous experience with eBook formatting, particularly for KDP - A keen eye for detail to ensure the eBook is of the highest quality - A passion for fiction and an understanding of religious themes would be a plus. - Knowledge of specific Kindle device specifications and limitations. - Experience formatting eBooks in EPUB format as a precursor to KDP requirements. Please reach out if you can help me get my eBook ready for publication. The current manuscript is in .doc or .docx format. Please use a traditional chapter format for the...
I have a videos in German that I need translated into English, with subtitles in SRT What I’m Looking For: 1. Subtitles in SRT Format: I need an English SRT file. 2. Accurate Timecodes: The subtitles must be perfectly synced with the speakers' voices, ensuring accurate timecode alignment. 3. Professional Human Translation: The translation must be 100% human-generated and professional, reflecting the original content accurately. 4. Handling Special Cases: 5. Proofreading: Ensure that the translated subtitles are free of grammar and spelling errors. If a speaker uses a foreign language (e.g., Korean), please indicate it as [Foreign language]. If anything is inaudible (though I believe the audio is clear), please note it as [Inaudible]. Important: I need full subtit...
My primary goal is to enhance the search engine rankings of my website, specifically targeting Google. The focus of this SEO project will be on optimizing my landing pages. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record of improving search engine rankings - In-depth understanding of Google's SEO algorithms - Expertise in optimizing landing pages for SEO - Experience with keyword research and implementation - Proficiency in using SEO tools and software - Ability to analyze and report on SEO performance
...voice commands, execute tasks on my laptop, and provide updates. The system should respond intelligently, suggest solutions, and provide feedback on ongoing tasks. Multilingual communication (Albanian, English, and others). 4. Self-Learning & Autonomous Growth The AI must create accounts on websites where necessary for learning and data extraction. Must be capable of downloading and processing eBooks, research papers, and hacking documentation. Should experiment with creating AI models, developing software, and improving itself through recursive learning. 5. AI-Powered Software & Business Creation The AI should be capable of designing and launching websites, applications, and business models as requested. Must research, plan, and implement money-multiplying strategies, ...
You would be given a demo of how to perform the reviews. After that you would post 100 reviews
...recipes, and purchasing locations.(Not Published) This website will not have e-commerce functionality. (At this time) Key Focus Areas Simplicity: The website should be easy to navigate and visually uncluttered. Images: High-quality images will be the primary focus, showcasing the product and its uses. Product Information: Clear and concise information about Coffee Drop's benefits and features (100% pure coffee, no additives,no preservatives shelf-stable). Recipes: A dedicated section with recipes that utilize Coffee Drop. Where to Buy (Not Published): Information on where customers can purchase Coffee Drop (retailers, online stores). The website must be created on Wordpress and compatible with Bluehost The website should have a minimalist design style. Include lifestyle ph...
...Designer for WooCommerce WordPress | Lumise • Addons Bundle for Lumise Product Designer • Gang Sheet Online Builder Page • Imgurai - AI Image Generator (SAAS) • Boxcoin - Crypto Payment Plugin for WooCommerce • WP SEO Propeller - Advanced SEO Analysis Tool – Any other plug-ins to make my site function smoothly Store Location: 7380 State Road 100 Suite 19 Keystone Heights, Florida 32656 352-562-5862 SHIPPING INFO Free ground shipping for orders over $100 – GroundFree Free 2nd Day Shipping for orders over $300 - 2ndDayFree Free Next Day Shipping for orders over $500 – NextDayFree Shipping Policy Processing Time All DTF Transfers are printed and shipped out within 1-2 business days after the order is placed although we do our b...