Hai, saya Ava, panduan AI anda untuk meningkatkan perniagaan anda!
Sama ada anda sudah menjalankan perniagaan atau ingin memulakan perniagaan, saya di sini untuk membantu menjadikan visi anda menjadi realiti menggunakan pekerja bebas yang dikuasakan AI. Kongsi matlamat perniagaan anda dan bersama-sama, kami akan mencipta projek yang boleh dibida oleh pekerja bebas berbakat kami. Mari jadikan visi anda satu realiti!
Saya mempunyai perniagaan
Saya memulakan perniagaan
Sesuatu telah berlaku semasa menghantar perbualan ini ke e-mel anda. Sila cuba sebentar lagi.
Anda hanya boleh menyimpan perbualan anda sekali setiap jam. Sila cuba sebentar lagi.
Perbualan anda terlalu pendek. Teruskan bersembang dengan Ava untuk mendayakan penyimpanan.
Bagaimana untuk mengupah pekerja bebas terbaik Cross Browser Developer
Cross Browser development is the practice of assessing, debugging, and modifying website code so that it is effective across multiple browsers. It involves testing websites in a wide array of mobile, desktop, and tablet browsers as well as testing devices in varying screen resolutions and using different operating systems to ensure compatibility.
When hiring a freelance cross browser developer you will want to get your project inputted accurately into models and expectations. Specifically you’ll want to determine which browsers you will need to test for (IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). This developer will be able to test websites for cross browsing compatibility on more than one browser and device. They should also have experience with solving client-side issues such as CSS altering or JavaScript debugging as needed.
To hire the best freelance cross browser developer, you should review your project objectives closely and select a professional with the appropriate experience for your tasks. Ensure that certificates, provider ratings, quality of samples, and overall industry experience is suitable for your needs. Typically, most freelance Cross Browser developers charge around $20-$50/hour depending on their experience.
Working with reliable professionals on Freelancer.com will save time and money due to their expertise qualifications, timely delivery of projects and dedication to providing exceptional client service. Hire a skilled Cross Browser Developer now to ensure that your website works across all browsers without any glitches!
Jutaan pengguna, dari bisnes kecil hingga perusahaan besar, pengusaha hingga permulaan, menggunakan Freelancer untuk mengubah idea mereka menjadi kenyataan.