How to Get More People to Love Your Brand

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Your business has probably been in the market for a year or two. You’re gradually building a following.

You have returning customers who like your existing products and you have more leads to pursue. There’s also this group of people who know your brand but has not made any purchase yet.

How can you make all of them love your products and your brand in general?

Harness the power of crowdsourcing. When you crowdsource something for your business, both you and your customers reap the benefits. Here’s what crowdsourcing can do for them.


Get your customers involved.

You’re thinking of updating your product. Say for example, you’re selling handbags. You want to put a detachable strap on the existing design but you're unsure if your market will like it. You don’t even know how it will look like. Crowdsource the design. It will be better if you show a couple of product photos so your customers have options once you ask them to vote for their favorite.

When you solicit your customers’ own ideas for a product you want to improve or create, it makes them feel important. You make them feel that their thoughts and opinions matter. You make business decisions based on what is significant to them, which leads us to the next item.

Show them you’re listening.

A brand that listens to its customers deserves all the love it can get. Crowdsourcing is a way of hearing out what your market has to say about what they want to see more from your brand. Lay’s did it when they crowdsourced the new flavor of their chips.

Let them shine.

Crowdsourcing gives your community the opportunity to take part in something significant. It gives them their own shining moment. They get to show their skills. By participating, they also have the chance to widen their network by meeting new peers or potential clients.

Engage them.

Crowdsourcing amplifies your brand engagement. Aside from the opportunity to showcase their skills, they oftentimes get a token or a prize money in return. These two attract your customers’ interests. Think of something that will capture their attention and once they’re in, keep them engaged. Talk to them. Remember that people love it when a brand they support interacts with them.

Crowdsource Through Contests

Crowdsourcing works best for idea generation or product innovation. A more fun and engaging way to do it is by holding a contest where an attractive prize is at stake.

Freelancer Contests is a crowdsourcing platform where thousands of entrepreneurs post contests every week. These contests receive 162 entries on average. You can crowdsource a design for your logo, a name for your product variant, or maybe an app for your business.

Freelancer Contests.png

You can post as many contests as you want, for free. NASA posted 22 challenges on our platform in 2015. This year, we’re expecting bigger challenges as the Freelancer - NASA partnership continues.

If you hold a competition via Freelancer Contests, you can share the link of your contest page to anyone who might want to join. Promote it across all your social media channels to get many entries.

To receive high quality entries that are in line with what you need, write the contest guidelines as clear as you can. The contest brief should include all the details the participants must know of. Tell them why you're holding such a contest and what you will do with the winning entry.

Be sure to leave a rating and feedback for all entries. This will give them a chance to update their submissions if there are necessary changes they need to make.

Benefits for Your Business

Now you know how crowdsourcing can make your customers love your brand even more. What else do you think it can do for your business?

Crowdsourcing is a cost-effective measure for new product development and marketing campaigns. You don’t have to waste resources for trial and error. Let’s say you launched a t-shirt collection with tribal designs of your choice. You gave the green light for mass printing, thinking your consumers will like them. Unfortunately, the t-shirts did not sell well.

If you were able to ask your community to submit their design proposals, you could’ve discovered what your market really wanted. A t-shirt design contest could’ve been an exciting activity to crowdsource your idea.

Moreover, crowdsourcing can help you build brand trust. People will feel more connected with you if you interact with them during and after your crowdsourcing project. This connection humanizes your brand. When they know you’re always there, you gain their trust.

If you haven’t done crowdsourcing yet, try it soon on Freelancer Contests. Who knows what greater possibilities could unfold if you reach out to the crowd.

To conclude this post, we’re sharing this statement from Social Media Examiner: “Giving consumers a stake in your company’s decisions turns the products they like into products they love.”

Dipaparkan 15 Februari, 2016

flDyan Kakitangan

Junior Product Marketing Manager at Freelancer. Outside of work, I'm into wedding coordination, entrepreneurship, beach trips, badminton, reading novels, and binge-watching TV series on Netflix.

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