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We Want to Help you Protect Yourself

Consumer Alerts


We have recently seen an increase in the number of customers clicking on texts, emails and pop-ups when on the internet that lead to security issues on their computers.  Do NOT click on, accept, or provide information to ANY source that is unknown to you, and NEVER provide financial information, passwords, or download from unknown links.  Also, never call a number provided in a pop-up, most well-known software companies will not provide a toll free number in this way.

Check Fraud Is on the Rise

Thieves are stealing checks out of the mail and changing payee information.  Here are some tips on how to keep your information safe and help avoid check fraud:

  • Fitness Centers, hiking trails, grocery and retail stores — make sure you never leave your wallet or purse unattended in public.
  • Do not send checks through your home mailbox. Take to post office and if putting in blue postal box outside make sure pickup is within a couple hours.
  • Instead of writing checks, use our online bill pay to send most payments via ACH not exposing your account number to third parties.
  • Keep an eye on your account.  Use online banking daily to review transactions for accurate payees and amounts. Report anything suspicious to us immediately.
  • When writing checks, use BLACK GEL ink pens.

If you experience account fraud, contact us immediately at 937-667-8461to freeze your account and prevent further loss. Also, report the fraud to the FTC by clicking here.

Fraud Payment Alert

If you can answer “YES” to any of the following questions, you could be involved in a FRAUD or about to be SCAMMED!

  • Is the CHECK from an item you sold on the Internet, such as a car, boat, jewelry, etc.?
  • Is the amount of the CHECK more than the item’s selling price?
  • Did you receive the CHECK via an overnight delivery service?
  • Is the CHECK connected to communicating with someone by email?
  • Is the CHECK drawn on a business or individual account that is different from the person buying your item or product?
  • Have you been informed that you were the winner of a LOTTERY, such as Canadian, Australian, El Gordo, or El Mundo, that you did not enter?
  • Have you been instructed to either “WIRE”, “SEND” or “SHIP” MONEY , as soon as possible, to a large U.S. city or to another country, such as Canada, England, or Nigeria?
  • Have you been asked to PAY money to receive a deposit from another country such as Canada, England, or Nigeria?
  • Are you receiving PAY or a COMMISSION for facilitating money transfers through your account?
  • Did you respond to an email requesting you to CONFIRM, UPDATE, OR PROVIDE your account information?

    Contact the Bank IMMEDIATELY at 937-667-8461 if you think you’ve fallen victim or have provided your account  information.

FDIC Consumer Education

The FDIC provides numerous consumer education pieces on their website which include quarterly consumer news articles with helpful information for all consumers as well as online videos on consumer issues like how to better protect your computer and yourself from identity theft, and steps to take if you have been victimized. The presentation: Don’t Be an On-Line Victim: How to Guard Against Internet Thieves and Electronic Scams is on the FDIC’s website.