Baby Massage and the Benefits by Aneeka Caley

Baby Massage and the Benefits

My name is Aneeka, and I am the Owner of Love Laugh Dream. I am a gentle parent and baby coach offering a range of beautiful classes empowering parents with valuable tools and techniques to enhance the bond with your baby.

One of the classes I offer is baby massage, and this article explains exactly what baby massage is and the benefits that come from it.


What is Baby Massage

Baby massage is the gentle and rhythmic stroking of your baby's body using your hands. Baby massage is a wonderful and special gift which parents can share with their babies. Baby massage is not a new phenomenon, it is an ancient art used in many diverse cultures to help with a variety of physical and emotional needs and to promote relaxation. The origin of baby massage is difficult to pinpoint. It has been widely used in India for hundreds of years where the art has been passed down from mother to daughter. Baby massage became popular in the west during the 1970’s after observing the therapeutic benefits in India.

In the UK Baby massage was introduced in the neonatal wards to support the development of premature babies. A study in 2004 found that babies in intensive care units that were massaged spent less time in hospital and had slightly better scores on development tests and slightly fewer postnatal complications.

Today, there is a belief that massage can increase a mum’s awareness of her baby’s needs and support their early bond, as well as improve her sense of well-being. The evidence is inconclusive, but parents do say that they find baby massage a lovely way of bonding with their baby.


Why is Baby massage important?

Baby massage aids the importance of touch for babies. The skin is a vital sensory organ, and it is the first organ developed by the baby in the womb and it is made of the same embryotic tissue as our brains. Just like our brains the skin is also thirsty for sensory experiences; therefore the lack of skin contact can have profound consequences on all the systems of our bodies. Massage enables parents to give their babies the skin contact they crave.

What are the benefits of baby massage?

“Human behaviours clearly show that touch is a basic behavioural need, much as breathing is a basic physical need that the dependent infant is designed to grow and develop socially through contact, tactile behaviour, and throughout life to maintain contact with others. Furthermore, when the need for touch remains unsatisfied, abnormal behaviour will result” (Montagu, Touching 1986)

Massage is a way to reinforce the power of touch and has many benefits that can be put into four main categories which are: -

        • Relief

        • Relaxation

        • Stimulation and Development

        • Bonding


Baby massage can aid relief of numerous conditions that a baby can suffer with which can cause them to be uncomfortable during the first months of their life. Massage can aid relief from colic and wind is an important benefit and it can help to tone the digestive tract, expel wind from the body, break down large air bubbles and help speed up myelination between nerve cells in the stomach and the brain and therefore making the digestion of food and elimination of waste more effective.

Massage can also aid the relief of teething pains by massaging the gums and mouth and it can also aid relief of congestion and cold by helping to drain the nasal passages of mucus.



Another benefit of baby massage is aiding relaxation and reducing stress for both the baby and the parent. Our bodies naturally process a group of hormones which can help to raise our blood pressure, increase our heart rate and prepare our muscles for movement when the body is under threat. These hormones are important in helping us to function effectively and survive. The hormone ACHT is a cortisol hormone, and it is responsible for creating new nerve connections which help in creating intelligence and responses to our environment, but when too much is produced the negative effects of stress can be felt. When you massage your baby, a hormone called oxytocin is released and this is known as the love hormone and this hormone helps to reduce the levels of cortisol hormone and in turn lowers blood pressure and decreases the heart rate. This will help to relax your baby and make them feel more comfortable. Massage also has positive effects for parents too, as it helps to also aid relaxation. When a mother massages her baby, she produces prolactin and oxytocin.


Stimulation and development

Stimulation of the skin is crucial to the development. Several studies have shown that stimulation of the skin speeds up myelination of the nervous system and therefore making more connections in the brain. Baby massage can also help to develop a baby’s emotions.


Baby massage plays an important part in beginning, enhancing, and continuing the boding process between baby and parent. The key factors that have been identified in the parent and baby bond are...

        • Eye contact to help recognise each other and communicate

        • Voice

        • Smell

        • Oxytocin and prolactin

        • Touch

Baby massage overall has a positive impact between parent and baby. It plays an important role in aiding the process of bonding with your baby and creating a secure attachment with your baby. Baby massage can be enjoyed by all parents and babies around the world.

If you would like to know more information about the classes that I offer, please get in touch.