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13 Essential Things You Need to Bring to Pride!
Mar. 29 2024
by Calvin Holbrook

13 Essential Things You Need to Bring to Pride!

It's a new year, the sun is shining, and we’ve got the sudden urge to dress up and wig out in the street. That can only mean one thing: it’s the start of gay pride season! But what should you carry with you when you travel with misterb&b for a gay pride party (apart from your gorgeous self, of course)? From the practical to the playful, here’s our list of the 13 essential things to bring to Pride...


1) Water (and plenty of it)

The majority of Prides are held during summer, so the combination of a hot sun belting down and marching or dancing like a lunatic means you’ll need to keep hydrated. Bring a big bottle of cold water (or two) with you: it’ll save you waiting in line to buy some, and it's bound to be overpriced at the event
. Bringing vodka ice pops doesn’t really count in terms of rehydration (but, hey, bring them anyway).



2) A colorful, cool AF outfit

Okay, so you don’t have to dress up in all seven colors of the rainbow flag, but pride is your chance to be seen and stand out! Whether you just want to sling on a colorful T or want to have some fun and dress up in drag, this is the one time in the year to put a little extra effort into your outfit and turn yourself out to look Insta-ready! 



3) Sunblock and shades

We love all the colors of the rainbow, but no one wants to end up rooster red during Pride. Apply a strong sunblock to your visible body bits at least 15 minutes before heading out into the throng. And if you’re going to end up whipping your shirt off, which is pretty likely, make sure you lotion up there, too. Post-pride peel just isn’t pretty. 



4) Rainbow flags...

Obviously, show the crowds your true colors with a rainbow flag or five. Put your hands in the air and wave them like you just don’t care.



5) ... and the complementary whistle

Okay, someone whistling in your ear can be really annoying, but it’s Pride, and we’re here to make as much noise as possible: we’re here, we’re queer, get over it! So, prepare to deafen the community and bring a whistle. When was the last time you blew on something so hard? On second thoughts, don't answer that question...



6) Comfy footwear

Following after floats and then voguing at the afterparty means you’re going to be on your feet for most of the day and night. So, pack a decent pair of breathable sneakers or similar. However much you may be tempted, do not wear flip-flops. We repeat: do not wear flip-flops. They’ll either fall apart/melt and won’t protect you from all the alcohol bound to be spilled over your poor tootsies. Oh, and potential drag stars: think twice about heels: booze and stilettos a great combo do not make. 



7) A witty sign

While we all love the chance to have a rave, for some people, Pride has become way too much about the party. But Pride still has a political purpose, especially those held in countries with fewer LGBTQ+ rights. So, jump on the bandwagon (or float) and DIY yourself a sloganed-up sign, and get marchin’! Stuck for ideas? You can always 'borrow' this line from Honey Boo Boo:



8) Cold, hard cash

Don't forget to take out your wad of notes the night before cos on Pride day, you know the line for the ATM is going to be as soul-destroying as the line for the bar. 



9) A handheld fan

A pre-requisite of any Pride, a mini electric handheld fan will help keep you chill. If you’re heading to Barcelona, Madrid, or any other Spanish prides, we recommend a traditional pericón fan. As well as keeping you cool, it adds additional camp points and can double-up to be used for shameless flirting: thworp yourself fast while gazing into the eyes of the chico you’ve just crushed on to get his attention. 



10) An open mind

Those of us under the LGBTQ+ umbrella encompass a wide variety of genders, sexualities, and races — not just your own. Take pride as a chance to engage and celebrate with other members of our community, especially those you might normally not hang out with. Also, bear in mind that these days many of the bigger gay Pride also attract the hetero crowd: we say as long as they’re LGBTQ+ allies, the more, the merrier!



11) A fanny pack

Aside from being on-trend, the fashion accessory of 2024 is a well-placed fanny pack. It keeps your cell phone and cash safe and makes a perfect place to stash other essential accessories (snacks, mints, band-aids, condoms, house keys, portable phone charger, that fan we were just going on about, etc.). A fanny pack means you can party hard at Pride without fear of having your belongings pilfered. Hurrah. 



12) Your best undies

Because you never know where the night may lead you… ;)



13) Your positivity and pride

Last but not least, make sure you bring your pride and show it off! As members of the LGBTQ+ community, we don’t get many other chances to come together, so stand up, be proud, and be counted: this is your chance to show the world who you really are and champion how far you - and LGBTQ+ rights as a whole - have come. It’s your day: live it up and be proud! Happy pride season, peeps! 



Inspired? Head over to our pride pages for a list of the major Prides around the world!


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