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State Budget Office

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State Budget Office

State Budget Office

SBO logo
The Michigan State Budget Office (SBO) is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the state budget, including development of the Executive Budget recommendation, presentation of the budget to the Legislature, negotiation of the enacted budget with the Legislature, implementation of the budget after enactment, monitoring the budget to ensure continued fiscal balance, and other budgetary analysis functions. 

SBO also houses the Office of Financial Management (OFM), Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Operations and Support, Office of Internal Audit Services (OIAS), and Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI).

Final Signed Budget Bills and Other Budget Actions

The Final Signed Budget Bills (or "Omnibus Bills") are the budget bills that have been passed by the legislative branch.

Current Fiscal Year Budget Documents

Current fiscal year budget documents include visual charts on spending and enacted summaries.

Spending and Revenue Reports

Spending and Revenue Reports outline how funds were spent in a given time period. Our annual and monthly reports, financial schedules and more are here.

Executive Budget and Associated Documents

The Executive Budget is the recommended fiscal budget as approved by the governor. Here you can view our executive budget documents and revisions.

Mid-Year Adjustment Requests

Documents include: Supplemental requests, mid-year transfer letters, executive orders