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Workforce Reports

The commission annually published a workforce report covering the previous fiscal year. The statistical information included is in summary form. When making comparisons, please note the data may represent a specific date or an average over a period of time. Totals may vary depending on the source used to select the data. The source used for each chart is identified.

Inquiries about this report may be directed to:  

Michigan Civil Service Commission
Bureau of Data & Applications Support
Data Management and Reports
(517) 897-2966

The annual workforce report was published in book form from FY 79-80 through FY 00-01.  In FY 01-02, the report became an electronic document.

The following Michigan libraries are permanent repositories for previous annual reports:

Detroit Public Library, Detroit
Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Library of Michigan, Lansing
Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing
Purdy/Kresge Library, Wayne State University, Detroit