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Boards and committees

Accessibility Advisory Council

The council provides guidance to help the DNR develop, manage and plan opportunities for those of all abilities to enjoy Michigan’s natural resources.

Belle Isle Park Advisory Committee

The committee advises the state on implementation of improvements, master planning and public safety for Belle Isle Park.

Board of Foresters

The board oversees Michigan's Registered Forester Program, handling complaints, reviewing applications, managing finances and promoting the program.

Citizens Waterfowl Advisory Committee

The committee provides feedback on waterfowl hunting regulations and wetland issues and offers input on existing and proposed waterfowl regulations, wetland conservation, habitat project planning and more.

Fisheries Division Citizens Advisory Committees

The nine DNR fisheries citizens advisory committees provide input, advice and recommendations on fisheries management.

Forest Management Advisory Committee

The committee helps the DNR balance environmental, social and economic issues in managing Michigan’s forest resources by advising on resource use opportunities, timber-related activities, forest health, recreation, biological diversity and habitat.

Michigan History Center Commissions & Committees

These public bodies advise the DNR on Michigan's diverse historical and cultural resources.

Natural Resources Commission

The commission, a seven-member public body whose members are appointed by the Governor, has exclusive authority to regulate the taking of game and sportfish, and is authorized to designate game species and authorize the establishment of the first open season for animals through the issuance of orders.

Natural Resources Trust Fund Board

The board's primary function is to submit to the Legislature a priority list of lands recommended for acquisition and/or development through the Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Program, which supports development and improvement of public outdoor recreation opportunities across the state.

Northern Lake Michigan Islands Collaborative

The collaborative is a diverse group of agencies, organizations and individuals working together for state-owned lands on northern Lake Michigan islands.

Pigeon River Country Advisory Council

The council advises the DNR on plans, programs and activities affecting the Pigeon River Country State Forest.

Pigeon River Country Equestrian Committee

The committee advises the DNR on equine use of the forest, including implementation of a “leave no trace” policy, improving equestrian facilities and addressing enforcement issues.

State Parks Advisory Committee

Serving as a citizens' advisory committee to the Natural Resources Commission and the DNR, this subcommittee advises on all Michigan state park-related issues.

Timber and Forest Products Advisory Council

The council provides advice and counsel to the governor and state departments on timber management and fostering the growth of the timber industry.

Trails Advisory Council

The council advises the DNR and the governor on the creation, development, operation and maintenance of state trails such as snowmobile, biking, off-road vehicle and more.

Upper Peninsula Citizens' Advisory Councils

Michigan's two Upper Peninsula advisory councils provide local input to advise the DNR on regional programs and policies.

Upper Peninsula Habitat Workgroup

The workgroup, comprised of natural resource professionals, private landowners and sportsmen's groups, focuses on improving and conserving critical Upper Peninsula winter deer habitat

Urban and Community Forestry Council

The council advises the DNR on advancing the conservation and maintenance of urban forests throughout Michigan.

Waterways Commission

The commission advises the DNR on the use of dedicated funds for the acquisition, development and maintenance of public harbors, boating access sites and specific locks and dams.

Michigan Wildlife Council

The Michigan Wildlife Council was created to educate about the importance of wildlife conservation and the role of hunters and anglers in preserving Michigan's great outdoor heritage for future generations.

Wolf Management Advisory Council

The council provides the DNR with advice and nonbinding recommendations for the proper management of wolves in the state.