The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigated those impacts, if feasible. CEQA applies to projects undertaken, or funded, or requiring discretion by a state or local public agency.
MBARD has two sets of guidelines; one addresses the MBARD’s role in implementing CEQA when lead agency and one provides guidance for other lead agencies when preparing environmental documents.
The MBARD's CEQA Guidelines were developed to assist local jurisdictions and lead agencies in complying with the requirements of CEQA regarding potential impacts to air quality. The Guidelines are also used by MBARD staff to review and comment on environmental documents.
MBARD recommends using the CalEEMod software program to calculate project emissions.
For additional information, please contact the Planning Division at (831) 647-9411.
Air Quality Standards Information
CEQA GuidelinesCEQA Guidelines - Appendix ACEQA - Guidelines Appendix BCEQA Guidelines - Appendix CCEQA ImplementationConsistency Procedure