Division I
The northernmost division in the Marin Water service area, Division I stretches into the Gallinas Valley and Sleepy Hollow, presses north to Marinwood and takes in portions of the coast from north of McNears Beach to north of John F. McInnis Park. It also takes in the Santa Margarita Valley, Las Gallinas and Santa Venetia.
Committee Assignments
Watershed Committee Chair
Matt Samson currently serves as the Deputy Fire Chief for the South San Francisco Fire Department in San Mateo County. He has spent 24 years in emergency services, beginning in Santa Barbara and continuing as a firefighter with the Marinwood Fire Department and now South San Francisco.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California – Santa Barbara in geography and is a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program where he earned the Manno Award for outstanding research on emerging fire services issues.
In addition to his deputy chief role, Matt enjoys teaching fire-related courses and has been a fire science instructor with the City College of San Francisco for the past 14 years. Director Samson was raised in San Rafael and is a longtime resident of Division 1 where he lives with his family in Terra Linda.