Understand how your water use impacts your bi-monthly bill
Water is our most precious resource. That fact came into sharp focus during the recent drought. But it’s no less precious today. With prolonged drought conditions becoming increasingly common, the need to build and maintain sustainable water use habits is as important as ever. Plus, building water efficiency into your daily routine can lead to lower bi-monthly water bills.
For single-family residential and duplex customers, use the bill estimator below to find out how your water use impacts your bill. Just use your most recent bi-monthly water bill to complete the steps in the bill estimator. Toggle different water usage values to see how small changes can make a big difference in your water bill.
This bill estimator uses water rates effective July 1, 2024, which will first be reflected on customer bills in September and October. For bills received in July and August of 2024, please see previous rate table effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024.
Note: This calculator is for estimating purposes only. For questions about your water bill, please contact Accounts and Billing at 415-945-1400. For a more detailed analysis of your household's water use, schedule a free consultation with our Water Efficiency Team through the Conservation Assistance Program.