From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Working with poses, posture, and poise

Working with poses, posture, and poise

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

Working with poses, posture, and poise

In photography, and especially in portraiture, there always are conversations about posing. You can look up tips about how to have someone pose in order to create a flattering image. Well, I've never really been comfortable with that language, and here is why. Let's say in acting, if someone takes on a pose, in a sense, they pose like they're confused, maybe they'll go like this. But there won't be much feeling in that, because in a sense, if you're posing you're sort of faking it. So, I like to think of it more like a poise and, and possibility and feeling. How do you capture those images that have that, how do you interact with a subject, so that you can create those images that have that sense of presence. And also, how you can sort of direct them in order to move. When it comes to directorial styles, there's so many different ways to do this. In order to make a little bit of a comparison, let's compare this, for example, to coaching. Let's say, a soccer coach. There are some…
