From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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The importance of authentic eye contact

The importance of authentic eye contact

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

The importance of authentic eye contact

Here I want to continue our conversation about directorial style, and about how we can create good photographs of the bride. And in particular I want to focus in on eye contact you know, in portraits what we really want to do is create this photograph where the subject is engaged where. Really making that connection. And so, eye contact is really important. Yet one of the things that's interesting, is that photography is kind of like a heightened conversation. You're working with the subject and as a photographer, when you have your camera up to your eye, it's kind of exciting. It's like People watching, and there you are focused in on the subject. Yet for the person being photographed, they're, they're returning your gaze, but often it can almost be like a stare down. They can be having too much eye contact, so eventually itlooks insincere. In comparison, if it were a conversation, if you and I were talking, eventually I would look away and think about something, and then look back…
