From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Photographing the details

Photographing the details

You know, there are only so many photographs that you'll need of the bride getting ready. And for me, after having captured a few frames of the bride getting ready, it was time to move on to another topic. What I wanted to do here was to bring the dress outside, and then capture a portrait of it, and to capture some other details as well. And if you're doing this on the day of a wedding, this may be your only opportunity to photograph the dress. So, let's jump to our footage when we started to work on some other details of this event. Here, we're going to talk a little bit about the importance of capturing those detail shots. As we mentioned in one of the previous installments in this series, details are so important with weddings because they help tell more of the story of this important day. We'll start off by focusing in on the wedding dress. You know, the wedding dress is really important. You want to document it, but you also want to try to create a quote, portrait of it. In…
