From the course: Using Stark for Accessible Design Projects

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Using the Vision Simulator

Using the Vision Simulator

- [Instructor] In this exercise, we're going to look at the Vision Simulator tool. And what better site to explore this tool than a photography site? This tool's primary focus is to sensitize you to how various users with specific vision issues will perceive your screens or page, and the keyword is perceive. So let's open it up. And you can see that the simulations are broken into two groups, Color Blind and Other. The first is how users affected with a form of colorblindness will perceive colors in your work. The second grouping simulates what users with a variety of vision issues will experience. So let's go through them. The first four are colorblind simulations. And we're not only going to look at how the images are perceived, but how that red text is also perceived. So we'll start with Protanopia, and you notice the distinct change in the images. This condition affects the perception of reds and greens. You can see that in the images, and if I roll over this image, notice the…
