From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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Shadowless lighting

Shadowless lighting

- [Voiceover] In this movie, we'll discuss the second style of lighting which is flat or shadowless lighting. And the idea here is if the shadows are proving too distracting you can either reduce or completely remove them. - [Voiceover] So here we're back with our frog fish. But you can tell in this case instead of having the key light off to the right and the fill light over the top we've now moved the fill light to the equal and opposite position of the key light on the left-hand side. And so, we're going to call this the "lazy" key and fill. So one of the benefits to this kind of lighting is that we can make either the left side strobe or the right side strobe the key light. So, let's go ahead and see what happens when we fire the strobes. So, what this is going to do is it's going to cause a little bit of a flattening of the subject. Because it's going to be casting two conflicting shadows. Honestly, it just looks kind of weird. - And bear in mind here that we've got the key…
