From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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- [Deke] In this movie, we'll be discussing how and why you might want to capture underwater fluorescence, as we're seeing exhibited by this tube anemone right here. And, this provides us with an opportunity to expose hidden colors that we wouldn't normally see. And by the way, I should add that fluorescence usually goes hand in hand with night photography. And so, let's talk a little bit about biofluorescence. Some animals fluoresce underwater, and examples include zooxanthellae, which are microscopic organisms that live in corals, as well as certain algae, and a bunch of other animals that we'll be showing you in just a moment. We're seeing a tubastrea coral, which contains that zooxanthellae, which is providing that green glow. And, you can excite this fluorescence with special lights and photograph it using color-barrier filters. And so, Hergen, before we go any farther, let's see a few examples. - [Hergen] So, here's one of my favorite fluorescence images. So, this little guy is…
