From the course: Tips for Better Collaborative Decision-Making

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Break through decision deadlock and conflict

Break through decision deadlock and conflict

From the course: Tips for Better Collaborative Decision-Making

Break through decision deadlock and conflict

- Teams are always asking me, "How do we make a decision when we feel stuck?" This often happens when there are opposing perspectives or when the team doesn't know what to do next. No matter the reason, here are four strategies to get out of a decision making rut. First, break down the decision. Chunk your problems into a few smaller decisions, and then address each part separately. This makes decision making more manageable because there will be many parts your team can agree on. Then you can identify where the disagreement is occurring. Two, bring in an external perspective. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes provides a less biased viewpoint and it can shake up the discussion, helping the team to move forward. Three, conduct a confidential vote. This can help you gauge where team members are on the decision without influencing each other. If everyone agrees that a majority wins, this can disrupt deadlock and help you move…
