From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

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Vlog or YouTube video

Vlog or YouTube video

- [Instructor] The planning stages of a video production are vitally important but sometimes overlooked by storytellers. Therefore, even a simple storyboard can substantially improve your videos and overall message. In this lesson, you will learn how to develop a storyboard for a vlog or YouTube video, as well as how to use both the draw, and search and apply techniques to populate your storyboard. In front of you, you can see a hybrid storyboard. In other words, you can use it digitally and collaborate directly in Canva or print it out for an in-person session. There's six different frames, and on top of each one, you would notice that there's a mark for the scene, the shot, and the frames themselves. This allows you to organize your sequence in chronological order. On the bottom, you can specify what type of equipment will be required to shoot this specific scene and the estimated timing. For example, if you're shooting…
