From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

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Data visualization and reporting

Data visualization and reporting - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Storytelling for Data and Design

Data visualization and reporting

- [Instructor] Organizations often see their biggest breakthroughs when they connect seemingly disparate approaches and ideas. The same goes for data and design. In this lesson, you will learn how to develop a storyboard for data visualization and why design plays such a pivotal role in the world of data and analytics. When telling stories with data, a lot of times you tend to hit what I would call, data source roadblock. In other words, as a storyteller, you want to be creative and flexible but to build a mockup data visualization, or dashboard, you still need to use realistic data sources that will populate your charts and tables. This can be an incredibly time consuming task which can derail you from the data story you are trying to tell. Luckily, storyboarding can make your creative process seamless. Let's look at the style of this storyboard. The frame boxes are slightly longer but this is because we're dealing…
