From the course: Software Testing: Tools

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- [Instructor] Postman by Postdot Technologies is my personal favorite when it comes to API testing. Postman empowers teams of all sizes to seamlessly collaborate in real time across shared workspaces and collections. Postman team workspaces ensure teams stay organized and maintain a single source of truth throughout the entire API development lifecycle. Postman is a fully functional API development environment and flexibly integrates with the software development lifecycle and the management software around it. Postman's built-in tools offer solutions for managing APIs in every stage of development, designing and mocking, testing, documentation, and monitoring. Postman also comes with various pricing plans from individual contributors to small development teams and large scale enterprise offerings. Postman collections are executable descriptions of an API and are the cornerstones of Postman's built-in tool set. Postman's workspaces are collaboration spaces for teams of any size and…
