From the course: Software Project Management Foundations

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Stakeholder mapping

Stakeholder mapping

- When you're enhancing an existing application, you have to be very careful to ensure that all your customers or stakeholders are identified and engaged in your efforts. By doing this, you'll make sure your enhancements don't alienate your users. One of the biggest mistakes that can be made is by only identifying direct users of your system. Sounds strange, but let's explore this idea. If we're enhancing an existing application, say, a website, of course the people who use the site need to be considered, but are they the only ones? No, of course not. Think about all the other people who indirectly use the website. For example, imagine we need to upgrade a bank's website. Now think about all the people besides your customers who rely on the website in some way. Perhaps there's a marketing department that uses the site to post about new products, or it pulls statistics from the site to see what customers use most…
