From the course: Selenium Essential Training
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Connect to GitHub - Selenium Tutorial
From the course: Selenium Essential Training
Connect to GitHub
- It's a good idea to connect a project to a source control repository. This way the project is hosted on the web and isn't contained to one machine. It is good for collaboration, by allowing the project to be shared and worked on with others. It also helps to allow further integrations with the WebDriver project, such as connecting it to a continuous integration server to run test every time code changes in the repository. I'll demonstrate setting up the exercise files directory, with Git and GitHub. In order to do this, it's necessary to have Git. If you don't already, it can be downloaded from which is shown here. And if you're not sure whether or not you have Git, from the terminal you can type, git space dash dash version, which will spit out a version if you already have Git installed or an error if you do not. Once Git is installed on your system, you'll want to navigate to where the exercise files are on your computer. On my computer, they're on my…
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