From the course: Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations

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- Now we're getting to the really exciting stuff. You've been to the shoot, you've taken your set of pictures, you're back home and you actually have to deliver something to your clients. So let's talk about what you deliver and how you deliver it to your clients. You're post production is not part of this. We've covered that elsewhere. You've got a set of pictures that are finished. I'm going to talk a little bit about photo housekeeping and then we'll get to the part where we get it to your client. But you're going to want to keep your photos in an archival format so when you've finished with whatever it is you're doing in post production, my recommendation is that you keep either a DNG file, which is a raw format, or a TIFF or a Photoshop doc, a PSD document. These are lossless, noncompressive, stable archive formats that you'll be able to keep forever and the pictures will always look good. JPGs don't work that well. JPGs are great for short term use, it's what you're going to…
