From the course: Real Estate Photography: Bathrooms

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Shooting with two lights

Shooting with two lights

- So again, the idea is to get a little sweeter, more natural looking light out of this and that aspect of things is working, but it's just fake, it just looks fake. So we got to adjust that, but some of you have seen this already, no doubt. Raise your hand if you saw the problem with this picture that I just noticed for the first time right now. And I'll just help out the rest of you by zooming in. Doh! I left a towel, sitting right there in front of the sink. So, that's embarrassing and it happens. You get so obsessed over the lines and the roses and okay, what if I put my light here, but it's going to reflect and if I adjust it and it's going to reflect and you get all into that stuff and you forget the larger picture, pardon the pun, but that's what it is. So, I've been thinking about all this so much, I never noticed that I left a folded-up towel that's been there from the moment we walked in here, sitting right there in front of that sink. It's not supposed to be there, it looks…
