From the course: R for Data Science: Analysis and Visualization

R for data science

- [Barton] Every element of our professional lives, and even our personal lives, is being transformed by data. But if you want to get the benefits of this data revolution, then you need to know how to work with data. And one of the best ways to do that is with R, a free and open-source language that was specifically developed for exploring and modeling data to help you find the insight that you need. I'm Barton Poulson. And in this course, we'll take a look at how you can get started with R. I'll show you how to install R, the RStudio environment, and additional code packages that extend R'S functionality. We'll see how to make data visualizations, how to wrangle data, and to calculate descriptive statistics. We'll work with some powerful methods for analyzing associations in data and building statistical models to help you get insight. We'll also see how you can document and share your work with others so they can get the same benefits of the data revolution. And so with that in mind, let's get started with learning R.
