From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
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Using the Shape tools - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop 2023 Essential Training
Using the Shape tools
- [Instructor] By default, the shape tools in Photoshop are vector based and the benefit of creating vector-based shapes is that they're resolution independent, so you don't have to worry about their size. After you draw a shape, you can transform the shape as large or as small as you'd like as many times as you'd like and they'll always maintain their quality. I'm going to tap the U key in order to select the shape tools. If we press and hold, you'll notice that there are several nested shape tools, and we'll be taking a look at those as well. I want to make sure that we're all starting in the same place, so I'm going to right click on my shape tool and just reset the tool. That's going to ensure that we are drawing a shape, rather than a path or pixels. We can choose what color we want to fill our shape with. If we click in the color swatch, we have the option of none or we can choose the color swatches or the…
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