From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Shooting by candlelight

Shooting by candlelight

(cross talk) So dinner has started. Steve is already in there shooting. He is really on the ball. I'm here kind of strategizing what I want to do. I've come into the room, and it's plainly dark, and so I know that there are some steps I am going to have to take. First step I took was I put a faster lens on my camera. I've got an f/2.8 lens that's going to let me get a nice wide aperture. It's going to help keep my shutter speed fast, so that I know that I'll be able to freeze motion. I also know that I'm going to need to make an ISO change, so I've dialed my camera up to ISO 400. Now, before I even take a shot, I'm going to find out if I'm right with my ISO idea, so I'm going to quickly just meter a shot. I'm just going to frame a shot of some kind, half-press the shutter button, and see what my camera chooses for shutter speed. I'm in Program mode right now, because I'm thinking I just want to keep this as simple as possible on my end. I can always make it more complicated later. So,…
