From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Manipulating long shutter speeds

Manipulating long shutter speeds

In the last couple of the movies, you've seen us directly manipulating the light in our scene. You see how we used ISO to control how much the light we were adding was burning into our scene, and we used a very long shutter speed to give ourselves lots of time to work. We were still using aperture to think about depth of field. We set our ambient light first and then went to work painting with light. We were thinking of light as a commodity, as something we can pour onto the frame, as something we could simply add to the image as we chose. This is one of the advantages of low- light photography, where we can have this long shutter speed that gives us lots of time to work and that gives us lots of time to slowly add light to different parts of our scene. I left the crew in the basement last night with some cameras and they started playing around and had a lot of fun doing the light-painting type of things that we've already seen, but while changing the scene before them. They had a…
