From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash

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Flash exposure

Flash exposure

- To understand flash exposure you have to have a solid understanding of basic exposure theory. Shutter speed, aperture, ISO. If you're not comfortable with such theory, then check out my exposure course. I'm about to throw a bunch of stuff at you that sounds really complicated, but the cool thing about flash exposure theory is that you can easily puzzle it all out for yourself if you just remember one thing. Your flash fires for a particular duration. It turns itself on and off in a very short period of time. It can get away with doing this because in that time, it puts out a huge amount of light. Let's take a super slow motion look at what happens when you press the shutter button to take a picture. Imagine that time has slowed down. Yes this course may already be making your feel that way, but let's just imagine that time has slowed down, and that you're sitting inside a camera that is about to take a picture of me. When the shutter button is pressed, the shutter opens and begins…
