From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Perspective can be interesting to work with because it's an immediately balancing thing. It's hard to really get an unbalanced image with perspective. However, when you're working with perspective there's something you need to bear in mind, and that is focal length. Now we've talked about this at a couple of other points in this course. As you go to a longer focal length, as you zoom in, the sense of depth in your scene will be compressed. As I stand here right now, looking down this row of trees, my eyes with their focal length, see a certain amount of distance between the trees and they see lines that are receding at a particular angle, but I can change that depending on my focal length. Watch what happens if I go to my shortest, that is my widest angle focal length, and take a shot, I get this. Trees are spaced really far apart now. The lines are at a fairly steep extreme angle and the trees look pretty small. Nothing wrong with this…
