From the course: Photography 101: Shooting Macros and Close-Ups

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Shooting macro: Flowers in a natural setting

Shooting macro: Flowers in a natural setting

From the course: Photography 101: Shooting Macros and Close-Ups

Shooting macro: Flowers in a natural setting

When you start shooting macro, one of the first things that'll come to mind is shooting flowers. Flowers are beautiful, they're colorful, they're pretty much everywhere and they have the added benefit that your friends and family are going to enjoy looking at nice pictures of them. So let's talk about how to make great pictures of flowers. Here I have this lovely red and yellow flower that I really wish I knew what it was called, but I don't. But it's still lovely, and I want to take some nice pictures of it. Now we are going to start really simple and obvious. I'm just going to shoot pretty much straight down on it. Now let's talk about the gear for a moment. Today I am shooting with a Cannon 5D, and I've got on here a 100 millimeter macro lens. I'm going to go ahead and take a picture of this just straight down. I'm in Aperture Priority Mode. And I've got a medium-ish setting on the aperture, let's actually go to about F8 on there. That should give me not too shallow of a depth of…
