From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

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Storyboarding the shoot

Storyboarding the shoot

Chris Orwig: One of things that I'd like to do after I've scouted a location is while that location is still fresh in my mind is to begin to think of images that I want to create. Because a lot of times when you're shooting, what you're doing is your processing a ton. And I always want to go in to shoot with some ideas, something that I want to try to accomplish. Now of course, you have to react to what's happening, but it's helpful to have some behind the scenes thoughts. So what I do is after I've scout a location I pull out my journal or a sketchpad and I sketch out some ideas. So last night what I did was I sketched out these different ideas. One was I wanted to create an image, which I'm kind of calling walking the line, kind of balancing on that center line. Really taking advantage of this linear aspect of the bridge and all those lines and the shapes and the forms that, that creates. Another one was perhaps a vertical shot where the shoulder, he is leaning on shoulder. So it's…
