From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Design templates for Instagram stories

Design templates for Instagram stories - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Design templates for Instagram stories

- [Instructor] Hey everybody Sean Duggan, here, and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, we're gonna check out an app for Android and iOS called Unfold that provides some very nice design templates that you can use with your Instagram stories. Let's take a look. So, if you tap the plus button, you can start a new story, give it a name, here. I'm actually gonna work with a story that I already have in progress, here. Up in the top-right, there's a pencil button that allows you to delete stories, or if you tap the pencil down by the title, you can rename them. We'll tap on that again to turn that off. And then, up in the upper-left, is the access to the store, where you can purchase more design template series. They're pretty reasonable. They're 99 cents. The one of the film edges, here, the FF1, that one's $1.99. We're gonna take a look at that in more detail a little bit later, but for now, let's just tap on the Morning story, and we'll work with this. So I already have a couple of…
