From the course: Microservices Foundations

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Bounded context

Bounded context

- When deciding how to size your microservices, one common strategy is to leverage domain-driven design. And as such, to focus on the bounded context when decomposing a large multi-domain system into individual services. Understanding how to properly decompose an application for a microservices implementation is not an easy task, and this design pattern can help you. The core concept is to investigate your working system and determine the domains, then focus on the boundaries of those domains, as well as the inner workings of them. Use that knowledge to break your services up. Most of the early mistakes in migrating an existing monolith into a microservices architecture comes from either making your services too granular or not granular enough. The key to finding the sweet spot on granularity is to leverage domain-driven design, but to do so in an educated manner first. So let's talk about determining the bounded context for your domains. The gut reaction may be to just break your…
