From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Merging HDR images

Merging HDR images

- Sometimes when you're out photographing a scene, you're going to encounter lighting conditions that can make it really difficult to show the lighter and darker areas with a single exposure. This is because your eyes can actually adjust, to where the camera sensor can't. But if you adjust the camera, by allowing it to bracket, in other words, shoot multiple exposures with different settings, well, now it's possible to capture the full dynamic range in a series of photographs. This will, in fact, actually let you see details in the camera that the eye could struggle with or might miss. Now, in this case, I went and photographed a boat. Here's the base exposure, but you'll notice that parts of the sky are a little bit bright. So by underexposing, I was able to really capture the cloud details. But since there's a boat here, and movement, things are kind of bobbing up and down, plus that flag there is blowing. You can…
