From the course: Managing Anxiety Triggers with Effective Techniques

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Suppressing negative emotions

Suppressing negative emotions

- [Speaker 1] You make a strong contrast between the bound, the bound self, the bound emotions, the bound body even, and the sovereign. Talk us through what being bound feels like, what it looks like in day-to-day lives. Let's start with emotions, and contrast with being sovereign. Which is not a word we use in English very often, you know? - [Speaker 2] Yes, yeah, the bound is really, the bound state, the umbrella is really that we're in a state that is not where we want to be. You know, whether, and that's how you can think of where really, but let's go down to emotions. You know, no matter how many PhDs someone has, or MDs, or black belts or whatever, just as they know how to cook, most people have as much education about what to do with their big, bad, negative emotions as a five-year-old, right? We don't get formal training in these things, we wish we did. And most audiences that I've spoken to from all around the world, when I ask, what do you do with your big, bad, negative…
